Play the games, create the levels

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Coolguy52 14 years ago
  Like eating beans and brussl sprouts but Sprouts brussl and beans eating like!
LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  May I ask for someone to teach me to be better JG2 player? pl0x?
SimonM 14 years ago
  Argh, that woman with the legs must have pain if she can do that
rocky 14 years ago
  imma firin mah lazor
gamelover101 14 years ago
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  Notice that noobs use the same "picture" for their profile as great people to make themselves look cool.

(Like witold used starpower's picture.)
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Oh noes, illusion!
LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  Has she got a cut on her leg or somthing? And besides, she has a twisty leg! xDDDDDD
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  Japan should (not) be responsible of illusions!
gamelover101 14 years ago
  No I don't!

\ | /
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  U fayul at stik figars.
gamelover101 14 years ago
rocky 14 years ago
gamelover101 14 years ago
chris3000 14 years ago
gamelover101 14 years ago
rocky 14 years ago
  children'z kard gamez ftw
gamelover101 14 years ago
rocky 14 years ago
  I think the answer is my question.
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  My question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: my question is: this question!
chris3000 14 years ago
  it's way past my bedtime, bye!
SuperMario 14 years ago
gamelover101 14 years ago
  OMFG I GOT HD 1080p!
SuperMario 14 years ago
  My quiestion is my question is?
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Make a sandwich! :D :D: D
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Ummmm... My questin is what comment I wil make?
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Good for you ._.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  "OK, is BL spying on me? A minute ago I was searching for The Periodic Table Chart and a minute later it's on the Ads By Google! O_O"
GL101 I pointed that out at least a month ago
SuperDog 14 years ago
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  I know, I laughed 'till my stomach hurt yesterday.


First post of the topic

niimporta 15 years ago
  Here you can post EVERYTHING you wan't.
So, let's GO!

**!!Knobs are allowed, but only if you use them with parsimony!!**

Ideas to post:

Pictures of the editor of levels
Something about games
Interesting stuff (like The canopener has been invented 42 years after the can)
Funny things
Funny Pictures
Funny videos
Funny histories
Or not funny histories
Spam (like PIE PIE PIE...)
and more..
Weird thing from other language (like PIE means feet in spanish..)
Do what U wan't, but don't insult!
And no flooding, we don't want to get drowned in messages (flooding = posting big messages)

1 visits from 1 Visitors on this topic, 52 minutes after the topic was created*

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