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Topic, Game "Jellify"

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chris3000 3 years ago
  I tried to download the gofile website and it wouldn't do it for some reason. I have missed playing this game.
Mmmmmm 4 years ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 4 years ago
  Nice to see you are doing great at your college Treazer. Hope you and your family are staying safe. It would be best to discuss Jellify's future and levels in the chatroom.
Dynamo 4 years ago
  Nice to see you checking in, long enough to see a few new levels maybe? :P Hope everything is well with yourself and uni! I was starting to think the new officials might get abandoned, now there's some hope! Look forward to getting your feedback :D
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  Welcome back, and thanks for taking to time to consider new officials here!
Treazer 4 years ago
  I heard you guys are interested in new officials. :) I've been busy the past months (and still am) with university and work so I haven't been active here for quite a while, but I can spare some time to play some new levels and discuss potential officials with Simon.

I will be playing the pack with the considered levels as soon as possible so that I can form an opinion. It's great to see that you guys keep this game alive and create levels. :)
chris3000 4 years ago
  Great achievement pudel, hopefully i can reach that point in the next couple years. With the help of you guys.
Dynamo 4 years ago
  Congrats pudel! I’m more than content with top 10 at the moment. Besides, with the potential new officials it’ll be between you and CG for 1st place unless someone else completes them all in that time! And you’re right pudel, that Cloven highscore is pretty damn hardcore for a Beginner level lol
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  I’m with you on that one. Good job on top 5, I would say that I hope to join you someday, but getting under 900 or even 925 is insane for me. 884 to enter it proper is completely insane, you guys who get into the 800s are all crazy solvers :D
  Finally I entered the top 5. Only the beginner level Cloven (Jellify) prevents the all-time low score, which is a bit ridiculous in my eyes :-D
chris3000 4 years ago
  Well don't worry, listening to peaceful music seems to help me to solve certain levels.
Dynamo 4 years ago
  I would love to, but my last 3 are just infuriating, both 'Target' levels and Supporting. I must be missing a major trick with all 3 because no matter how many times I come back I can't seem to solve them :( I haven't given up hope just yet though!
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  Congrats Dynamo, that’s an insane achievement! You’re really starting to do damage in this game! Are you going to try to complete the officials before the new set?
Dynamo 4 years ago
  My hard work and patience has finally paid off, I'm now the latest Jelly Collector!!! :D
Dynamo 4 years ago
  Inspiration for levels comes to me pretty slowly, sometimes it'll take me several days to develop an idea, and other others times I'll have it already planned out in my mind, but won't be happy with how it looks or plays so I'll take a few days to tweak it. Sometimes I find it helps to think of a title first and build a concept around that. I look forward to when you get your new laptop chris so we can hopefully see some of your creativity and experience here. :)
chris3000 4 years ago
  Yes it is definitely hard to make high quality levels. You just havr to use your imagination and try to pick your own themes/challenges.
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  This is the reason I started making the daily puzzles! It’s nice to keep mentally in shape particularly with lockdown. Totally not because I was nearing a huge milestone which was just out of reach until I made a few more levels :p Seriously though - I plan on starting them up again, I only stopped because I lost inspiration and couldn’t think of tricks.
chris3000 4 years ago
  I agree with Dynamo, if this and PI turned out to be awesome then Pistons will probably be 10 times better but maybe harder.Maybe there can be a few expert official levels.
Dynamo 4 years ago
  You’re a legend, if I’m honest Jellify is one of the only things keeping me sane at the moment lol, keeping my brain active with some cool puzzles :)
SimonM 4 years ago
  You're not pissing me off by asking. I planned to add new officials and I wanted to discuss that with Treazer, but he has not got the time to discuss that with me. I'll see what I can do myself in this regard.
Dynamo 4 years ago
  Is there any possibility at all of new officials Simon? Maybe a few Experts to make use of that score tab? I'm aware that I'm probably pissing you off by asking again but oh well :P
chris3000 4 years ago
  Thanks, When i get my laptop here i'll get back to work solving what I can.
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  Thanks a lot for this! I’m glad to see my progress on the more recent levels. My next aim is to hit 400 advanced levels completed :)
SimonM 4 years ago
  I updated all the category packs as well the Jelly Tournament pack.
chris3000 5 years ago
  Welcome back pig, hope you'll make some new lvls soon.
pig 5 years ago
  I just checked the site if there's any new official levels, got me disappointed though :( I hope some day before this site ends we can get new officials.
chris3000 5 years ago
  Thanks for the advice, I think I also know how to post pictures in our chatroom so i can show you guys and give you a sneak peek at what my future levels look like.
Dynamo 5 years ago
  To be fair that’s a good point CG, I suppose there is still a lot of potential for simple block matching levels. Considering Jellify’s 1500 levels, compared to BB’s almost 10000 levels. And gravity changers provide so much opportunity for variety and clever tricks to be implemented too.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  That list is based on ratings - and you require a certain number of ratings on your levels to get on there. I think I was on about 20 levels when I got there - but it's not impossible to get on with only 3 or 4.

I agree with pretty much everything Dynamo said. I would attempt to complete every beginner - there's only a couple that really slowed me down. After that, I wouldn't bother trying to complete all the intermediates unless you really want to because there's over 600 and some of them are absolutely ridiculous. Having said that, taking out a good chunk of them would help a lot. I completely agree that randomly moving is basically wasting your time though. It is almost never helpful and I would only use it as a last resort.

I don't think that matching blocks is necessarily a bad idea (I think there's still some room for tricks with it), it's probably not a great idea if you're not used to creating levels. Compactness is always necessary, even if you make a large level, make it as compactly as possible. Often, size is almost never a challenge and it just makes a level more tedious.

One thing that I will say is to never use freezers and then an easy to reach defroster. Freezers are an amazingly simple way to make a level a lot more challenging, but having defrosters accessible with no effort completely remove the challenge of the freezer. A level that I look to in seeing how to execute these two attachments amazingly is Defrostbite Caves (Jellify). This is a brilliant level, because there is only one defroster, and it is far away from three of the targets. It forces you to consider the order and that you need to be able to get the red, yellow and blue to their targets unfrozen. Another level which does it really well is Freeze Trial (Jellify). This is just one aspect of Jellify, and there are many other things, but I think it's best if you figure out what works for you. Don't hesistate to ask for help with creating level though. Good luck in making levels if you try Chris! :)
Dynamo 5 years ago
  Speaking from experience chris, creating levels here, first of all, requires a solid understanding of all the mechanics of the game. Go through the packs made by Treazer and work your way up from the Kids levels. Try to avoid randomly moving blocks (even though on some levels there isn't really much choice), think about the shapes that you need to create and where they need to be placed, especially if there appears to be an off-limits area or an unreachable block, etc. Once you fully understand the level, you can then work to solve it, or backwards solve in order to get to a certain point.

This is just to ensure that the levels you produce have some variety and aren't all simply just matching coloured blocks. However, there are some fantastic levels with very clever tricks that only include blocks. But with the amount of levels Jellify now has, these kinds of levels have mostly all been executed. Like CG and Simon both said, compact levels are the most fun and tend to produce some of the better Jellify levels; as you will see, the majority of the officials are compact and offer a fresh new challenge for the player.

Hope this helps! :D

Sidenote: Does anybody know if there is a certain number of levels you need to create to feature on the Designers list?

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jp 8 years ago
  Hey, didn't know you had made a game. It's not finished, but it's honestly very nice. Keep going and we'll show it on the front page.
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