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Hexicube 13 years ago
  no its like this:
get iron -> make iron pick -> find diamonds -> make diamond pick -> ??? -> profit -> get at least 10 obsidian(14 if you like corners) -> realise what youre doing is sucicidal -> sudden creeper attack from behind -> ??? -> herobrine -> ??? -> ragequit
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  No place it like this:
4 obsidian horinzontal. On the corners, you place 4 obsidian.
Complete the circle by placing the other obsidian.
(space inside portal 2x3)

14 obsidian
flint and steel
manufan 13 years ago
  So, a basic hollow obsidian rectangle...
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  No, two ways:
Make a portal of Obsidian (width 4, height 5) and set it on fire.
Mine (or make) Obsidian (better mine) and make a portal (4x5) and set it on fire.
manufan 13 years ago
  Hoping to get back on and see the sunrise in Hestia today. :D
gameinsky 13 years ago
  yes ajoon, minecraft classic.
which sucks.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  jasper mushroom spores fly :P
ajoonbug2 13 years ago
  hio... u kno you can play minecraft 4 free...
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Three different riddles, the mushrooms don't fly :P
Flying Mushrooms :P
Hexicube 13 years ago
  lol SD, its clearly mushrooms, warts cant fly :P
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  What The Hack.
SuperDog 13 years ago
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Minecraft Riddle (What am I, what block is it?)
1. What grows on Netherrack, grows also on my back.
2. You just can't bear that I'm flying through the air.
3. I'm cheater in the Nether, in snow you'll find me ever!
manufan 13 years ago
  Kingdom of Hestia
Welcome to Hestia - The Kingdom of Joy! Newcomers may not see any buildings and that's alright! We have a hint for you (try looking on the edge of the desert). We hope you enjoy looking out our amenities and things, and here are brief reviews and summaries about them. Red titles mean that the building is currently under construction, whilst bold titles mean that the building has been completed.

The Trade & Craft Centre
This is the official place to craft new things and trade! However, you might have to pay some gold to the greedy owner, and possibly a cake! There are two wooden tables equipped for trading (a slang for the tables is 'trables') and seven crafting tables all equipped with torches so that you can see if you have a fair deal and crafting the right thing. To stay the night, you'll have to pay extra, but this option is not available until more bedrooms have been built under the ground.

The Lookout Tower
Hestia has recently been under attack by barbarians & creepers. One creeper blew out the window of the Trade & Craft Centre and made a massive pit, which has now been covered over with sand. Thus, the lookout tower was the second building to be built, and is only accessible via the Trade & Craft Centre's underground tunnels. Barbarians did burn down a previous wooden version (when materials were very primitive and scarce back in the Old Hestian times) and a newer version was made out of bricks. All the buildings adopted this style, which included a thatched roof and chimney.

The Boathouse
The official place to watch the classic Hestian sport of boat racing! The racecourse is just outside the window, and if you're lucky enough, you'll never miss a race, unless you get drunk in the mini-tavern! Vandals once dived into the course, and swam up to the windows and broke in and trashed the place overnight. The council fixed the windows and wrote in the Hestian Times; "We will not tolerate this sort of behaviour. Whether it is a drunkard or a youth, there must be no vandalism within our council."

The Racecourses
Currently, there are two main racecourses or "pools". One of which cannot be seen from The Boathouse. This is the learner area. Slowly progressing, racers will then enjoy the luxury of racing within view of the boathouse, having a bigger area to race, racing in rapids, and the checkered flag (where the boat gets destroyed). The checkered flag, if you are interested, was made using Obsidian & Snow.

The Royal Bank of Hestia
The structure of the Bank has been completed, but many furnishings are yet to be placed as the Hestian days go by.
SuperDog 13 years ago
  I'm making a mod for MC and could someone draw a 16x16 picture of a chain for it? I would also like one picture of a 'chain part' - one of those oval metal things.

Would be appreciated.
manufan 13 years ago
  It's just a shame. Fleskhjerta had some of the funniest videos out there about Super Mario 64 and they were a comedy series where Mario would get into sticky situations and end up dying. :(
Hexicube 13 years ago
  dont see how anyone can steal a server unless its dedicated and you opped him...rule 1: never op anyone...AANYONE :P
manufan 13 years ago
  I know him! Fleskhjerta, from YouTube! I loved his videos about SM64.... why would he steal a server? Of course, I'm not sure about underscores or numbers, but I know he is a keen ROBLOX player, and I think he must have moved on to MC.
LukeTheFunJester 13 years ago
  I reaaaaaaally just came back for help trying to get back a server, the IP is:
The person who stole my friends server, his username begins with flesk, and has jerta in there too? I recognize this name though. Help would be appreciated.
manufan 13 years ago
  Yeah! Come on chat.
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Ok, I just post.
BTW You see how many blocks I have. I have already placed them (it's Creative Mode) :P
A game in MC, you mean a mini-game?
manufan 13 years ago
  Just post ___ blocks as it looks a bit like spam. xD

Good luck, and do you want to have a game of MC?
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Yes, it is.
And I think Sunday it will be like 7500 bricks.
manufan 13 years ago

Wait, is this how many blocks you have for your skyscraper, currently?
jasperpostema 13 years ago
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  1812 >:)
Muhaha This s gonna rock!
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I'd like to Help NiNja, but I don't own Minecraft, so I can't.
manufan 13 years ago
  @Ninja: Sure, I'll do it, but what mode is it? Creative?
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  SkyCraper Plan:
10.000+ blocks
Ground: 1600 blocks
Over 30 layers
2 ribbons 'gliding' around the tower
Over 50 employees
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Welcome Back, TheNinja! I'd like to join, I am an experienced Minecrafter.
BTW I am building a big skycraper of minimum 10.000 blocks (and bricks).


First post of the topic

LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  Anyone gotz it? I do. My name is LukeTheJester.

And TTS means Title to Short cuz it said that.
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