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john96 9 months ago
  My two favorite colors are brown, and indigo. What's yours?
chris3000 10 months ago
  I moved Sunday night, I forgot to mention it here, I love our new apartment, we paid $1000 for a nice big sofa/recliner.
PuzzleFan 10 months ago
  The only hard thing about geometry and algebra is that you have to remember so many formulas and definitons of shapes,numbers,integers,etc. Inequalities are a key part of algebra as well.
Coolguy52 10 months ago
  Geometry can be tricky at first because I think unless you have done a certain type of question before - or have been shown one before, there's a lot of 'choices' for what to do. I think it's dissimilar to differentiation in that way (not at all harder though).
chris3000 10 months ago
  Geometry is one of my strong subjects as well, forgot to mention about it.
Coolguy52 11 months ago
  I'm generally good at most parts of maths. High school calculus wasn't too tricky for me the first time I did it - but I think when truly mastered, integrating bizarre looking functions is some of the most impressive looking maths - at least for finding a proper antiderivative. In terms of university maths - computing a derivative or even an integral can be one of the most forgiving parts of those questions! I think as with anything it just takes some getting used to.
chris3000 11 months ago
  I am a math whiz. My favorite is geometry while my weaker subject in math is Calculus. It is a complex course.
suhangha 11 months ago
  App Flash Puzzle Game Portal web design by me
suhangha 11 months ago

when 2020 started, still I got to know a music expert who is more advanced than me, he make songs with dozenal not decimal, fantastic producer

(Art and physical abilities?)

my puzzle it levels 2019 - 2020 (those 3 colors, dot or line symmetrical) is very related with complex-plane , many votes needed

yes right, This application includes a multi-music notation feature 'by both parts'
Coolguy52 11 months ago
  I agree that if you have a good understanding of the complex plane that the answers are quite easy to 'guess'. I think when I first saw the question I hadn't properly seen complex numbers, I just knew that i^2=-1.

It's pretty cool that you were able to make music for e^i - I'm confused how you did that exactly, given it's got two parts to the number?
suhangha 11 months ago
  good question, but For those who like the complex plane, it is easy enough to solve at once with imagination
anyway, I made music with complex number, hey look! could you please appreciate?
Number as Note Tone, imaginary by instrument tone

Drawing (e^±i)
Coolguy52 11 months ago
  Complex numbers are really interesting and have other uses in stuff like Electrical Engineering, but in terms of a purely mathematical perspective, they can help solve problems that otherwise could not be solved, like the two you mentioned. Your idea of representing the colours as complex numbers is also very interesting, I hadn't heard that one before!

My favourite problem relating to complex numbers is the following question.
Can you find a pair of numbers (x,y) such that x^2=y, y^2=x, but x=/=y?

suhangha 11 months ago
  well done, These were both question that induce the imaginary value.

How to make complex numbers interesting: color the number (real as lighty, imaginary as wheel, every colors induce 3 dimensions but just needs 2 dimensions) try see Dimension B and Y (Jellify)
Coolguy52 11 months ago
  Part 1:

As for part 2, I assume you want us to find a general formula for the Fibonacci sequence and then substitute n=1/2 in. I'm not sure if you want just the real part or both real and imaginary. Suffice it to say that the expression is pretty horrible looking either way - so I will use phi for the Golden Ratio to shorten it as much as possible. Only my answer is below because it's a lot of working out to post.

Part 2:
Coolguy52 11 months ago
  Message removed...
suhangha 11 months ago
  Solve algebraic eqn: 1+x+x²


Find the ½th term of Fibonacci
Coolguy52 11 months ago
  I agree with GIS. Out of the options proposed, the only one that is a valid solution is B.
I would say the parametric solution of a=t, b=20-4t is the most complete 'solution', again as GIS said. You can get the solution outlined in B if t=4, and if you substitute t=2 you get b=20-4(2)=20-8=12, which is not the correct b for option C to be a valid solution.

Let me give you a problem, solve for x and y in the following system of equations:

x+y=1, x^2+y^2=1

If that is too easy, how about swapping the 2 for 3, or 4?
gameinsky 11 months ago
  That is mathematically not a solvable equation. You have two variables but only one equation, as a result every set where b is equal to 20 - 4a is a valid solution.
PuzzleFan 11 months ago
  Yes CG, you are correct. x=8. Now the next one.


Solve for a and b. Hint: You can use mental math for this one. Choose the correct letter.

A. a=4, b=2
B. a=4, b=4
C. a=2, b=4
Coolguy52 1 year ago
  4x-5=27 <=> 4x=27+5=32 <=> (4/4)*x=32/4=8 <=> x=8

PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  Solve for x in the equation.


I will post the answer in a few days.
chris3000 1 year ago
  Earth day is coming up. We need to be thankful for all the nature, animals, trees and water the universe has brought us. And the sun for giving us all energy.
john96 1 year ago
  How many four letter words can you make out of the phrase, "Bonuslevel is a fun site"?
chris3000 1 year ago
  Niimporta was a friendly member here, it's a shame he couldn't stay long enough!
chris3000 1 year ago
  Hello it is now 2023, we have entered a new year/territory so let's please be positive in all aspects if we can. Stay safe and warm.

PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  Try Jellify or Puzzleit, they are two great ones made by Simon.
luismoraline 1 year ago
  i am a big fan of puzzle games, i have played a lot of games of this genre, can someone recommend me a puzzle game with more challenging challenge?
PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  I'm getting the portal ready...

For outer space!!
PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  Hello, my time will be kind of limited now due to work-related stuff and university. I have to look after my family/pets, so I work 4-5 times a week as a chef. What I do is cook several meals a couple days of the week and give them to people that have low income and can't work due to health-related issues. It's exhausting at times but I am coping with it ok.
Jonfinger 1 year ago
  Message removed...


First post of the topic

niimporta 14 years ago
  Here you can post EVERYTHING you wan't.
So, let's GO!

**!!Knobs are allowed, but only if you use them with parsimony!!**

Ideas to post:

Pictures of the editor of levels
Something about games
Interesting stuff (like The canopener has been invented 42 years after the can)
Funny things
Funny Pictures
Funny videos
Funny histories
Or not funny histories
Spam (like PIE PIE PIE...)
and more..
Weird thing from other language (like PIE means feet in spanish..)
Do what U wan't, but don't insult!
And no flooding, we don't want to get drowned in messages (flooding = posting big messages)

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