Play the games, create the levels

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Mmmmmm 4 years ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 4 years ago
  Yes this site was a huge part of my life, so i will contribute and do what I can to keep it alive. Now i am not experienced with programming so maybe gecko could program and generate a database to store the site's games,information.
Coolguy52 4 years ago
  Completely agree with everyone. I too joined at 8 years old, and now I feel that we should work as hard as possible to preserve what we have left! It's been an amazing decade on this website, full of amazing games, a great community, and amazing rivalries! I was thinking of maybe documenting some of the history of the games, as I'm not at all experienced in AS or Flash. It would be a shame to see this site's nearly 13 year old history be completely lost so it would be cool in my eyes to document it. Obviously it's almost impossible for me to know anything from between the creation and October 2010, and I wouldn't know a lot about many of the games other than Jump Gear 2 or Jellify, as those are the two where I have been the most active over my BL career.
kalina200 4 years ago
  I would love to do anything I can to keep this site going, or at least archive as much of it as possible.

I joined this site when I was eight years old in 2013, so it's a given that this website was a huge part of my life.

Lets work to preserve what we can, while we still can.
suhangha 4 years ago
  I agree that preserve this site.
Do not know what will happen in the future
We expect with ambition.
SimonM 4 years ago
  I share the same sentiment as gameinsky and geckojsc. I would love to help to preserve this site!
suhangha 4 years ago
  Convince about hopefully good luck
geckojsc 4 years ago
  We could wait for Ruffle... but that will take years, and may never be complete enough to run BL games.

This community has had such a huge impact on my life. If there's any chance of a preservation effort I'd like to be involved.

Would you consider, for example, open-sourcing the games so that we can convert them to JS? If you wish to discuss in private you can always reach us on Discord :)
gameinsky 4 years ago
  Wow, we were hoping that you would know more, but this stings a bit...

There still some itnerest in the games and its levels from the people who frequented the site and some people have began experimenting with extracting level and metadata to have a backup database, but... What then
jp 4 years ago
  Flash end of life is very soon, not sure what this website will become...
chris3000 4 years ago
  Oh, ok. Thanks for the feedback.
PineappleDude 4 years ago
  I'm sure you'll be able to get an add-on or something that allows flash, so I wouldn't worry about it :)
chris3000 4 years ago
  So if I use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, will I still be able to play games on BL?
gameinsky 4 years ago
  Not that I know of. This website never took of, which is what JP wanted out of this. Ontop of that he's now working on mobile games.
There will still be ways to play this, but it'll be more and more difficult.
patio09 4 years ago
  Google announced stopping support for flash completely end 2020.
There won't be any Browsers left accessing this contents.
Even if I stopped playing Blockoban for a while (must have been years) I came back I find it still amusing.
Are there any plans to port this site to a new platform ?
chris3000 5 years ago
  Well I hope this site lasts for as long as possible.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  We are nearing 2020. Ten years ago, this site was blooming with activity in comparison to now. I joined in 2010 and in my 9 years here, it is clear to see that the site has peaked. I have considered limiting my activity for a while now - but I still enjoy playing the games and want to keep playing. I seriously doubt that I'll play these games for another 9 years - I have no idea when I'll slow down or stop though, I guess time will tell...

BL will probably end up as an archive (to some extent it already is) of our achievements on all of these games - a sad fate for a site on which many players have spent over a decade of their lives.
Dynamo 5 years ago
  It will be a sad day if BL ever dies, some of us grew up with this site and now we're the only ones left, when we move on with our lives, what will become of BL?
chris3000 5 years ago
  That's true , plus BL isn't as active as it used to be.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  I have no idea. It’s hard to say if there will ever even be another BL game. There isn’t much point in making a game here anymore due to Flash all but dying in 2020. If there are more games though - the one that I think is most likely to ever get finished is ‘Pistons’ but who knows at this point...
chris3000 5 years ago
  So, what will the next game on bl be?
chris3000 5 years ago
  Nice jp, now people won't get their accounts hacked anymore!
SimonM 5 years ago
  It's a good thing for security!
jp 5 years ago
  Bonuslevel was made years ago when the security was not a concern. Until now, the passwords were stored in clear in the database, which is a problem in case a hacker accesses the data. And now this is fixed with all passwords encrypted (hashed).
SimonM 6 years ago
  That's really nice!!
jp 6 years ago
  Just updated the registration form with the recaptcha v2, should work now.

@Treazer the consent button should only happen once, if it's not the case it's a problem. I see it once in my case.
Treazer 7 years ago
  That consent button is super annoying when you have it on like every second website, but I understand it is needed. Also, congrats for the game release, I'll make sure to check it out! :)
jp 7 years ago
  Cookis consent bottom banner added (mandatory for EU sites). Hugs!

(BTW releasing a new game on iOS/Androd in a couple of days, it's totally free of charges/IAPs/Ads and it's called BoneSwiper, check it out).
jp 7 years ago
  The regsiter form was not working anymore since the move to https and new server. It's fixed.

The caht link has been replaced by a lin kto the BL discord : discord
whirl 7 years ago
  Hey JP, nice server!

BonusLevel website and API

First post of the topic

jp 16 years ago
  I will post in this topic to inform when I update the code of the site.

Don't post your suggestions here. Use Suggestions for the site or Suggestions for the forum or BL game ideas or create another topic.

for today, on the user profile page, the list of levels is displayed as follow :
The levels that are not yet accepted are not featured in this list except if :

- You are a game admin.
- You are the user of the profil.

Yesterday, I also added a "ShareThis" link on the game pages and the home page, in order visitors can share the pages with their friends.
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