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PaulWalrus 15 years ago
  same here...
gameinsky 15 years ago
  i don' understand how to do that , can't find those tabs
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Great!!! This means we can create collabs for RT and all the other games now!!!

@Jac1: You must upload your level and save it as *undone* or something like that, then others will be able to edit it.
Jac1 15 years ago
  Good, but how do you do it if it's still local?
jp 15 years ago
  Community levels!

Now, as the author of a level, you can authorize other people to edit your level. You are still responsible for the final result and only you will get the awards/ratings for this level. You can add more editors on the level page (link [more] above the level tabs).

On the "MY LEVELS" tab (inside the game) ou can now view your own levels, and the levels you are one of the editor).

If you are an editor for a level and can't edit it (don't see the EDIT button) refresh the cache of your browser, or wait tomorrow as the cache is usually only valid for only 1 day.

Becareful, there is not any wiki feature on a level, so if an editor edits, and ruin the level, you can't get back. This is a feature for later.

[edit] I forgot to say that Admins lvl 1 should be able to reset scores from now.
jp 15 years ago
  1) Rating power is now modified by an algorithm to determine if you rate fairly or not. The algorithm is certainly not perfect and it must be kept secret. If your rating power has decreased, don't worry it will happen to everybody. Explanations.

2) New level designers rankings. To be featured on the list, you must have disnged at least 5 approved levels. In addition, we add a virtual rating that depends on the number of levels you made. For example, if X made 5 levels with an average rating of 4.5, and if Y made 10 levels with an average rating of 4.5, X will get a final rating of ~4.6 and Y will get a final rating of ~4.7. So Y will be ranked higher.
It's almost equivalent to ranking designers on their best levels, but it's easier to compute.
jp 15 years ago
  From now all new members (1 month) that have not yet posted on the forums, will be invited to post on the Hello thread.

I've created a new topic for site suggestions (cf on the right column for the link) that are not related to the forum.

@Captain, I will answer to your suggestion in the new thread I've create for site suggestions.
Jac1 15 years ago
  That thread already exists: Suggestions for the forum
Captain_404 15 years ago
  Hey, I had an idea for a feature in the API.

What if there was an option to include a button in the BL interface for the editor section that would call a function to bring up an in-game editor.

So, the button would appear alongside the other editor button such as thumbnail, etc, but would call a function to bring up the in-editor menu. This creates an easy button to press that doesn't ever get in the way of editing. No more confusing people with the Home key, and less accidentally selecting an item while you're trying to place a line.

Also, since people seem to be using this for a suggestions thread, why not create a separate thread for suggestions so this one can just be about site updates that actually exist?
FrogMan 15 years ago
  I have an idea: What about spliting the awards into two groups: Playing awards and Editing awards
Jac1 15 years ago
  Maybe every time a level gets uploaded, every admin would recieve a little pop-up message?
Or would that be to hard to do?
Jac1 15 years ago
  Very VERY good idea!
That would really help for I dream of clouds (Jump Gear 2)!
Shiro 15 years ago
  Mabey there should be a link so you can see the import/export code of each official level so you can train on some certain points where you're stuck...
jp 15 years ago
  Small update on list of latest topics :
- You can dynamically update the latest topics
- When clicking on the lft or right side of the knob, it's no longer going directly to the mouse position, it's just decreasing/increasing the knob position. Very useful when there are many topics.
Shiro 15 years ago
  Oh okay...
gundu 15 years ago
  Only if someone click on it
Shiro 15 years ago
  Ohw okay, so if I put this code on another site it will give me exp... ._.?
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Well, when you are on another forum or community, you can post the affiliation link that you find on your profile, which will take people to Bonus Level. The code on the end of the link will tell the site to give you exp points.
Shiro 15 years ago
  I don't get the new update

'1) The affiliation link to earn up to 3 EXP points (max) a day, look at your profile.'

What do you have to do?
jp 15 years ago
  New update

1) The affiliation link to earn up to 3 EXP points (max) a day, look at your profile.

2) Small changes on the game interface.
- When you are not logged in, as soon as you complete 5 levels, an info planel explains that if one decide to register later, all his local scores wil be ignored.
- As soon as you've created a new level, the menu on the right side is showing the level tabs (comments, scores, more)
- On the level MORE tab, I added a direct link field.
lololol 15 years ago
  Yeah, you right. it could be a great idea with a archive because i'm defenetly not the only one that got tired of the RT Music, or JG2, etc..
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I thought about this once, and it is possible to load music from a url in Flash, but it just wouldn't work very well. The music would have to be streamed for a start, which would mean laggy music. It would also slow the game down a lot. Also, music might be copyrighted, and that could lead to issues. Not everybody will like the songs and that could put people off a level. And what if the music got deleted from its url? Then nobody would be able to hear it anymore.

We could not upload our own music, because that would simply take up too much space.

But if BL had a music archive, the music would not cause much of a problem.
The music could all be compressed and low quality, and made by BL members with musical skill. I think it might work quite well...
Jac1 15 years ago
  Yes, good idea!
lololol 15 years ago
  what about if you could upload your own music in your own level, then the players could switch between the original, or the level makers music?
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Maybe if you could choose to turn the status on/off, with off as the default?

Nice update BTW!
jp 15 years ago
  New updates :

1- For game developers, you can define a background image for the game page. Just upload an image in the "extra files" field that yuo call "css_game_background.jpg". 'In cae you don't remember it's described when you click no the Information button of the "Extre files" field).

2 - A list of external links on homepage to good sites. Maybe partners later but I did'nt contact them for now.

3 - In the footer, a link to a "Games for your site" page I've quickly done with the standalone versions of BL games.

@gecko, nice, but I'm not sure many of you will maintain this status, BL can't compet with Facebook or Twitter ^_^
Jac1 15 years ago
  Good idea!
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I just had an idea.
What if we could add a 'status' to each profile?
For example, on my profile page, I could change the status to anything I wanted, like 'On Holiday', or 'Updating Path4Mouse', or 'Making a New Level'.
Then people would know exactly what I was up to.

I just had this idea because I'm going on holiday soon and I don't want people to wonder where I am.
jp 15 years ago
  Google is generally indexing our discussions quite well. So to make it easy, I've added a google custom search on the forum. Even if the latest discussions are not indexed immediately (maybe 1 or 2 days later), the search results are much better with the google technology than they would have been if I do it myslef.

The ads displayed by google can't be cut. Despite this will make a very small revenur for me, it has the advantage to get you used with ads displayed on BL. The site requries more and more work and it will be necessary one day to monetize it. So be prepared ^_^.

NOTE to the game admins, a small update has been passed yesterday but it can be important to help the evaluation of levels : when viewing a level, click on the MORE tab. You will see the logs of updates and evaluations on the current level.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  yaya cool update Jp!

BonusLevel website and API

First post of the topic

jp 16 years ago
  I will post in this topic to inform when I update the code of the site.

Don't post your suggestions here. Use Suggestions for the site or Suggestions for the forum or BL game ideas or create another topic.

for today, on the user profile page, the list of levels is displayed as follow :
The levels that are not yet accepted are not featured in this list except if :

- You are a game admin.
- You are the user of the profil.

Yesterday, I also added a "ShareThis" link on the game pages and the home page, in order visitors can share the pages with their friends.
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