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Topic, Game "Jump Gear 2"

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Elizea 14 years ago
  That's impossible task, Shiro. Also, I challenge everyone to make casual levels that have just a perfect difficulty, not too hard tho.
AK 14 years ago
  Not good at really hard levels, but I will try if YOU make a level for HogPop!
Shiro 14 years ago
  Hmm, I am bored, I hereby challenge everyone to make a very hard, but nice looking and not fustrating level!
AK 14 years ago
  My forum is: Send all your #1 levels from Hogpop and JumpGear2 here!
You can also just send your JumpGear2 levels to the pack itself. On the newly commented tab, go to the second page and click on "Our best Levels" pack. Put the name of your level in the comments! :)
Hyro 14 years ago
  Lol.... So many off topics.....

And AK how do you get to your forum?? D:
AK 14 years ago
  Hey everyone, I'm making the "Our Best Levels" pack for JG2, so here's what you have to do:
Go to one of your levels. When it is fully loaded, click on the "more" tab. This will show the level's rating. Find the rating on ALL of your levels. Send the name of the highest rated level to my forum," Send all of your #1 levels from HogPop and JumpGear2........", so I can put it in the pack. Only 1 level per person!

Um.. please don't delete this, it isn't that much off topic, and it is very important.
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Flame22's score: 6166688
Hyro 14 years ago
  Lol poor MarioLuigi.......

Elizea: Yep, very true thankfully you didn't take it the wrong way. ^_^

Shiro: Lol... Do you agree to what I said about you? xD
Elizea 14 years ago
  Actually, I am somewhat happy if someone calls me perfectionist. It in the end tells that the one who says it, admits my work is very good, he wouldn't call me perfectionist otherwise.

It could of course be negative too, but not in this situation.
Shiro 14 years ago
  @Hyro, being a prefectionist is mostly a negative comment, so people don't like to get them :P.
Hyro 14 years ago
  Lol anytime Elizea.

And being a perfectionist is a complement. ^_^

You always put so much detail into your levels. :D
Hexicube 14 years ago
  check your internet using IE and it works fine...
AK 14 years ago
  Uh, every time I try a level, it says, "Error #24407: Official threads not supported". And then the music for the entire site stops and won't play again. This has been happening for three months, what is wrong?
And now it shows 2 bars that say, Page 1/181, when there should only be one. They both work somehow.
Elizea 14 years ago

I am afraid my posts have some more grammar errors, but those are not so easy to spot if English isn't your native language.

Also, thanks for noticing the typo.
Hyro 14 years ago
  Elizea: In your post I think I found a typo! AHAHAHAHA!

You won't have a ---->((((((change))))))<---- to make level this good if you can't figure out the glitch yourself, and find out how to get it work so like you want it.

Darkviod: Nice. O-o;

Ditto/Ahroo: Well I can deffenitly say they have been more mindful on what the levels are, but not strict. ^_^

(Edit about E and S and easyer ways to get your level accepted.)

There is one thing that an addy HATES and will deny, each one has their own spot.

Shiro: Head jumps, anything that associates with a head jump, THE HEAD JUMP, and just about any other odd glitch that creates a bend in the game.

Elizea: Well this is more of an originality/cleanlyness issue, IT MUST BE PERFECT, because Elizea is a perfectionist.
Elizea 14 years ago
  You don't have to use them in levels, and any level using them will with 98% change get rejected (2% as if the concept is absolutely amazing, design fantastic and it requires the glitch to work).

You won't have a chance to make level this good if you can't figure out the glitch yourself, and find out how to get it work so like you want it.
AK 14 years ago
  Can anyone help me with making walls that you can drive through???
Hyro 14 years ago
  Lol.... I didn't think it was "that" off topic. xD

(Hey its better than barbies and potatoes dancing in the rain) xD
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Oh s***! Removed messages again! I need go to chat!
AK 14 years ago
  Come on Oliali! Sorry Asteria, but he has highscores for about 1/10 of all levels. And he is the reason I joined bonuslevel, along with Crush.
Hyro 14 years ago

All levels....

(Someone would have ALOT of time on their hands.... xD)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  lol Asteria you should get highscore ON ALL LEVELS o.O
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Don't get pwned by OliAli again! You're my idol!

Now I'm going to beat him!

Congratz Waca, you have 3 million points!
Hyro 14 years ago
  High five Asteria! ^_^

Kirrock: Lol, I know. T-T
kirrock 14 years ago
  Congratulations, Asteria!

Psst: Oliali have not been on JG2/Other Games on BL for a While.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  lol have you beat me on that level yet? :D
Journey to the end (Jump Gear 2)
MatthijsM 14 years ago
  congratulations Asteria.
SimonM 14 years ago
  congratulations Asteria
Asteria 14 years ago
  Im in first place again!
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Congratz David! You finally did it!

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