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MARC2009 13 years ago
  meh my graphics card just occasionally stops responding, which is fine as long as I dont get a BSOD which happens far too often(about 3 times per 2 days)...
p.s. just worked out wtf a hoe does XD
[edit] btw, if you had my mod, 81 Iron=1 Diamond, so I WILL flatten any mountains in close proximity to me...
Ahroo 13 years ago
  well DUH about the ESC saving... my game rollbacks so much I have to press it every 5 minutes or I lose those diamonds I just found! :S

And my graphics card crashes all the time. it crashes horribly and I have to restart my comp to get ANYTHING to work.

And clay is more useful than SLIMEBALLS, which are INSANELY HARD TO GET as slimes are INSANELY HARD TO FIND and are overly useless except to use in bowling... xD
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lol Ahroo...I also changed the recipe for Glowstone to now be the same as a furnace but with Glowstone Dust in the middle ;)
I can also make it from TNT as previously noted...
[edit] F**K! my graphics card stalled and now Minecraft has stopped working...and I just found clay too D:
yes, clay is pretty much useless atm, but I like bricks and find clay to be rare atm...
[re-edit] oh yeah, pressing ESC saves the
[re-re-edit] you cant revert clat blocks back to clay balls without placing and smashing them? WTF?!?!?
I think i has new recipe :3
Ahroo 13 years ago
  If the graphics are EVERYTHING, you have a horrible taste in games, AK... xD

and the enemies are why I hack in more. Creepers are more fun when they fire flaming arrows at you when they explode. xD

And if you compare everything to Sauerbraten it gets VERY annoying.

btw @MARC's custom recipes lol... I almost made a recipe (and sprites) for BLUEstone, which is just a shinier (and blue-er) redstone that'd be used for illumination. :p
MARC2009 13 years ago
  Sauerbraten concentrates too hard on the creating and not enough on the exploring...
AK 13 years ago
  Sauerbraten is in beta also....

And it's AWESOME!!!!

Not the point. I'm giving a rating of it right now. Maybe when it gets better, i'll give it another. But for now, my rating stands.

Gotta go finish my Contest level. See ya round! :)
MARC2009 13 years ago
  its in Beta ffs...ofcourse the enemies are lame!
AK 13 years ago
  7.8 because it's easy to edit, pretty fun and interesting.... But the bad graphics make it less fun and the enemies are kinda lame too...
MARC2009 13 years ago
  "I don't get why you like it so much, but hey, that's just me."
"Overall rating: 7.8 / 10"
Review fail tbh...
oh btw:
total inventory space: 2304
cobblestone needed to make 1 Diamond Ore using my recipes: 6561
so thats 3 full inventories to make just one diamond...lawl...
AK 13 years ago
  Well... after all of your incredible remarks about Minecraft, I decided to try it. I went to a friend who had it and played it.

Review here:
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lol birjo...
btw Ahroo, I found a good way of obtaining Glowstone, custom recipes :P

I use this now:

T=TNT G=Gunpowder F=Flint A=Air

MARC2009 13 years ago
  btw decided to start over...coundnt find any sheep tho :(
MARC2009 13 years ago
  "and enough about the eventscript, I PLAY LEGIT *punches tree in half* xD

@gundu longerlegs is an easy-to-create mod that allows you to climb 1-block-high block formations without the need to jump."

Ahroo 13 years ago
  MARC, it is NOT a very great idea to use glowstone for lighting... it's too inefficient to make it. if one breaks, that's basically 2 minutes of getting to and harvesting glowstone again. |:p

and about the zombie, SEE WHAT I MEAN? |:p

and enough about the eventscript, I PLAY LEGIT *punches tree in half* xD

@gundu longerlegs is an easy-to-create mod that allows you to climb 1-block-high block formations without the need to jump.
gundu 13 years ago
  ''Ahroo 1 day ago
whut? no chest glitch, just longerlegs so I can get away from the creepers... xD

The rest is legit :p''

What did you say?
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lol Ahroo...thats where the glowstone ive been collecting comes in ;)
besides, its well lit as it is, however there was one stage where the top floor wasnt lit yet and there was a zombie waiting for me :P
btw, I have requested an addon which could prove to be useful for my diamond cravings ;)
and yes, I do have Ellian Detector :P
Ahroo 13 years ago
  lol... You got EllianDetector, too? It's great ain't it? |:p

comnbine it with X-ray mod and you get THE BEST situation: You can break Minecraft Rule 1 (DO NOT DIG STRAIGHT DOWN) with no bad side effects... I found 20 diamonds doing that. >:3

btw I only make fortresses that big to blow up on multiplayer servers... xD

DON'T make it that big unless you want creepers to spawn on top of it and haunt your sleep. |:p
MARC2009 13 years ago
  hmm...I have become intruiged by my new Block Detector...which is programmed to detect ANY block(anything ranging from Diamond and Gold to Air and Leaves) and it is AWESOME :D
im going to use it to stock up my fortress treasury...btw the fortress is complete and just needs populated with rooms

I took the picture from the worst corner, that hanging over bit is ONLY at that corner ;)
MARC2009 13 years ago
  aha! I just mined 71 glowstone dust :3
MARC2009 13 years ago
  lolz...btw ive been waiting for OVER TWO F**KING HOURS because I was using DSKCHK on my terrabyte hard drive to check up on it...and I will NEVER do it again!
Jim674 13 years ago
  That'sssSSssSss a nisSSssSssSse housssSssSse you've got there. It would be a shame if ssSSssSsSssomething were to happen to it... SSSssSsSSsSsssSs
rocky 13 years ago
  That's a very nice EVERYTHING you have there... it'd be a shame if sssssssomething happened to it...
God I hate creepers.

And I burned a Zombie Pigman to death today. It's possible, people. :D
I also ventured a cave system near bedrock on Hard difficulty. I found 2 dungeons and also found around 10 diamond, 40 iron, 30 gold, and countless coal. I also killed lots of creepers and skeletons. Basically, it was awesome.

Random question: How many wolves do you have? So far I have 7.
Ahroo 13 years ago
  The server I'm part of DOES. as well as about 4-5 other worlds. >:3
Gemerald 13 years ago
  I love minecraft, my user is Leafcake is any of u c me on multiplayer...
Im making a server soon so il tell u the ip then
Ahroo 13 years ago
MARC2009 13 years ago
  its not all gone I was referring to the base of it :P
Jim674 13 years ago
  I've never played it. When would I have time to play it, I've got JUMP GEAR 2 to play!!!
Ahroo 13 years ago
  lol... if it's gone you either had a tower of tnt or made it out of sand. |:p
MARC2009 13 years ago
  the tower is tall, its tall enough to be seen far away(it goes in the clouds)


First post of the topic

LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  Anyone gotz it? I do. My name is LukeTheJester.

And TTS means Title to Short cuz it said that.
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