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Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...

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MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  For Christmas i want a pony and a car. and a matchbox. about 120. i want a new mattress and a sink. i want a hairdryer and something that's pink. and if it's not too much to ask, i'd like to be flushed down the toilet.

My friend and i made that poem. we call it "I want This and That". do you want it in spanish? no? OK!

Durante la Navidad quiero un poni, y un coche. Y una caja de fósforos. Aproximadamente 120. Quiero un nuevo colchón y un fregadero. Quiero un secador de pelo y algo que esto es rosado. Y si no es demasiado para preguntar, me gustaría ser limpiado con agua abajo los servicios.

translated back to English, it says

During the Christmas I want a pony, and a car. And a box of fósforos. Approximately 120. I want a new mattress and a sink. I want a dryer of hair and something that this is pink. And if it is not too much to ask, one would like to be cleaned by water below the services.



("fósforos" didn't translate back. it means "matches")
gamelover101 15 years ago

SuperDog 15 years ago
The longest word in the world has 189819 letters
Im 15 years ago
That was one word. Oh, 5 words! Wait... 8 WORDS! WOOT! Oh no, now there are 12 words. :S
Wait... 22 WORDS! GOT YA! Oops...
gamelover101 15 years ago
  7 Times!
OH NOES!!!!!

P.S. 8 Times
SuperDog 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
  OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gamelover101 15 years ago
  OMG what is It like for a computer to shut up?

Shut up = Mute
Shut up = Shutdown

Oh noes I'm confused.

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High Blood Sugar Level
Glucose Level Chart
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CFA Level 1

Very odd.
Oh noes long post!
Oh noes I said Oh noes twice!
Four Times!
Oh Noes!
Im 15 years ago
  Because we do not understand what you say.
pop12 15 years ago
  why u post pop 12 poped 10 times or blah blah blah blah etc...
allyally 15 years ago
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Do not open:
Im 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
  jp have the permission to everything lolwut
Im 15 years ago
  ii iis awesome haha hiihiihii!
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Shut up.

No. I am a laptop so i can only shut down
Im 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
  Y DONT U EAT PIES (cuz they = feets)
gamelover101 15 years ago
  The topic name
'Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...'
is too long.
Would you like to modify the title
'Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...'? Yes. No.


Error, the title 'Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...'
is too long to modify.

Abort. Retry. Ignore.

Error, the title 'Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...'
is too long to modify.

Abort. Retry. Ignore.

Error, the title 'Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...'
is too long to modify.

I should of pressed that a long time ago.
Oh noes.

The topic name
'Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...'
is too long.
Would you like to modify the title
'Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...'? Yes. No.

Im 15 years ago
  Ads by Google
Action PC Games
Touch Puzzle Game
Free Full Game
Marbles Games
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  It doesn't even SHOW the Google ads anymore!
17 P03$n'7 3v3n $H0W 7h3 9009#3 4P$ 4n%m0r3!

Leet translator!
1337 7r4n$#470r!!
Im 15 years ago
SuperDog 15 years ago
Pop12 popped pop12 popping 12 pops, pops12, or either popped himself 11 times with 12 pops, pops12, or he popped his pop, pop1221212121 and popped him a popping amount of pops, 12 pops.
bwac2012 15 years ago

Im 15 years ago
  +8° 59' 60.00", +9° 0' 0.00"
Im 15 years ago
  THIS DOESN*T MAKE SENSE SO SHUT THE **** UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
allyally 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
zodiacra 15 years ago
  Warning! Open now!!!



First post of the topic

Hexicube 15 years ago
  Well, I can't make the title ay bigger because it's at the limit right now...beans...lots and lots of I don't even like beans!
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