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Topic, act like a computerized laser and steal the star | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.then the computer acidentaly renamed it on its logs (but on its logs ONLY) so i fixed the error since it dosnt make a difference You didn't delete the World because your computer don't know what it is xD You uploaded the object "Wold" so you deleted something I don't know what is Muahahahahaaaaaa imput password=☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ password=corect [TRUE] (4:54)DE-materialize object-World (4:55)UPLOADING OBJECT "World" to computer data base...... (5:00)UPLOAD COMPLETE (5:01)Delete- World Object_Im=Alive If Object_Im=Alive do next actions Terminate Object_Im Burn the pieces left after the previous action Spread the ashes in the Pacific Ocean Trap Object_Im's Soul/Ghost in an Anti-ghost box Bury a hole in Antarctica and throw the box down there Freeze the hole Put the star on top of his grave to make sure he don't get escape When above is done do next: Object_Demonicyoshi=Blue Command: Summon Object_BlueEatingMonsters=True If above is true attach a Nuclear bomb in each Object's stomach Command: Set_Timer=12.00 Command: Start_Countdown BROADAST: Who's dead now? if object = pink command:{destroy} if object commandDestroyed object = object_starOwner object_Im say ""No....What!?"" and i love the Matrix, but i only saw the first movie (aperently theres like 4 or something) please dont spoil them for me, on the ocassion i get to wach them. But then again... anyone seen Matrix? where the architect restarts the "real" world 7 seven times... because that's waht i'm going to do now xD *Boop* *Beep* Read- no, i used code to get it! read my post 2 days ago... YOU ALL FAIL i rematerilized the star into the real world as in you cant win, star isnt in the computer, code wont work anymore. (so star is not purple not blue, i still have it from 2 days ago, and used code to obtain it) star = blue say: now what Im? Read- Hey while you guys spend your time fixing your computers (but seriosly that would be a waste of time), i'll just take this star to Canada (and also hire some bodygaurds, maybe some pirates or the mofia) object_starOwner = object_Im Enter:search {object=star} 00110001 0001110001 1010100 1110000 100011 0101110 objects found: ... ... ... stargate ... ... need actors for stargate atlantis Be a star! Hollywood need more stars Get your ow star ... ... Starpath valley is... ... ... ... ... *one houer later* Continue___cancel<---- seaching cancelled thank you for use 'search star / find star. (has 99.9999999% of not finding what you want) Phone: That way! â˜â˜ž <_> While_ you read the "Phone: That way! â˜â˜ž" Sign, i took star:: Star Stats: ▇▇ Stolen 33 times:: plus the star is outside the computer, codes wont work on it anymore! And sillius you should be right but appenently some one locked the posisions of the people before you tried to move them. And by the way, servers are computers that contain the information of a website (or websites) That was easy saywhat = nodon'teatmeiwillgiveyoucheesethattasteslikemarshmellow Status; Killed Mr.Computer_virus. *alert*-*alert* Tro.. Troj.. Troja.. biiiiiiiiiiiiib... Trojan virus Found! BIIIIB BOOOB!_ :starting_Avast Antivirusv10.435 = Folder: /d:/Antivirus/MyComputer/ _virus found. :Sending_virus_droids! Virus: Terminated! *Stealing star:* realworld materializer DOWNLOAD COMLETE ----------------------------------- C/programfiles/realworld materializer imput password=☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ password=corect [TRUE] materialize object-star- to location- demonic yoshi ------------------------------------ upload-c/program files/demonicVirus UPLOAD SUCESSFUL Send-demonicvirus to- World Wide Web ------------------------------------- Read- DemonicVirus Target=internal computer hard-drive step 1=Download to contact computer step 2=deleat all existing programs step 3=terminate target Failure=repeat- step 2+ | GeneralFirst post of the topicACT=+FORUM_GAME +STAR -FAKE_STAR There's NO keeping the star forever! Don't put FOREVER in your post! Whoever has the star by the 1000th post wins! Update 5/21/10: Because of DemonicYoshi's post 3 months ago, I will add a few more rules: Do not make unbeatable codes/scripts/messages. Do not change the rules in a code or script. To make a computerized code, type [class=code]coded text[/class] |