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Topic, act like a computerized laser and steal the star

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Hexicube 14 years ago
  //actionscript is better :P
//you can really screw up stuff in C++ lol
//so this is C++ >:D
int main()
//destroyUsers(destroy ID,skip ID)
[returned text]
Success rate: 99%
1 error: could not delete user ID 1
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
  you spelled it wrong. it's supposed to be...

Shiro 14 years ago
  IMA FIRING MAH LAZER!!!! bwaaaaa
gamelover101 14 years ago
  start textedit.exe

You dumped yogurt on me, not my computer
Thx to you, I don't have to buy yogurt for weeks!

But oh well...

Activate supershield.

close textedit.exe
start foodmgr.exe -store

Welcome to Food Manager v5.02

Store item: Yogurt
Amount: 5000 gallons


start stealstar.exe
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
#n00btrans.on // n00b translator on
#gps.on // turn on GPS
#search.yogurtgallon // search for a gallon of yogurt
#brightness.dim.40 // dim the brightness by 40%
#copy.yogurtgallon.5000 // copy the gallon of yogurt 5000 times
#paste.pos.gamelover101+50z // paste 50 cm above gamelover101 // open text document
#font.Arial // set font to Arial

Is that enough yogurt for ya?
I don't care. the yogurt shorts out ur computer!

#save.all // saves all applications' projects
#close.all // close all applications
#shutdown.wc // shut down mini watch computer
gamelover101 14 years ago
  start classmgr.exe

Class: Code
Code added successfully!

start userhide.exe -noabort -nohijack
Please choose an userid to hide: 5591
Please choose a target userid: 3873

Host user: gamelover101
Target user: MarioLuigi2009

Press Enter to Submit Changes, Esc to reset, or Ctrl+Esc to exit
Changes Submitted.

start stealstar.exe -highpriority
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
  i was going to edit that but im too lazy.
and der, you got the address very incorrect.
ive edited it.
oh and i just realized... WHAT YOGURT?!?!
gamelover101 14 years ago
  why spoon? tis is steal the star!

and damn, I want to eat my yogurt, again!

delete D:\MarioLuigi2009\costumes
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
_ <->_______O
{ ( ) }____'|'
__ ._______/_\
________________|WAIT UNTIL <NOT {TOUCHING "star"}>|
________________|SWITCH TO COSTUME (userid)|
~~~SCRATCH 1.4~~~
Hexicube 15 years ago
  demonicyoshi, do I care about your rules? they break MarioLuigi2009's rules! THEY DO NOT EXIST BECAUSE OF THAT!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  but no-one can do anything from 1 month ago, im cant even post and neither can you.
Hexicube 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
  But... I made FOREVER legal. :(
Hexicube 15 years ago
  ok seriously you're all overcompetitive...stop making unbeatable scripts, fake stars, or ANYTHING that either directly or indirectly breaks the rules, demonicyoshi your 'awesome' script breaks the rule that states no keeping the star forever because there is no way to steal it.
(yea I wrote in caps it proves a point!)
Im 15 years ago
  if illegal.forever(false)
Putting FOREVER in your post is not illegal
if illegal.forever(true)
Asplode w0rld
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  if you think you can steal the star, please read my post from 1 month ago.
You will find out that you cant steal the star.
SuperDog 15 years ago
  start stealstar_superdog_only.exe
end stealstar_gamelover101_only.exe
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  too bad i still have the star.... You cant beat my code.
gamelover101 15 years ago
  end end.exe

start stealstar.exe
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  end stealstar.exe
gamelover101 15 years ago
  start stealstar.exe
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
start showobj.exe____
end showobj.exe______
start stealstar.exe__
end stealstar.exe____
start textedit.exe___
say "i have the star"
end textedit.exe_____
gamelover101 15 years ago
  start stealstar.exe

start makestar.exe -fakestar -overriderules

move C:\makestarmachine\fakestar.exe

Move to: D:\BLTowers\gamelover101\table\star

start hideobj.exe

Object: Star

start textedit.exe
No one can see it except for me now!
Hexicube 15 years ago
  BORING! Hey, lets make a random forum on my website! I will invite who I please :)
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  But i can edit my post to give the star away, so technically i dont have it forever, i just have it for now. =)

Maybe for christmass ill give you the star for a few days.
Im 15 years ago
  OK... This game is finished... There is no point in having it now. Let's go.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  but because no other post is allowed then you effectively always have it
[edit] and you just explained it ^^
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  i never put FOREVER in my post. And i never mentioned keeping it forever, you just assume i'll have it forever because theres noway to steal it.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  demonicyoshi, you hate losing don't you XD
you can't always have the star, rule 4 states no keeping FOREVER
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  but i restarted the game, so anything before my post dont count, and anything after my post is disregarded.


First post of the topic

MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  Act like a hi-tech computer and try to steal the star! Do something to steal the star. You can hide the star. There are NO fake stars and there is only 1 star! you have to type the message in some kind of a code.


There's NO keeping the star forever! Don't put FOREVER in your post!

Whoever has the star by the 1000th post wins!
Update 5/21/10: Because of DemonicYoshi's post 3 months ago, I will add a few more rules:
Do not make unbeatable codes/scripts/messages.
Do not change the rules in a code or script.
To make a computerized code, type [class=code]coded text[/class]
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