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SuperDog 13 years ago
  Anyone got that *very* strange glitch where all your items(not in chests, just in your inventory) completely disappear?

Quoting lololol from Minecraft Topic
I can't, my multiplayer wont work

Lol... neither does mine :(
MARC2009 13 years ago
  OMFG bad bug occured in FSG server I play on...ALL OF THE ORE DEPOSITS ARE GONE!!! WTF?!?!?
yes, has a minecraft server, and its private :P
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lol...btw I use clay as the currency on my server, because of its decent rarity and also because they're only used to create building blocks. note that I will NOT accept clay bricks or brick blocks unless im buying them off you.
lololol 13 years ago
  Thats okay :)
MARC2009 13 years ago
[edit] btw lololol my server will have to wait until friday...better net then :P
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  @Lololol: If you should happen to start SMP'ing (Survival MultiPlayer), you might want to check this link. It's where I and Ahroo have been the last couple of weeks...
Custom server-side content is even being added, though for now we're simply running it on both the clients and servers.

(u jelly marc?)
MARC2009 13 years ago
  see PM I sent...
lololol 13 years ago
  I dunno whats wrong, but i already play it on the computer linked to the TV in the living room so i wont be able to play multiplayer cause my parents dont like me socializing on the web xD could be fun though as im forever alone in ny world :)
MARC2009 13 years ago
  whats wrong with it?
you sure your antivirus/firewall isnt blocking it?
lololol 13 years ago
  I can't, my multiplayer wont work
MARC2009 13 years ago
im running a private server on my comp atm, would you like to join?
lololol 13 years ago
  Well i dug i deep hole and stayed there the whole night xD
MARC2009 13 years ago
  oh dear...I hope creepers dont find you! XD
lololol 13 years ago
Im having trouble finding Iron Ore and i got lost at night ..
MARC2009 13 years ago
  im flattening a mountain just to get enough cobbletone for in the Nether XD
MARC2009 13 years ago
can you get him to design a castle for me? :P
allyally 13 years ago
  Person I know did all of his GCSE artwork in Blender, He is also a Minecraft addict. I wonder what happens when you combine the 2?

MARC2009 13 years ago
  what easter egg items? you mean the CDs?
rocky 13 years ago
  F3 is also useful for mob-hunting during the night, or avoiding mobs. Press F3 and numbers will appear over all mobs' heads. Also useful for finding dungeons.

This function is very useful if you want to find the Easter egg items. ;)
MARC2009 13 years ago
  navigation hint: press F3 and write down (x,z) for high importance spots such as hideouts or mining locations...also, the Nether is the other, hellish world(you start in the Overworld, starting in the Nether is a rare bug which results in you being stuck there forever making you completely screwed lol), the Overworld contains many blocks but the Nether contains SoulSand, Netherrack(burns indefinately when lit on fire), Gravel(found in overworld), Air(yes, its a block), and Lava(also found in Overworld).
to get there you need to make a frame 4 wide and 5 tall(14 blocks) out of Obsidian(pour water onto lava springs), you need a diamond pickaxe to mine it, and it takes 15 seconds per block. you can omit the corners to save 4 blocks(I find it lookss ugly like that XP) and then light the middle using flint and steel...

btw, using F3, your depth is the y value, read from head are best found on layers 8-12, lower than this results in too much lava and higher is less likely to find any...

btw you should probably get some torches for your shelter, enemies spawn indoors if you havent lit the area, and area with light level 7 or less(moon provides 4, sun provides 15[max], torches provide 14 which goes down by 1 per block). to do this either mine coal or burn wood(not wooden planks) in a furnace to make charcoal, which is a replica of coal with a different name...

id recommend looking at the Minecraft Wikipedia for more information, as it has info on every block foind in the game, guides, and mobs(mobile entity, NOT enemies[they do classify as mods though])...

btw I found a slime once :D
rocky 13 years ago
  Also, explore underground! If you can't find anything, dig deeper! There are LOTS of hidden caverns with minerals, and dungeons with dangerous mob spawners and chests with treasure in them! This game has a huge survival element to it.

Don't be afraid to stray from your spawnpoint so you can see what kind of cool mountain formations, overhangs, forests, and waterfalls you can find.

And hint to get to the Nether: You'll need a VERY good pickaxe.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  the nether is the hellworld.
lololol 13 years ago
  Umm.. Nevermind.. This game is awesome :O I didn't know there were enemies and im making a shelter, which i pretty fun :D

And whats a nether?
MARC2009 13 years ago
  uh...its a beta...not much happens right now...
oh, have you found the Nether yet? :3
lololol 13 years ago
  I got the game, and it's cool and all but it's kinda boring :O
Does it get more awesome as you progress?
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  Lucky date for a lucky game. :3
MARC2009 13 years ago
  LOL! thats the best release date ever XD
rocky 13 years ago
  Classic is COMPLETELY different than Beta. Just putting that out there.

Also, can't wait for the official Minecraft official release date! It's on 11/11/11!
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  @MARC: Minecraft... Is the most CPU/GPU heavy game I've seen that's still this simple. Seriously, it appears that Notch haven't optimized the code at all. Well, they did in 1.5, but not much.
MARC2009 13 years ago
  you need a new graphics card...btw it doesnt exactly use that much, its drawing blocks XD


First post of the topic

LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  Anyone gotz it? I do. My name is LukeTheJester.

And TTS means Title to Short cuz it said that.
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