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Topic, Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions

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totallyepicdude321 12 years ago
  slide changers!description:when you touch the block,it moves the block the way the arrow on it is pointing!
psychomaster 12 years ago
  Switch Block: Break it to make something else (Like a wall, block, or forcefield) move. It is colored, and doesn't work with gray blocks.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  How about having that pierce broken and cracked walls?
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Heavy Block:
Coloured block that can destroy normal walls.

Graphic Suggestion:
No rounded corners
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Auto move block?
oldmanrob 12 years ago
  We should have fire & ice. I don't know if this can be done. And I'm not sure about the how it should work. Maybe you have to avoid to "ice" a block or you will not be able to destroy it. And with fire blocks you will have to hurry or you will have a colour left.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Well about the coloured bomb there is no need to move it.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  I suggested something like that, but quoting:
Quoting SimonM from Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions
That's not possible with the current engine. This can result in weird collisions. Like 2 blocks that are moving towards eachother, when do they have to stop, when there is 1 block inbetween them?
Sherlock 12 years ago
  Treazer you meant that block is intouchable?
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Hidden color: Hides the color of a block and makes it unkmown. Still matchable.
SuperDog 12 years ago
  So you have a button, which toggles whether switches work for smart walls, which toggle the colour for smart walls, which make it stop at certain force fields, so that it can't follow a tile, which is moving.
Sherlock 12 years ago
  Well, deleted.
Treazer 12 years ago
  SimonM won't implement 3, I already suggested it.
Sherlock 12 years ago
  Post extra 3 suggestions:

1.Recorded On/Off Background Music.
If you closed the music, then the next time you don't have to close it again.

2.Graphic-style rule statement.
Use pictures to replace the buttoms [Undo] [Moves:__] [Chain Bombs On/Off] and [Dispose Grey On/Off], etc.

SimonM 12 years ago
  Not completely blockoban style, but still cool stuff.
kiethy342 12 years ago
  @SimonM: Maybe a shaddow could cast over it when it's in the hole? As for what the hole itself looks like, I don't know. It would be great though, you would be able to have blockoban style levels :)
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Magnet: Pulls blocks to them if it's in the path.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  The link removers will need a button to re-activate them.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Combo-adder: +1 when a block slides over it.
Treazer 12 years ago
  Unused Link:

If a block slides over it, it'll be linked with it.
kiethy342 12 years ago
  How about a wall making block. It acts like a smart wall, but when it moves, it leaves a trail of walls in it's place. There would be three kinds:
normal wall maker
cracked wall maker
broken wall maker
SimonM 12 years ago
  Two tiles I would like to implement are 'shapes' and 'holes'

Blocks can be put together in shapes. For example a tetris shaped group. If a block in a shape gets moved, the other blocks move as well. But when one of the blocks get stopped the other blocks stop as well. If one of the blocks is an icy block and it gets pushed, the others will move as well. This could provide a whole different kind of levels. the only thing I'm struggled with is the graphics off shapes.

Holes are placed on the play board. If a block moves over it the blocks falls in the hole. Other blocks can now move over it. If you want to match it, you have to slide your block exactly on top of the block in the hole. Blocks in holes don't explode if a bomb is near them, because they have shelter in the hole. One thing I also struggle with is the graphical part of it. How to let the block look like it's in a hole, how to design the hole?
azz 12 years ago
  How about, link blocks where the link wears off after a certain number of moves?
Weakest Links or something.
And about the Hostile blocks idea, they would have to be icy otherwise a block next to them could just move into them.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  I see a light-green block, but what about a dark-green block??

Edit: Or how about limited block matching? You don't need to match every block, but you only need to match a number amount of blocks to complete the level.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Oh, haven't check it...
Treazer 12 years ago

Wall blocks by Treazer:
You don't need to clear them to complete the level. When wall blocks are matched, they turn into walls.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Builder block(bad name, i know): When matched, they turn into walls.
SuperDog 12 years ago
  oh yeah :P
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Which I already made.
SuperDog 12 years ago
  alan, i'd call it a coloured bomb


First post of the topic

Treazer 12 years ago
06/23/12 - implemented Grey Forcefields
06/23/12 - implemented Sticky Tiles
07/16/12 - implemented Combination Blocks
07/16/12 - implemented Cracked Walls
08/03/12 - implemented Colour Changers
08/04/12 - implemented Dual Colour Blocks
08/08/12 - implemented Movement Restrictors
09/02/13 - implemented Rising Walls
09/02/13 - implemented a new design

Timebomb by kiethy342:
Four blocks at the same time need to hit the bomb and then it explodes like a normal bomb.

Rainbow Block by Treazer:
You can match them with all colours.

Glass by Treazer:
Like grey blocks, but they'll break when they hit anything 5 blocks or more away. They'll break too when blocks hit them 5 blocks or more away. When a glass tile hits a glass tile they won't break, don't matter how far away.

Unmounted Walls by Treazer:
They are like walls, but they can be destroyed with bombs.

Combo-adder by Alanliu12121:
Adds +1 combination when a block slides over it, 9+1 won't change.

Wireless blocks by Treazer:
Blocks are connected to each other, even if they don't touch each other. If one of the connected blocks break, the rest will break too.

Reinforcement by azz:
Things you can attach on bombs or cracked/broken walls so they won't be able to detonate/break from a certain side.

Stackable movement restrictions by chase28:
You'll be able to stack them so there are multiple ways to go through.

Shape Changer by ThisIsMyUsername:
If a block slides through it, it will change its shape from normal to icy and vice versa.

Shape Forcefield by ThisIsMyUsername:
A forcefield for the shape of a block (normal, icy).
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