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lololol 13 years ago
  Well the error means that my graphicscard driver is outdated, but i can't find any updates for my driver..
MARC2009 13 years ago
  btw that error looks it XD
and no,m its not as good as it looks, its better, because it looks much worse than it is XP
lololol 13 years ago
  I can imagine :P
MARC2009 13 years ago
  the classic one SUCKS compared to beta ;)
lololol 13 years ago
  Oh, yes I do, but i wanted to try the classic one first to know if it's actually as good as it looks like but i keep getting an error..

Edit: I keep getting this error
"org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated"
I blame my computer
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lololol dont you have any money? XD
lololol 13 years ago
  I want Minecraft too! I cant play it
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  @GIS: "Might allow modding" Fuck this, I'll just decompile their game. Where's your mamma now!
MARC2009 13 years ago
  "BTW Marc isn't there already like 3 mods that do that?"
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I know it isn't the exact forum to say this but on release Terraria won't have mod editing, but HOWEVER, iv the game get's popular long enough and enough people ask for it they might allow modding.
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  @MARC: Well, as you noticed yourself, noone has replied. That is a pretty good sign they aren't interested.
Ahroo 13 years ago
  If terraria has modding compatibility I will FRIKKIN PRAISE IT... and then sh*t a btick because I have to learn a tiny bit of C#... xD

BTW Marc isn't there already like 3 mods that do that?
gameinsky 13 years ago
  ahroo loves mods, I'mma waiting for teraria :D
MARC2009 13 years ago
  birjo, youre not interested, you dont speak for the entire forum...
DY, I didnt either :P
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  @MARC: We're not interested in your mod, sorry. We want general Minecraft stories/discussion. Mods can be found on MinecraftForum.
demonicyoshi 13 years ago
  Lol, I never realized what TTS meant until now.
I thought it meant discussion.
MARC2009 13 years ago
anyway, V0.5 has had a bug fix for an explosion bug where the game crashes if a Magic Chest were to be involved in an explosion. there's also the following software:
Furnace software - Manages furnaces
Quantum software - Shared inventory for all chests with the software
Repair software - Slowly fixes tools
Destroyer software- Destroys objects rather than collect them
Vortex software - Sucks in objects within a 3 block radius(if you account for the fact you have to go 0.5 blocks to get out the chest, its a 2.5 block radius)
MARC2009 13 years ago
  Magic Chest - Wood on steroids
V0.5 is out :D
MARC2009 13 years ago
  "Hehehehe, new Sauerbraten is awesome, and can connect to Minecraft I heard..... So you might see me there with a RPG if you're not careful. XD"
AK, ever heard of a lie?
AK 13 years ago

Hehehehe, new Sauerbraten is awesome, and can connect to Minecraft I heard..... So you might see me there with a RPG if you're not careful. XD
Ahroo 13 years ago
  *ahem* Someone got killed by Herobrine on my server... xD
MARC2009 13 years ago
  *ahem* forum gone quiet here...
MARC2009 13 years ago
  Magic Chest V0.4
note that I have access to V0.5 due to me being a developer for it(I just upgraded my own repair software to instantly repair all damaged items by consuming a solid gold block)
rocky 13 years ago
  The glacier seed has lots of floating islands if I remember correctly.

And Slimeballs are sometimes used in Survival Multiplayer as money. But I agree that they're pretty useless.
MARC2009 13 years ago
  yer ive had a go at it...cant remember what it looked like though...
SuperDog 13 years ago
  Any of you guys seed the Glacier seed?
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lol Ahroo...
Ahroo 13 years ago

It's actually good for some regal flags...
MARC2009 13 years ago
  yes, which is basically useless...who wants blue wool?
Ahroo 13 years ago
  @MARC no... lapis lazuli used for dyes and blocks. and it isn't as useless as SLIMEBALLS. |:p


First post of the topic

LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  Anyone gotz it? I do. My name is LukeTheJester.

And TTS means Title to Short cuz it said that.
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