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Topic, New Awards 2

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jasperpostema 13 years ago
Skilled Mouse
Complete more than 500 levels of Path for Mouse
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  See the P4M forum to see my image :D
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  I think the Social Gamer is not a good award. or at least drain the EXP to 10 or something, because 50 is far too much!
chris3000 13 years ago
  There should at least be an award for BB2.

Complete 500 levels of BB2 (+100 EXP)
azz 13 years ago
  Make 5 collaboration levels.
Friendly creator?
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Thank you Ferrari12, and BTW that Immortal Dance Cheat (EXP+1) is ridiculous. BTW I have completed 432 levels of P4m :D
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  I'd say delete the awards for completing 15 and 40 p4m officials and replace them with something useful like Jasper's suggestion.
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Never pity to have too much awards :D
SimonM 13 years ago
  There are already 5 awards on p4m.
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  What about an award for Complete 750 levels of P4m (EXP+100)
azz 13 years ago
  I would have year of faith twice
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Wow, I'm desperate for an award. I want EXP!!! :p
devil_piez 13 years ago
  i think i got a good one
allyally 13 years ago
  Not quite...
devil_piez 13 years ago
  is this topic dead?
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  If the Year Of Faith award was official,I would have it soon.

EDIT: I would have 6 days to go until I get it.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Lemme guess, the character limit again? /:)
allyally 14 years ago
  Award Ideas:
1) An Award for spending over 100 hours on the site. (50 EXP )
2) An Award for making 25 official levels. ( 150 EXP )
Suggested Image:

3) An Award for bringing 50 or more visitors on the site (not in 1 day). ( 100 EXP )
Suggested image:
5) An Award for making an official level at least in 3 differents games. ( 50 EXP )
Suggested image:
6) Veteran craftsman: An Award for making at least 100 accepted levels (combined with all games). ( 50 EXP )
Suggested image:
7) All-round Addict: complete 2000 levels (combined with all games)(150 exp?)
Suggested image:

8) Year of Faith: Stay active on BL for 1 year ( EXP+50 )
Suggested image:
9) Speed Shopper: SDMv2:Shopping (Captain Dan v Zombie Plan) in less than 200(?) seconds,
10) +Complete Climb That! (Moonlights) in under 150 moves, ( EXP+50 )
Suggested Image:

11) Cliff Lover: Complete Cliffrunner (Jump Gear 2) with more than 100,000 points. (EXP +50)
Suggested Image:

12) Sponsored Pusher: complete the level im getting sponsored (Push) in less than 10 seconds.
Suggested Image:

13)5 in 5 Officials: Create 5 official levels in 5 different Games. (EXP +100)

14)Stop The Sky: Complete The Level Falling Sky (BLockoban 2) In Less Than 10 Moves. (50 EXP)
allyally 14 years ago
  If you really want but its his choice,
rocky 14 years ago
  @allyally: So can I PM jp to come to this topic?
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Yeah, Ringmania REALLY needs an award.
allyally 14 years ago
  He checks this topic now & again to see whats good,
rocky 14 years ago
  @DY: Yeah, that would probably the most efficient.

How do you make a reward "official?" Do you just contact JP? If so, we can do it right now. :P (i.e. the BB2 Addict, Monocled Maverick, Double Sided Die, etc.)
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  but what if you completed over 100 levels, would it only count your best 100?
rocky 14 years ago
  Ring of Fire would be a good name for a RM award.

How about an award called Speed Pusher where you have to complete a minimum of 100 official push levels and have a score of 1000 or less?
gundu 14 years ago
  Need some help?

I'll try to find ideas and make the Thumbnails ;)
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  I like joe45's idea,but I wanna call it "Ring of Fire"!
joe45 14 years ago
  Ring Killer, Complete 250 levels of RM 2.5 (EXP: 75)
allyally 14 years ago
  Good points...

I might start making a couple more...
rocky 14 years ago
  I think our first priority is to make awards for the games that don't have any: CD v. ZP, BB2, and Ringmania. What is the point of having a game without any accomplishments for your efforts? The awards will attract more players, and we won't have any "dying" games. (Blockoban 2 Addict and Monocled Maverick, and make one for RM)

Also, other awards that are already suggested will be good to have. "Veteran Craftsman" will be an achievement for people who enjoy making levels. I know I like making levels, and I think I'd feel good to be rewarded for my efforts. "All-Around Addict" will be a goal for people who enjoy spending time on BL. "Double Sided Dice" is another good award, because lots of people play BB, and will play BB2 to achieve this award.

I would appreciate it if you took my suggestions into consideration. Thanks! :)


First post of the topic

allyally 14 years ago
  Quoting allyally from New Awards 2
Award Ideas:
1) An Award for spending over 100 hours on the site. (50 EXP )
2) An Award for making 25 official levels. ( 150 EXP )
Suggested Image:

3) An Award for bringing 50 or more visitors on the site (not in 1 day). ( 100 EXP )
Suggested image:
5) An Award for making an official level at least in 3 differents games. ( 50 EXP )
Suggested image:
6) Veteran craftsman: An Award for making at least 100 accepted levels (combined with all games). ( 50 EXP )
Suggested image:
7) All-round Addict: complete 2000 levels (combined with all games)(150 exp?)
Suggested image:

8) Year of Faith: Stay active on BL for 1 year ( EXP+50 )
Suggested image:
9) Speed Shopper: SDMv2:Shopping (Captain Dan v Zombie Plan) in less than 200(?) seconds,
10) +Complete Climb That! (Moonlights) in under 150 moves, ( EXP+50 )
Suggested Image:

11) Cliff Lover: Complete Cliffrunner (Jump Gear 2) with more than 100,000 points. (EXP +50)
Suggested Image:

12) Sponsored Pusher: complete the level im getting sponsored (Push) in less than 10 seconds.
Suggested Image:

13)5 in 5 Officials: Create 5 official levels in 5 different Games. (EXP +100)

14)Stop The Sky: Complete The Level Falling Sky (BLockoban 2) In Less Than 10 Moves. (50 EXP)

15) Blockoban 2 Addict: Complete 300 Levels Of Blockoban 2. (can add this award later when there is more levels) (EXP +50)
Suggested Image:

16) Double Sided Dice- Complete a combined number of 1500 levels in both blockoban and blockoban 2. (at least 300 in one game)

18)Hedgehog Hater: Complete I Hate Hedgehogs Too (Rolling Turtle) with an score of 111 or more. ( EXP+75 )
Suggested image:

18) Rolling Wonderer: Score 1000 points on Wonderworks (Rolling Turtle) ( EXP+50 )
Suggested Image:

18) Monocled Maverick: Complete 400 levels of CDvZP ( EXP+100 )
Suggeted image:

19) Super Jailbreaker: Complete Out Of The Container (BLockoban) in 40 or less moves. ( EXP+50 )
Suggested Image:

20) Social gamer ( EXP+50 )
Create an accepted collaboration level
Suggested Image:

21) Turtle Sage ( EXP+75 )
Complete Beneath The Desert (Rolling Turtle), A little game (Rolling Turtle) & The Riddle (Rolling Turtle)!
Suggested Image:

General Award images:

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