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Topic, act like a computerized laser and steal the star | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ![]() ![]() You dumped yogurt on me, not my computer Thx to you, I don't have to buy yogurt for weeks! But oh well... Activate supershield. close textedit.exe start foodmgr.exe -store Welcome to Food Manager v5.02 Store item: Yogurt Amount: 5000 gallons Stored! start stealstar.exe start supershield.com #n00btrans.on // n00b translator on #gps.on // turn on GPS #search.yogurtgallon // search for a gallon of yogurt #brightness.dim.40 // dim the brightness by 40% #copy.yogurtgallon.5000 // copy the gallon of yogurt 5000 times #paste.pos.gamelover101+50z // paste 50 cm above gamelover101 #textdoc.open // open text document #font.Arial // set font to Arial Is that enough yogurt for ya? I don't care. the yogurt shorts out ur computer! #save.all // saves all applications' projects #close.all // close all applications #shutdown.wc // shut down mini watch computer ![]() Class: Code Code added successfully! start userhide.exe -noabort -nohijack Please choose an userid to hide: 5591 Please choose a target userid: 3873 Host user: gamelover101 Target user: MarioLuigi2009 Press Enter to Submit Changes, Esc to reset, or Ctrl+Esc to exit Changes Submitted. start stealstar.exe -highpriority and der, you got the address very incorrect. ive edited it. oh and i just realized... WHAT YOGURT?!?! ![]() and damn, I want to eat my yogurt, again! delete D:\MarioLuigi2009\costumes _ <->_______O { ( ) }____'|' __ ._______/_\ <SCRIPTS> 'COSTUMES' 'SOUNDS' .----------. |FOREVER IF| :----------'----.-----------------------. |TOUCHING "star"|SWITCH TO COSTUME "poo"| '---------------:-----------------------'----------. ________________|WAIT UNTIL <NOT {TOUCHING "star"}>| ________________:--------------------------.-------' ________________|SWITCH TO COSTUME (userid)| ________________'--------------------------' ~~~SCRATCH 1.4~~~ JUST STOP MAKING IT ANNOYING FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!! (yea I wrote in caps it proves a point!) then Putting FOREVER in your post is not illegal illegal.forever(false) im.keep.star.forever if illegal.forever(true) then Asplode w0rld You will find out that you cant steal the star. end stealstar_gamelover101_only.exe ![]() begin________________ start showobj.exe____ obj=star_____________ ...__________________ done_________________ end showobj.exe______ start stealstar.exe__ ...__________________ done_________________ end stealstar.exe____ start textedit.exe___ say "i have the star" end textedit.exe_____ end__________________ ![]() start makestar.exe -fakestar -overriderules move C:\makestarmachine\fakestar.exe Move to: D:\BLTowers\gamelover101\table\star start hideobj.exe Object: Star start textedit.exe No one can see it except for me now! Maybe for christmass ill give you the star for a few days. [edit] and you just explained it ^^ you can't always have the star, rule 4 states no keeping FOREVER | GeneralFirst post of the topicACT=+FORUM_GAME +STAR -FAKE_STAR There's NO keeping the star forever! Don't put FOREVER in your post! Whoever has the star by the 1000th post wins! Update 5/21/10: Because of DemonicYoshi's post 3 months ago, I will add a few more rules: Do not make unbeatable codes/scripts/messages. Do not change the rules in a code or script. To make a computerized code, type [class=code]coded text[/class] |
//you can really screw up stuff in C++ lol
//so this is C++ >:D
int main()
//destroyUsers(destroy ID,skip ID)
[returned text]
Success rate: 99%
1 error: could not delete user ID 1