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Topic, Puzzle It : Tile Suggestions

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Treazer 10 years ago
  Ooohh, that souns nice! :3

I have a few suggestions (you already mentioned some of them):
- lasers are available in 16 colors
- lasers can be activated with switches on the ground
- the switches are toggled when a block slides above them
- there are switches that get toggled with every touch and ones that are one use
- there are special blocks that have to be activated by lasers (of the correct color) to finish the level
- lasers are not stopped by force fields of a different color
- there are mirror blocks which change the direction of a laser (4 mirror blocks for every direction pair)
- lasers aren't solid (speaking of its source block), but they can be attached onto walls
SimonM 10 years ago
  Ok, I have bad and good news.
The bad news is that I can't implement portals, they just destroy the game's logic.
The good news is that I'll implement a new kind of feature: lasers.
Lasers will be rays in one of the 16 colours, and will be blocked by walls, force fields, blocks, bombs and smart walls. I'll probably make slanted mirror tiles and switches that get activated by lasers. I'll probably make it so that every switch should be activated in order to complete the level. Maybe some kind of block that gets deleted if it is lasered. Suggestions for lasers will be gladly received.

laser preview
What do you think of this rendering of the laser colliding with force field?

Ps: lasers stuff is the last thing I'll implement in PI, so that it won't be overloaded.
CubixIII 10 years ago

Nice idea!
Treazer 10 years ago
  Lose = move gets undone.
CubixIII 10 years ago
  what do you exactly mean by "lose"?
gundu 10 years ago
  If you really want a new tile, I may have an idea.

What about a tile where you can go through it BUT if you stop on it, you lose.
gameinsky 10 years ago
  The bounce block would cause the same problems as with the telporters xD
It would also be entirely useless based on the situations I can imagine in my head.
totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  OOH! OOH! I got nothing

jk, how about guns, GUN AND GUNS!!! -from the average cod gamer

heres mine, blocks that bounce you in the opposite direction you came, like a spring or something
-from epicdude
CubixIII 10 years ago
  A block could, like, have it not like a curve, but a corner border. It could stop if a block was in the way of the border, but it would change into the second direction the border is pointing if free.
gundu 10 years ago
  Hmmm... I see what you mean. Nevermind then :P
SimonM 10 years ago
  I don't mean I can't implement it, but it would screw up the logic: suppose a block has changed direction twice so that the direction is reversed:
So a situation could be:

b1 . b2

where b1 and b2 are blocks and . is an empty spot and b1 is moving to the right and b2 is moving to the left. What will happen? Will the blocks merge? Will they go through eachother. This is contradictory, a conflict.

Changing direction in code is easy, but will lead to inconsistencies in the game logic.
gundu 10 years ago
  Yeah, I thought you could do that but I wasn't totally sure.

But wouldn't curves be kinda easy to implement, I mean I can see the logic on how it could work using C. But I might overlook it, after all it's only my first year in IT :P

Might be able to make some games for BL when we'll get to learn some AS3 :D
SimonM 10 years ago
  I was actually talking about the curves.
For the portals, I could detect infinite loops and undo the move like when a coloured block is moved out the screen.
gundu 10 years ago
  What simon is saying is that if portal 1 goes to portal 2 and then portal 2 lead to portal 1 it would create an infinite loop
CubixIII 10 years ago
  What? The portal idea or the curve?

The portal: what I meant was that it would have a number on the bottom right corner to signify which portal goes where, not that it would be able to be used a certain amount of times before breaking.
SimonM 10 years ago
  That's what's not possible. It would create situations that can't be resolved in a gridlike game.
CubixIII 10 years ago
totallyepicdude321 10 years ago
  curves that change the direction your sliding in, like this ---> \
CubixIII 10 years ago
  A number on each. A portal with "1" goes to the other portal with "1", a portal with "2" goes to "2", and vice versa. Its design would be like the block that clears only after specific amount of same blocks hit it, a number on the bottom right corner.

Pros and cons:
+ you can have as many portals as you want
+ you can tell which portal goes where
+ in editor, you can just place two "1"s (or whatever), if you place another, it's labeled "2" (or whatever)
+ not confusing
Treazer 10 years ago
  I'm quite inactive for a while and I've read the portal thing just now.
Is there any progress?`
If you still need graphics, I'd be a volunteer if you'd want to.

For destinations and stuff, what about this:

1.) You place the portals of an arbitrary color and you have to connect them.
Example: You have portal 1, 2, and 3.
You connect portal 1 with portal 2.
- This means portal 1 leads you to portal 2, but portal 2 doesn't lead to portal 1. You could do this by also connecting portal 2 with portal 1.
Now you connect portal 2 with portal 3 (it's not connected with portal 1) and portal 3 with portal 1.
- Portal 1 now leads to 2, portal 2 to 3 and portal 3 back to 1.

Dis- and advantages:
+ you can have as many portals as you want
- players have to know what portal leads where
- would require a new editor mechanic

2.) Another variant:
Every portal has two colors, except if it's not a destination of another portal. The first color is the color of the portal itself and the second one is the color of the destination portal.

Dis- and advantages:
+ players know what portal lead where
+ easy to determine destinations
- limited portals because of limited colors
- you might confuse with portal color and destination color
SuperMario 10 years ago
  Double movement restrictors:
They act like normal movement restrictors but instead of going to 1 side they can go with 2.
psychomaster 10 years ago
  Stalk Block: Type of block, follows anything that moves. It is not a wall, as it can be broken by bombs or a match of the same color (except for gray, of course)

It looks like a block with the follow wall's pattern.
CubixIII 10 years ago
  What will it act like closed?
Will you pass through it?
SimonM 11 years ago
  I ran into major problems, which forces me to implement portal like Cubix said: when a block goes in, the portal closes until the move is done. The portal won't act like a wall though.
SuperMario 11 years ago
  Response to first message: Ok so I think that explains everything. Thanks simon. :)
SimonM 11 years ago
  Would it be nice to have for example:
portal A goes to B, portal B goes to C, portal C goes to D and portal D could go to B or so, so each portal has a destination portal, but they don't have to be a destination though.
SimonM 11 years ago
  I considered that. That's why I chose to do portals instead of coloured bombs, because it opens a gate (portal) to so many new levels and level concepts, if you combine the portals with other tiles.
SuperMario 11 years ago
  I like the Portal idea, I hope you implement it soon. And It's a shame that the colored bombs won't get implemented too, saddest part is that it was my idea. :(

But in my opinion, or it is probably a suggestion for you simon, that this should be the last tile you implement to the game. Don't get me wrong, you can add everything you want to it. It's your game! :) However, remember ToughMan's long speech about the tile excess in the game? I think I agree with him, in most of the text. But like i said, it's your game and you can put the tiles you want to so this is just my opinion. :)
CubixIII 11 years ago
  I see. I guess we can do without the closing portals.
SimonM 11 years ago
  I know what you mean, I just don't like closing for a bit. A check in code allows for more level concepts.


First post of the topic

Treazer 12 years ago
06/23/12 - implemented Grey Forcefields
06/23/12 - implemented Sticky Tiles
07/16/12 - implemented Combination Blocks
07/16/12 - implemented Cracked Walls
08/03/12 - implemented Colour Changers
08/04/12 - implemented Dual Colour Blocks
08/08/12 - implemented Movement Restrictors
09/02/13 - implemented Rising Walls
09/02/13 - implemented a new design

Timebomb by kiethy342:
Four blocks at the same time need to hit the bomb and then it explodes like a normal bomb.

Rainbow Block by Treazer:
You can match them with all colours.

Glass by Treazer:
Like grey blocks, but they'll break when they hit anything 5 blocks or more away. They'll break too when blocks hit them 5 blocks or more away. When a glass tile hits a glass tile they won't break, don't matter how far away.

Unmounted Walls by Treazer:
They are like walls, but they can be destroyed with bombs.

Combo-adder by Alanliu12121:
Adds +1 combination when a block slides over it, 9+1 won't change.

Wireless blocks by Treazer:
Blocks are connected to each other, even if they don't touch each other. If one of the connected blocks break, the rest will break too.

Reinforcement by azz:
Things you can attach on bombs or cracked/broken walls so they won't be able to detonate/break from a certain side.

Stackable movement restrictions by chase28:
You'll be able to stack them so there are multiple ways to go through.

Shape Changer by ThisIsMyUsername:
If a block slides through it, it will change its shape from normal to icy and vice versa.

Shape Forcefield by ThisIsMyUsername:
A forcefield for the shape of a block (normal, icy).
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