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Topic, Game "Moonlights iPhone Editor"

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Asforien 15 years ago
  You probably need to try a few times in order to get the correct wind for each level, though jp has posted a code in the edit tab that makes your structure fall very slowly, not unlike in the Outer Space levels.
Sword-Guy 15 years ago
  have you thought of a switch that changes wind? and what level of wind is needed for an outer space level?
jp 15 years ago
  No, there will not be a chat because lately Apple is tagging all games with a chat as mature content.
Sword-Guy 15 years ago
  Good, and do you plan on making a chat for the openfient? games usually have them, i thought all openfeint did...
jp 15 years ago
  Thx SwordGuy, yes ferris wheel is difficult I will move it in latest positions.
Cloudy day is still possible nothing has changed.
I've changed some levels not to interfere with the pause button (4 you, base jumping)
Sword-Guy 15 years ago
  is it me, or did you put ferris wheel too early?
Asforien you are god of level creators. 360 rocks!took me a while to figure out how to beat it :)
Turn around doesnt seem to work the way it did before.
pause button sometimes gets in the way
if you have a "twitter" post it here, so we can be friends on openfeint.
jp 15 years ago
  @Brolling because I've changed the way the levels will be downloaded on the iPhone. Official levels will be those that will be directly embedded in the game. The accepted levels will be downloaded. And when a new update embed some of the accepted levels, they become official.

@Swordguy, thx.
Sword-Guy 15 years ago
  May i suggest a setting on the switch that changes wind?
Treazer 15 years ago
  Why are some official levels now acepted?
Elizea 15 years ago
  umm... Oxideee,
Oxideee 15 years ago
  heyy guys im up to sky walker on moonlightsb ut its so hard, any tips
(ps.cant even get to the first cloud set)
Sword-Guy 15 years ago
  or download free app beta helper and send to jp
jp 15 years ago
  Yes gecko, can you send your UDID through the contact form ?
Asforien 15 years ago
  You need the beta version, which jp will send you.
For some reason he needs your udid, so you'll have to send him that first.

(it's a string of characters found in itunes)
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I guess you have not made it possible to download and play levels yet? I don't see any options for importing levels yet, or is that because I'm not connected to the internet?

"I become an iPhone" LOL!
DragonPower 15 years ago
Sword-Guy 15 years ago
  I have created a level using only the tilt. it is harder than sounds. an example of something you couldnt test on the flash.
Treazer 15 years ago
  Quoting Treazer from Game "Moonlights iPhone Editor"

Why did you remove my level? I became an iPhone
SuperDog 15 years ago
  I can make levels and test them on the flash ML :)

comment 80
1jase 15 years ago
  jp are you going to make some more official on the real ML??
Sword-Guy 15 years ago
  @jp Stars and supernovas
gameinsky 15 years ago
  That's funny , i don't have a devise to test the levels but I make levels playable only for the ipod version (where you 'control' the gravity)
By using m mid as 'tester' and it seems they are great too!
niimporta 15 years ago
  I learned it 2 months ago, but I Wan't it on purple, better.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  You can still edit rejected levels. (i leaned this last week)
niimporta 15 years ago
  And why my level, You still moving (Moonlights iPhone Editor) is rejected? Can you make it purple, please??
jp 15 years ago
  @Oxidee, you will receive next beta build. Not yet ready, but progressing fast

@Sword, which level ?
Oxideee 15 years ago
  Did you recieve my UDID?
Sword-Guy 15 years ago

can you please tell me why my level was rejected? I did not get any comments of why on it?
murtaza64 15 years ago
  OK Asforien.
And how do you like my avatar? I made it in paint.

[edit]OK, I resent the udid, but here it is anyway. [I'll PM you jp]
Asforien 15 years ago
  You should send it again, just in case.

Games forum

Play Game "Moonlights iPhone Editor"

First post of the topic

jp 15 years ago
  Here is the level editor for the iPhone / iPod touch game Moonlights.
You can see it's very similar to the Editor of the Flash version of Moonlights, except that you need an iPhone or iPod touch to test your levels.

News :
2009/07/27 : Beta test. The online edtor is public, but the corresponding iPhone update is not yet submitted. You have to send your UDID is you wish I send you back a compatible iPhone version of the game (contact).

[edit] Sorry I had to remove the first posts to keep this one the first post. Of course it's not on front page because the core of is Flash games, not iPhone games.
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