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lololol 15 years ago

what is CAPTCHA? anyways. if the spam bots are gone then.. I love it!
Hexicube 15 years ago
  definetely a good idea to have one :D
jp 15 years ago
  To fight spam bots (many spam bots reported on bonuslevel recently), I just added a CAPTCHA in the registration form :
SuperDog 15 years ago
  There isn't anything except stuff like Admins

Ahroo 15 years ago
  Cool... 8D
Im 15 years ago
  Groups? Seriously!? :D
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  Look at this:
Click here
Hexicube 15 years ago
  Oh right...thanks!
jp 15 years ago
  Site updates is for annoucements of effective site updates. For suggestions, use the optics linked on the right side of this page.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  True, because it's not a good idea to delete accepted levels. And, if you could delete accepted levels, hackers would! D8
Hexicube 15 years ago
  This should only be if it is grey, purple or red.
Shiro 15 years ago
  Yahoooo :D!

Now I will reach the 2000 Jump Gear levels in no-time :D!

(edit) it doesn't work in Jump Gear 2 for me D:!
(edit) now it does :D!
Jac1 15 years ago
  Finally, great update!
jp 15 years ago
  Now you can view the levels you've not played (not in the highscores) inside the game (new panel).
jp 15 years ago
  Yes old lisdes will count as EXP points too. Yes please use the dedictated topic for this question.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  are slides that used to be on the editors pick going to get EXP too? Theres another forum topic that lists them, ill try to find it.
jp 15 years ago
  Small update :

- Forum and user moderators ( )

- EXP points for slide creators ( )
Hexicube 15 years ago
  The automatic level start is annoying if you're constantly using a link to edit it, maybe 5 seconds?
jp 15 years ago
  Now I can remove all ratings from one user. I used this for the hacked accounts.
jp 15 years ago
  [small update] Now when you click on a level link, it starts automatically the level (after a 2 seconds delay). That means when you click on a front page level, the level starts. That is more user friendly if you want to show your levels to people who are not used with BL.
Shiro 15 years ago
  Great update!
gameinsky 15 years ago
  yes !!!!
good update!
jp 15 years ago
  [small update] :
* Spoiler correction, it didn't work wery well on IE.
* At the bottom of the forum page listing all messages for a given topic, you can link directly a page of messages. This is mainly useful for search feature; so far google was only indexing the first page (latest messages), now it can parse the whole messages, and we can search within the whole messages.
jp 15 years ago
  I just uploaded an update on the game interface. Mainly useful for level moderators. When you edit a level, you can click on "BACK" to evaluate the level faster. That was a request by oh_bebe a few weeks (months?) ago.
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  Great update.
So how will editors be making news?
DragonPower 15 years ago
  Gratz jp!.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Great update!
How are the editors going to get make the pictures for the level? I think it would be better if it was by uploading a picture from the computer instead of taking screenshots like you would with a thumbnail, because then if the editors had good graphic skills they could make very good looking pictures (by adding effects and modifications in image software).
Treazer 15 years ago
  Great update jp!!!
Ratman 15 years ago
  YAY i like to create levels ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!
Jac1 15 years ago
  Editors are people who create levels.

BonusLevel website and API

First post of the topic

jp 16 years ago
  I will post in this topic to inform when I update the code of the site.

Don't post your suggestions here. Use Suggestions for the site or Suggestions for the forum or BL game ideas or create another topic.

for today, on the user profile page, the list of levels is displayed as follow :
The levels that are not yet accepted are not featured in this list except if :

- You are a game admin.
- You are the user of the profil.

Yesterday, I also added a "ShareThis" link on the game pages and the home page, in order visitors can share the pages with their friends.
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