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Topic, act like a computerized laser and steal the star | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message."...it denies any access to itself so you can`t do anything to it!" if it can't deny access to itself why did you say it has? case closed you has no firewall :P also the code is on MY computer and specifically designed for BL, it's called BLode :D also you never specified the firewall was only accessible by you also I deleted you :P begin curproglang:=myown; var idiot:bonuslevelorgprofile; open(http://www.bonuslevel.org/users/profile_812.html); bonuslevelorg.inbox.print(812,'Fail! I blocked any access to firewall! And you didn printed what is that 8097'); open(http://www.bonuslevel.org/forum/postmsg.php?get_subjectid=1917&get_updateid=Inbox&get_elem=ibxcompages&get_width=238&get_ar=0&get_misc=0); idiot:=bonuslevelorguseridtobonuslevelorgprofile(812); bonuslevelorg.profile.delete(idiot); if bonuslevelorg.profile.getusername(812)=MARC2008 then while(true) inbox.print(812,'Fail! I blocked any access to firewall! And you didn printe what is that 8097'); open(http://www.bonuslevel.org/forum/postmsg.php?get_subjectid=1917&get_updateid=Inbox&get_elem=ibxcompages&get_width=238&get_ar=0&get_misc=0); end. showtext("lol you missed antivirus noob :P") block(antivirus) block(firewall) temp=find(8097) delete temp [output] uninstalled firewall lol you missed antivirus noob :P blocked antivirus blocked firewall found 8097(madball) deleted 8097(madball) begin curproglang:=myown; if firewall.status=doesntexists then begin firewall.download; firewall.install; end; firewall.launch; firewall.setfilter(starstealer.exe,deny); firewall.setfilter(firewall.exe,deny); end. while(1) { getstarangle(812) setplayerangle(812,getplayerangle(812)+getstarangle(812)) if(getdist(812,"star")<1) getstar(812) else move(812,1) } var isstarfound:boolean; begin curproglang:=myown; isstarfound:=lookforwardforstar; if isstarfound=true then begin stepforward(1); if ((star.x-Madball.x>-1)and(star.x-Madball.x<1))and((star.y-Madball.y>-1)and(star.y-Madball.y<1)) then steal(star); end else turnbydegrees(1); end. //Star stolen! levelup(812) [output] 812(MARC2008) is now level 2! ![]() start textedit.exe What? It's all I know how to program, other than VBScript error msgs. to me that's...C++ [edit] I can make command lines thats why ![]() Y start textedit.exe What? I'm pretty much using MSDOS code, which dosen't have brackets. I guess Imcode basically has a direct text command. So MARC, stop being fussy!!! Plus, I upgraded textedit so there can be class and spoilers and links and other stuff in it! :D close textedit.exe start stealstar.exe { textshow("Nobody chooses how code works except microsoft, and also macromedia, and whoever made javascript too, and Thyme(Algodoo code) :P") return 0 } [output] Nobody chooses how code works except microsoft, and also macromedia, and whoever made javascript too, and Thyme(Algodoo code) :P code successfully executed (return code 0) [edit] and the code executes only once XD [re-edit] so it only should work if you define 'lololol' as true and not write it like a function and before you ask questions about it code fail :P { give.obj_star to.user_Im } if lololol(false) then { delete.obj_star add.obj_MARC-eater(x948y3793) //That is in MARC's house btw. :3 } lololol(true) oh well I has star :3 ![]() I meant it as more of a joke and an excuse to FIRE MAH LAZOR at u. ![]() | GeneralFirst post of the topicACT=+FORUM_GAME +STAR -FAKE_STAR There's NO keeping the star forever! Don't put FOREVER in your post! Whoever has the star by the 1000th post wins! Update 5/21/10: Because of DemonicYoshi's post 3 months ago, I will add a few more rules: Do not make unbeatable codes/scripts/messages. Do not change the rules in a code or script. To make a computerized code, type [class=code]coded text[/class] |
Ha! your puny firewall is nothingcompared to my supershield!
Plus, you can't destroy or uninstall it!