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Topic, New Awards 2

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minimariner 14 years ago
  Your right gameinsky
(the only reason why i'm agreeing because it's my level pack lol) but also it's got the original 62 levels at the start and harder to get 3 mill +.

[edit]Yep there is too much official levels on the main game (about 137 maybe). That's more than double than what it used to be.
Shiro 14 years ago
  No, then you can just ask people if they put your pack in.
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  I got another award idea:

Packs decision-
Have one of your levels featured in 8 different packs, made by other people.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Once the two cablecar levels issue has been fixed, i think you should move "god to jump gear 2" to this levelpack
It contains the original 62 official levels and it's totally psosible, or make a newer real god of JG award for this levlpack!
Treazer 14 years ago
  If The award for bringing 50 or more visitors on the site would be already exist i would almost get it. Today i get 43 visitors :)

edit: now i have 48 visitors :)

edit: reached it.

minimariner 14 years ago
  Yeah like the i dream of clouds and cliffrunner(even tho they haven't added it yet [:D i thought of the idea])
Elizea 14 years ago
  The award idea for CDvZP should be for the last level in challenge category.
minimariner 14 years ago
  lol shiro. But you was inactive for a while. :P
Shiro 14 years ago
  Pss, I'm not inactive anymore ;)
SuperDog 14 years ago
  Yeah... like if you get 5 awards you will get an award

It would be cool if there was one for having any amount of awards. Then if you have an award, you have infinity award becuase:
if you get 5, you will get an award. You will get another award because now you have six, which makes seven and that gives another award and so on...
minimariner 14 years ago
  lol that's sorta strange, but it'll be cool.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  pretty sure it wont get made :D
Submarine95 14 years ago
  an award for getting awards? Ö_ö
allyally 14 years ago
  Lol, but I doubt that award would be made,
joe45 14 years ago
  What about an award like this:

Awards master

Get 5 awards (not including this one) (EXP 100)
Treazer 14 years ago
  I know :) i just said that he can look at it :)
allyally 14 years ago
  Im not going to pressure jp to make new awards! If he's thinking about making a new award then he can chose to look here for ideas,
Treazer 14 years ago
  Why not calling an admin for jp so he can look at it :)

and DY i love this award and img!
allyally 14 years ago
  Im not telling you to, it was just an Idea!
minimariner 14 years ago
  I tried making 300 out of BB2 blocks but when i took a picture in edit mode (because test mode wouldn't work) that border than that shows you the user friendly.

Oh well ok lol.

Nice idea demonicyoshi.
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  Double Sided Dice- Complete a combined number of 1500 levels in both blockoban and blockoban 2. (at least 300 in one game)

(i sugested this before, but i finally made an image)
allyally 14 years ago
  No offence but I really don't like those images, Theyre very simple and the colours are bland. ill put them up if you want but I think they could be improved a lot,

The falling sky one is good, but the other BB2 one needs a better '300', Its quite boring... Or you could have the 300 made out of BB2 blocks like the BB one is,
Im 14 years ago
  Those awards could make people rate unfair. And we don't want that, do we?
minimariner 14 years ago
  allyally, i've changed my jg2 award picture for cliffrunner.

I have another 3 ideas (again!)

A Lot Of Accepted
Accepted Levels Master
Create 50 Accepted Levels.
EXP +100

Official Expert
Official Expert
Have One Official Level Rated 5/5 By 5 People.
EXP +150

Official Master
Official Master
Have 10 Official Levels Rated 5/5 By 5 People.
EXP +200
Treazer 14 years ago

5 in 5 Officials
Create 5 official levels in 5 different Games.
EXP +100
Im 14 years ago
  Level creating addiction (5/5 for award name!)
Create more than 200 levels. Yay.
minimariner 14 years ago
  I have 2 new awards. NOTE! The first one is a bit early so jp can add it later, or make it more levels:

BB2 Addict
Blockoban 2 Addict
Complete 300 Levels Of Blockoban 2. (can add this award later when there is more levels)
EXP +50

Falling Sky
Stop The Sky
Complete The Level Falling Sky (BLockoban 2) In Less Than 10 Moves.
EXP +50

Changed JG2 Award Picture Again.
Elizea 14 years ago
  I prefer +100 000 score on cliffrunner as it sounds better than 125 000 and it is more like that 'complete this level with good time' award and still requires mastering the level.

Those who say its too easy think if archery award was for under 70moves or jg2 award for 8million score.
minimariner 14 years ago
  Cliffrunner award picture changed.

@Brolling, good idea, the level that you should pick is one that you jump loads of times on.
AK 14 years ago
  Cliffrunner is easy, but I can't do the down part yet...
Any suggestions?

Complete the level "Hard Way!" (JG2) with a score of more than 1 (+50 EXP)


First post of the topic

allyally 14 years ago
  Quoting allyally from New Awards 2
Award Ideas:
1) An Award for spending over 100 hours on the site. (50 EXP )
2) An Award for making 25 official levels. ( 150 EXP )
Suggested Image:

3) An Award for bringing 50 or more visitors on the site (not in 1 day). ( 100 EXP )
Suggested image:
5) An Award for making an official level at least in 3 differents games. ( 50 EXP )
Suggested image:
6) Veteran craftsman: An Award for making at least 100 accepted levels (combined with all games). ( 50 EXP )
Suggested image:
7) All-round Addict: complete 2000 levels (combined with all games)(150 exp?)
Suggested image:

8) Year of Faith: Stay active on BL for 1 year ( EXP+50 )
Suggested image:
9) Speed Shopper: SDMv2:Shopping (Captain Dan v Zombie Plan) in less than 200(?) seconds,
10) +Complete Climb That! (Moonlights) in under 150 moves, ( EXP+50 )
Suggested Image:

11) Cliff Lover: Complete Cliffrunner (Jump Gear 2) with more than 100,000 points. (EXP +50)
Suggested Image:

12) Sponsored Pusher: complete the level im getting sponsored (Push) in less than 10 seconds.
Suggested Image:

13)5 in 5 Officials: Create 5 official levels in 5 different Games. (EXP +100)

14)Stop The Sky: Complete The Level Falling Sky (BLockoban 2) In Less Than 10 Moves. (50 EXP)

15) Blockoban 2 Addict: Complete 300 Levels Of Blockoban 2. (can add this award later when there is more levels) (EXP +50)
Suggested Image:

16) Double Sided Dice- Complete a combined number of 1500 levels in both blockoban and blockoban 2. (at least 300 in one game)

18)Hedgehog Hater: Complete I Hate Hedgehogs Too (Rolling Turtle) with an score of 111 or more. ( EXP+75 )
Suggested image:

18) Rolling Wonderer: Score 1000 points on Wonderworks (Rolling Turtle) ( EXP+50 )
Suggested Image:

18) Monocled Maverick: Complete 400 levels of CDvZP ( EXP+100 )
Suggeted image:

19) Super Jailbreaker: Complete Out Of The Container (BLockoban) in 40 or less moves. ( EXP+50 )
Suggested Image:

20) Social gamer ( EXP+50 )
Create an accepted collaboration level
Suggested Image:

21) Turtle Sage ( EXP+75 )
Complete Beneath The Desert (Rolling Turtle), A little game (Rolling Turtle) & The Riddle (Rolling Turtle)!
Suggested Image:

General Award images:

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