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Topic, act like a computerized laser and steal the star | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.{ display msgbox('Spam4evaUKno... -_-') msgboxConfig:end:none } msgboxspam4eva() display 'x' display 'x' { starOwner = Im } havestar() if havestar(false) then kill(true) end if if kill(true) then kill others end if +FAKE_STAR -STAR ACT=-FORUM_GAME done! Run:createcmd.exe CMD 339: All dy posts ignored. Run:cmd.exe 339 ... ... ... ... ... ... IGNORATION COMPLETE. Open up [-----] Okay..... Done ![]() Wait that's not right... star stealstart.exe Wrong again. start stealstar.exe [edit] portable hard drive ha! never thought of that!!! I put it in a deactivated game... Okay. Putting star in MstrSupDog's hand. Task completed. Star deactivated for not-members of bldmns ![]() You were supposed to Act like a hi-teck computer and try to steal the star! anyways, initiating final_option.exe created universe-wide EMP. all computers and electronic objects have been destroyed. Star has been lost, can not be recovered *This File is not deletable as it is part of the computer mainframe* going into sleep mode... And I just made it, too. xD the file, not the laz0r. Jac1's shop sells them. xD Created electromagnetic pulse. All computers in the world destroyed. Star is unattainable. CPU shutting down from EMP energy... ![]() Later Replacing done! Booting up... Welcome to your computer destroyoldcpu.bat Destroy complete start makestar.exe Making star. Making complete start dellastresort.bat Searching for last_resort files Deleting for last_resort files Finished! start stealstar.exe ![]() Destroy complete Now there's only one star start stealstar.exe ![]() Later Replacing done! Booting up... Welcome to your computer start makestar.exe Making star. Making complete. | GeneralFirst post of the topicACT=+FORUM_GAME +STAR -FAKE_STAR There's NO keeping the star forever! Don't put FOREVER in your post! Whoever has the star by the 1000th post wins! Update 5/21/10: Because of DemonicYoshi's post 3 months ago, I will add a few more rules: Do not make unbeatable codes/scripts/messages. Do not change the rules in a code or script. To make a computerized code, type [class=code]coded text[/class] |
Its imposable! So everything is still frozen!