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MARC2009 13 years ago
  Minecraft website
[edit] my message size is OVERKILL XD
btw my idea is going to be implemented for the magic chest mod, auto-mining of the block above ^^
azz 13 years ago
  Umm. can someone ink whatever i need to get to mine craft? edit: dont worry i found out you have to pay DX
MARC2009 13 years ago
  Quoting Ahroo from Minecraft Topic
@MARC lol... the seeds... xD

I used the 'water' seed to find a huge bunch of water so I could build an underwater base :3

we all want that, but the seed is for psuedo-random its impossible :'(
Quoting Peedle101 from Minecraft Topic
I Found a new map seed. ROADRUNNER will spawn you on an island with a single cactus on it. nearby theres a few other islands and a HUGE desert. As i swam to the giant desert, i looked around, saw a little squid :D. then i got on the desert. i started to walk to the other side. i found 2 ponds too. at the second pond, i saw some trees over a distant hill. it was the end of the island, and this small area was lush! the pigs were annoying though... not knowing which way to go next, i looked around for something above average... and maaaaaan did i find it. it was a GIANT natural tower! enchanted by the sight, i walked closer. it turned out to be a sheep home up close. a few caves. a grey sheep. and a floating dirt block. nothing special.
look on my post, I found a floating island :P
btw CamoDragoon its a one-time online game which is optionally downloaded, or you can get the classic version free ;)

lol Ahroo, Lapis Lazuri is useless atm
Gundu I did that...twice...on two different saves D:
besides, due to my recipes I just go for gold and manually forge diamond ore XP
gundu 13 years ago
  You had more luck than me...

I found like 5 diamonds in the deep of a cave I was so freaking happy, When I turned back I saw some more diamonds in the ceiling of the cave, I was like $_$. So I collected them looking at the ceiling digging and right under them there was a pit of lava, I didn't saw it, I fell in it, I couldn't climb back. I died with all my diamonds, My diamond pickaxes/axe and lost everything I had... yeah...
Ahroo 13 years ago
  Today was a very good day. I found a cave with A$$LOADS OF IRON, REDSTONE, GOLD AND DIAMONDS. and there was FRIKKIN LAPIS too! 8D
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  Online game (Though it's a one-time pay)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @birjo, is minecraft an actual store-bought game, or an online game you pay for?
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  @AK: *Puts on hippie-glasses* I played Sauerbraten long before you did. Seriously... I really did. Found it nice, started playing, found it shitty, gave it a week, went back to Minecraft.
Peedle101 13 years ago
  I Found a new map seed. ROADRUNNER will spawn you on an island with a single cactus on it. nearby theres a few other islands and a HUGE desert. As i swam to the giant desert, i looked around, saw a little squid :D. then i got on the desert. i started to walk to the other side. i found 2 ponds too. at the second pond, i saw some trees over a distant hill. it was the end of the island, and this small area was lush! the pigs were annoying though... not knowing which way to go next, i looked around for something above average... and maaaaaan did i find it. it was a GIANT natural tower! enchanted by the sight, i walked closer. it turned out to be a sheep home up close. a few caves. a grey sheep. and a floating dirt block. nothing special.
Ahroo 13 years ago
  @MARC lol... the seeds... xD

I used the 'water' seed to find a huge bunch of water so I could build an underwater base :3

AK 13 years ago

*shoots Birjo*

You summed it up right there....

And Sauerbraten is not a crappy shooter! It's incredible! Why don't you try it out:


8D A new and better version??????? I had no idea!!!! MUST GET NEW VERSION!!!!
MARC2009 13 years ago
  well then how about seeds for maps?
seeds I found
I may end up using I_R_SEED! because the forced spawn location is good for getting the first day out of the way :)
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  Clay is rare, yes. I never use it, don't see an use for it.

As for map generators, no. I always code my own mods.
MARC2009 13 years ago
  I died...on both my saves D:
save 1. mysteriously loaded save stuck underground = wtf
save 2. tried to put out lava, fell in(only had 1.5HP)
also, is it just me, or should clay be *slightly* easier to find? if it werent for my Ellian Detector I wouldnt have found 99% of the clay I have on save 2 and would only have like 5 blocks...
btw, any good map generators you know of? ^^
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lol birjo...also, ive 'made' about 5 diamonds by mining iron and gold :3
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  Then you can't mod... End of story.
MARC2009 13 years ago
  man I need to learn to make mods in this...any form of making the mod, preferably WITHOUT installing the java sdk because I epically screwed that up...
MARC2009 13 years ago
  birjo, Minecraft doesnt try to be popular, it just is :P
it avoids all of the 'talent' required for most games, all you need for minecraft is common sense and a bit of imagination...
btw, almost halfway to getting my first 'synthetic' diamond :3
Ahroo 13 years ago
  @Birjo I actually decided to READ your modding tutorial today... xD

I might make a creeper mod on Saturday... that extends EntityCreeper. :p
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  @AK: The graphics are part of the amazing part of the game; Minecraft broke every single rule ever set up for games. It has a steep learning curve, shitty graphics, no goal, very few statistics. And yet, it's one of the most popular games right now.

If you're going for graphics, don't play Minecraft. Go play any mind-less, gameplay-lacking, mainstream games such as Crysis or basically any other first-person shooter.

Costy? I bought it for 10 euros back in Alpha. I've got more than 6-10 times the playing hours out of it than any game I've used 25+ dollars on. (Estimated to be just around 120-150 hours, counting days without access to a computer or without playing Minecraft. Divide this by 20 which is the max I've gotten out of any mainstream game, and we have a result of 6 times the hours. Usually, I only use 5-10 hours on a bought game before it's completed, and multiplayer usually sucks...)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @DY, XD.
I don't have minecraft......sounds costy.
MARC2009 13 years ago
  "He expected ME to make SSP commands. It makes you fly, spawn creepers, explode without dying, and make creeper jockeys... xD"
I still think the fact I have a diamond factory above sea level wins any mod you could possibly specify...or anything birjo has to say...Ahroo, learn the ways of the piston and blow up people by giving them a mind implosion...XD
also, due to a bug, the generator looks even more awesome...IT EMITS LIGHT WHEN A BLOCK COMES OUT!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Ahroo 13 years ago
  He expected ME to make SSP commands. It makes you fly, spawn creepers, explode without dying, and make creeper jockeys... xD
MARC2009 13 years ago do realise I can now create cobblestone, and because I can make diamonds from 2000+ cobblestone, I have technically acieved a diamond factory :P
I would really like to see birjo top that ;)
I just need to work out how to mine cobblestone automatically and then I can just gather so much of it :3
Ahroo 13 years ago
  ... REAL pistons don't come until later (HOPEFULLY 1.6). Dx

btw NEVER let birjo see your posts about modding, he will give you an overkill modding challenge... xD
MARC2009 13 years ago
  not really...however I now have the PISTON MOD!!! :D
time to make an awesome mod trap...
Ahroo 13 years ago
  yeh... stairs seem to fail at that. xD

btw ever tried to make SANDSTONE slabs? |:p
MARC2009 13 years ago
81 Iron->9 Gold->1 Diamond
also, who farms on Minecraft anyway, im just making a few cakes :P
[edit] stairs, uses 6 blocks, becomes 3/4 the size of a block LOLZ
[re-edit] just thought of something:
Ahroo: "DON'T make it that big unless you want creepers to spawn on top of it and haunt your sleep. |:p"
Perfect reply: "Imagine if you wired that building to self-destruct too XD"
demonicyoshi 13 years ago
  ohhh, I bet you do right click those "hoes" ;)
Ahroo 13 years ago
  ... idiot. A HOE must be right-clicked to be used! and tills ground for planting... xD

Wait... you made it so 9 iron blocks make a diamond? Oh, oh! Make it so that 9 leather makes a saddle! You'll need it for the pig achievement! xD


First post of the topic

LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  Anyone gotz it? I do. My name is LukeTheJester.

And TTS means Title to Short cuz it said that.
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