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Topic, Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions

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CubixIII 11 years ago
  What I meant by close is that once all possible events occurring from a move finish, the portal will close, and you can use it as a wall for one move. Also, if a portal is blocked, blocks couldn't move through.

Example (note: p:/:p = portals, p]/[p = closed portals, rr = red block, r> = left group red block ## = wall:


So what I'm saying is: A set of portals will stay open forever, unless blocks pass through a set, when the turn ends, the portals will both close. When the following move ends, the portals will both open again.
SimonM 11 years ago
  I don't like it... I guess I can find an in code solution that checks if you got an infinity loop:
Get a variable for each block that says if they have gone through the same portal twice.
Then check if all moving blocks have that variable to true. If so abort.

I don't like the closing portal, because it doesn't allow for linked groups to go through 1 portal and I already see some level tricks and techniques.
gameinsky 11 years ago
  So a one-use portal that regenerates every turn?
Sounds like cool solution to prevent the infinite warparound.
CubixIII 11 years ago
  I just had an idea. Maybe... you could make so if you pass through a portal, it will close along with the other one you pass through, and open at the next move you make.

An example:

That's a better suggestion than having a number on the portal.
SimonM 11 years ago
  That it only can be used several times? I won't do that, because then the design of the portal would also need to include a number.
CubixIII 11 years ago
  @SimonM What if a portal could have a limit of pass-throughs?
SimonM 11 years ago
  Due my message being too long, here is the rest:

- Collaboration with other tiles:

If for some reason 2 blocks of the same colour stand on linked portals, they are not matched. You could see portals as the floor opening, eating the block, the floor closing, then the floor opening on the other portal and spitting out the block and closing the floor again.

It can also happen that a block moves in an infinite cycle. I was thinking of an abort button, that fixes that, or a detection in code that checks if a block has gone through that portal already in that move, if so the move gets undone and a text get displayed: "Illegal move, infinite cycle."

There have to be made a few choices:
- Graphics of the portals
- If there can be more than 2 portals of the same colour, how the linking works: does each portal have each own destination portal. Is it a two way portal (couples)? Or is it like a graph (like in mathematics, see wikipedia)
- Allow portals under broken walls.
- Allow portals under colour changers.
- What to do with infinite cycles

I would like to have some response of what YOU guys think.
SimonM 11 years ago
  I have good and bad news. First the bad news, I won't add coloured bombs. The good thing is that I will add portals instead.
I would like to go through the design progress for a new tile.

- Graphics
How will the portals look so that it is distinct to other tiles. My idea was to have portals in colours of the blocks. So you can make your portal fit in the design of the level. This would not imply that only blue blocks can use blue portals.

- Collaboration with other tiles:
SimonM 11 years ago
  Kiethy, what if after a move a coloured block get blasted off the field?
SuperMario 11 years ago
  Colored Bombs? Anyone?
kiethy342 11 years ago
  Wind Machine:

after every move, it pushes blocks along one space. Instead of being a block, it would be something you turn on and off and decide the direction. There would be two power settings being weak and strong. When set on weak, it only effects regular blocks apart from those on sticky pads which aren't affected. The blocks can be moved against the direction of the wind. When set on strong, it can push blocks off sticky pads and blocks can not move against it. Both settings would move blocks one space after each move. It would be blocked by walls, smart walls and locked blocks.
ThisIsMyUsername 11 years ago
Teleports a block from Teleporter A to B.(Or colors when it has multiple teleporters, e.g.: Red to Red, Blue to Blue...)
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  after the first move the fog comes in and you have to play without seeing what goes on.
SimonM 11 years ago
  How would that be implemented? I don't really understand it.
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  fog like in moonlights.
chase28 11 years ago
  Hidden block:
It is invisible at first, and appears when bumped.
Level Editor Graphic:
Hidden Block

Location: The bottom box; The 12th (The bottom right tile).

@oldmanrob: This is not fog, it is just the editor graphic.
loulou465 11 years ago
  unlock block

its a block that can unlock locked blocks when it hits them
Treazer 11 years ago
  I like the idea, but with a few additions:

- explodes if matched with another bomb
- explodes if hit by a block
- doens't explode if it hits something
loulou465 11 years ago
  movable bomb
Treazer 11 years ago
  This may be a little complex:

Spawner + trigger:
There's a spawner and a trigger linked to it.
The spawner spawns a certain tile as long as a blocks stays on the trigger. The spawner doesn't work if a block is staying on it.
A spawner only works once, so as soon as it's activated, it can't be deactivated and the spawner doesn't respawn tiles (like if a bomb explodes).
Treazer 11 years ago
  Mmh... Similar to a locked block actually, you could also put a combination onto it.
kiethy342 11 years ago
  Coloured wall:

Like a wall, you can't destroy it or move it, but if a block of the same colour hits it, that block gets destroyed. There is no way of getting rid of them, and the coloured wall stays after the block has been destroyed.
Treazer 11 years ago
  No, a bug is a problem, but a problem doesn't have to be a bug.
azz 11 years ago
  GRAPHICAL PROBLEM. Does it really matter how I word it?
Treazer 11 years ago
  Azz, there was no graphical bug.
azz 11 years ago
  Treazer the graaphical bug was the reason that holes "didn't exactly work." Also, it wouldn't be a limitation field for every colour, it'd be a hole into the damn abyss of suffering and pain. A 'Black Hole' if you like.

Oh, and also these shape changing forcefields: Does anybody have a graphical suggestion for them?
SuperMario 11 years ago
  i suggest leaving this game like this, with the exception of the coloured bombs.
Treazer 11 years ago
  This could cause infinite loops, won't be added.
ThisIsMyUsername 11 years ago
  Perhaps all bouncy?
SuperMario 11 years ago
  Bouncers: 1/2 wall, one half is a normal wall but the other half has a small trampoline who gives you back to the other wall or out of the level.


First post of the topic

Treazer 12 years ago
06/23/12 - implemented Grey Forcefields
06/23/12 - implemented Sticky Tiles
07/16/12 - implemented Combination Blocks
07/16/12 - implemented Cracked Walls
08/03/12 - implemented Colour Changers
08/04/12 - implemented Dual Colour Blocks
08/08/12 - implemented Movement Restrictors
09/02/13 - implemented Rising Walls
09/02/13 - implemented a new design

Timebomb by kiethy342:
Four blocks at the same time need to hit the bomb and then it explodes like a normal bomb.

Rainbow Block by Treazer:
You can match them with all colours.

Glass by Treazer:
Like grey blocks, but they'll break when they hit anything 5 blocks or more away. They'll break too when blocks hit them 5 blocks or more away. When a glass tile hits a glass tile they won't break, don't matter how far away.

Unmounted Walls by Treazer:
They are like walls, but they can be destroyed with bombs.

Combo-adder by Alanliu12121:
Adds +1 combination when a block slides over it, 9+1 won't change.

Wireless blocks by Treazer:
Blocks are connected to each other, even if they don't touch each other. If one of the connected blocks break, the rest will break too.

Reinforcement by azz:
Things you can attach on bombs or cracked/broken walls so they won't be able to detonate/break from a certain side.

Stackable movement restrictions by chase28:
You'll be able to stack them so there are multiple ways to go through.

Shape Changer by ThisIsMyUsername:
If a block slides through it, it will change its shape from normal to icy and vice versa.

Shape Forcefield by ThisIsMyUsername:
A forcefield for the shape of a block (normal, icy).
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