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Topic, Game "Captain Dan v Zombie Plan"

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Jac1 15 years ago
  Yeah, the're good!
Sillius 15 years ago
  Captain_404 don't remove the shots, they look f***ing great!
metakirby22 15 years ago
  @Captain404: I think the teleporter animation is causing a bit of lag in editor. I'm making a new level, a teleporter maze, and when I'm editing it, it has lag, but not when I'm testing it. I even had lag typing this message.

edit: never mind, I don't have lag anymore. I think it was just my computer
Captain_404 15 years ago
  Thanks burfy, I'll try to fix this soon.

Jac1, the line that comes from you when you fire the gun is supposed to be the bullet(s).

I'm thinking I might actually remove, it seems a bit cheesy to me...
burfy 15 years ago
  Captain_404: the MENU button is great...but clicking on it creates the selected object over the button and eventually covers it completely...
Jac1 15 years ago
  What's a "bullet shot"?
Jac1 15 years ago
  Yay! Teleporters!
Brataku 15 years ago
  I want to change his clothes!
gameinsky 15 years ago
  XD nice !
love the teleporter
what about double teleporter were you can go in by both ways ?
Captain_404 15 years ago
  Updated the game:

-fixed glitch where sometimes the game couldn't tell that you'd won
-added teleporter switches
-added bullet shot
-you now pause with spacebar
-added menu button to the editor, the hotkey is still HOME though. In a few minutes you'll also be able to use the ALT key.
-other stuff
oggologgo 15 years ago
  Ah I see. I usually don't read any text in games. When I saw that bubble the first time, I just took notice of the controls, played on and forgot all about the existence of that text. I think it would be more fit with that text on the title screen. That's where people look for instructions. And also here on the webpage under play. That's a natural place to look also.
minimariner 15 years ago
  you should be able to put checkpoints to save the place where you are.
jp 15 years ago
  @oggologgo, it's written int he info bubble on the first level. I know, maybe it should be written somewhere else, like a small vanishing text, the first time you play a level after alunching the game.
oggologgo 15 years ago
  "It has one, Shift key to pause the game, then it should be obvious from there."

But how is anyone suppose to know to press shift to bring that up?
jp 15 years ago
  Yes it's BL side. There is cache for your count of compelted levels (for performance matters). And when categories are changed, well the cache will not be updated until you complete new levels from the concerned categories. As you completed all elvels, the cache will not be updated. I will have to perform a periodical update of the cache to cope with this problem.
Captain_404 15 years ago
  @gameinsky - I think it's a glitch in jp's API, which based on the evidence you've just given me has only just now been discovered, I think.

Basically, a while ago I accidentally categorized a certain level as challenge instead of non-canon. A few testers beat it when it was still challenge and when I moved it, it gave them a falsely high score in the challenge category and upon beating it in the non-canon section it would still register as already beaten in challenge, thus not improving your score in non-canon. You'll note that I also have only two level completed. I feel my explanation isn't very clear, so if you/jp don't understand anything I just said let me know.

It boils down to a glitch on the BL side rather than my side.
Jac1 15 years ago
  Please explain better.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  why in the highscores it saiys that i completed all non-canonical level but on the game it says that i finished all levels (61)?2+28+30=60 ????? while there are 3 non canon levels but it says i completed 2 on the hoighscores (2 non canon) + 28 (challenge) + 30 (story) =60 but the game says i completed all 61
Captain_404 15 years ago
  It has one, Shift key to pause the game, then it should be obvious from there.
oggologgo 15 years ago
  Game need a button to mute the music.
cheese9 15 years ago
  Burfy: What can I say, patience is a virtue :) But I've had a lot less problems with this today so it seems it has somehow gotten better. Now I only experience this about 1 out of 10-20 times. I don't have any useless processes running. Firefox and flash makes up nearly 100 percent of total cpu usage and most of the memory is free. But I'm satisfied with the way it has been running today :) Hope it continues.

Edit: I see you should get an older PC yourself ;)
burfy 15 years ago
  Cheese9: well cheese9 if the serious problems you have while playing lead to such scores as I've just seen on those three levels you mentioned, I think we should get you even older PC and load it heavily ;-)
OK but seriously, these three levels run OK for me, I have the same PC specs as you but I guess the graphics card is an important element here too...and have you looked at the processes running? Maybe there is something running uselessly, just stealing performance?
cheese9 15 years ago
  Burfy: I've only played 12 officials so far, and have had it on most of them. Especially on Lawsuits (Captain Dan v Zombie Plan), MEDIC! (Captain Dan v Zombie Plan) and Retirement Fund (Captain Dan v Zombie Plan). It's quite annoying :/ I'm using a 3 1/2 year old 1.6 GHz laptop with 1GB RAM.
burfy 15 years ago
  A button to bring up the menu in editor somewhere in the corner of the screen would not annoy I guess and it would help a lot since you use the mouse all the time anyway...
Is there a way to use only one on/off switch to create/delete more than one piece of the wall or you have to use different switch for each piece?

Edit: Cheese9 I experience this too, but don't remember having this problem with any of the official levels yet and my pc is pretty old too (cpu usage high all the time while playing)
Jac1 15 years ago
  Ok, thanks!
Captain_404 15 years ago
  "canon: The works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic"

Non-canon means that it's a story written using the same characters and/places as some other story or set of stories, but it's not considered an official part of the story's timeline.
Jac1 15 years ago
  What does "non canon" mean?
Captain_404 15 years ago
  The non-canon category is in case anyone makes a level I think is good enough that it could have been in the story, but doesn't exactly fit in the story arc.

I think perhaps in the next version I'll allow users to set their own keys to bring up the editor, or perhaps create some buttons for it in the GUI? I don't really know, I'll figure out something that pleases everyone...
cheese9 15 years ago
  Am I the only one who gets SERIOUS problems when trying to shoot often (e.g. trying to take out 4 zombies)and running at the same time. The CPU usage goes to 98-100 percent and the game isn't playable. When chasing the good scores this happens more often then not. A page refresh fixes it though.

Just noticed that CPU usage is 70-85 while showing the game front page and then drops to around 40 when pressing start which shows the menu. When playing a level it uses 45-70 percent.

Maybe my computer is getting old :)

Edit: I think it only happens when running diagonally
Jac1 15 years ago
  Maybe "Monocled Man"...

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Zakko600 16 years ago
  Can i be a tester in this game?
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