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Topic, Game "Captain Dan v Zombie Plan"

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doomlord 15 years ago
  You never made sentries and the mausoleum challenge by the way. And I have all official, except for miner, but now that's fixed.
Captain_404 15 years ago
  Ironically, it's broken because I fixed it.

I know how it's broken though, so I'll probably have it fixed in the next few minutes.

EDIT: fixed
gameinsky 15 years ago
  why is the editor broken ?
Captain_404 15 years ago
  I'm not accepting any testers right now.

Thanks, Sillius! How many levels do you think you'll be able to make? I can send you some bits of the script to work in after you tell me this.
popodelades 15 years ago
  Can I Be A Tester?
Sillius 15 years ago
  I want to help you with making the story levels :D I think this is my best level Zombie Mansion (Captain Dan v Zombie Plan) :D
Captain_404 15 years ago
  It will be a fairly large update.

I've now finished writing the story script, all I need to do is make levels for it. When I finish those, I'll update the story mode with all 15 new levels. There will also be an update to the game's music.

ATTENTION EVERYONE: If anyone wants to help me make those levels, I'd be glad for the help.

All you'd need to do is design a level and add in the script that I wrote for it. I have specific ideas for some of the levels in my head, which I'd explain if you sign up to help.

I do want to be sure of the quality of your levels though, so if you want to help, make sure there's a level you've already made that I can look at. (post a link to your best one)
gameinsky 15 years ago
  i hope that if you come back you wil make a large update.

btw i'm thinking about background blocks but i'm asking miself how you wil add them if there aren't colours...
Captain_404 16 years ago
  The game records the time you spend on a level, then saves that as your score. The person with the lowest score on any given level will have the highest position.

In overall score, it doesn't work quite the same, since the person with the lowest score would probably be the person who has played the least levels. Thus, this list is sorted by how many levels you've beaten, and then whoever has the lowest score within that.

EDIT: also, sorry for not updating this game in the past week or approving any levels. I need to take a quick break to work on something else to distance myself from this project so I can come back to it with fresh eyes.
gameinsky 16 years ago
  much levels as possible is primair and as less time as possible is secundair.
Sillius 16 years ago
  How does the "point" system work? when you get on the high score list and such...
Captain_404 16 years ago
  Btw, while I'm thinking of it.

Everyone, when you make levels, try not to trap zombies inside boxes as it causes the game to lag significantly.

[_] = wall
O = zombie


situations like this are taxing on the game system, whenever I see them in a level I usually try to see if it's possible to take it out of that level without hurting the gameplay.

A better solution would be something like this:

doomlord 16 years ago

I wish it was sorted better, like being able to have two tabs so I knew that before, thank you for answering that.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  There are 2 categories of levels doomlord, "story" and "challenge," you've beaten some in each category. So that when you try to unlock a new level in one of the categories, it sets at a level you must unlock before that one.
doomlord 16 years ago
  No, when it starts me at previous levels to unlock the level, it starts me several levels ahead of where I am.

EDIT: I am stuck on 10 and 20. I can not seem to beat level 20.
I have levels 1-9 and 16-19 beaten, just because of the glitch when I tried to play my level.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  It still seems to be broken.

The 'adding tiles while not editing' glitch is still possible, and now, it seems to log function isn't working.

onMouseDown = function() {
BLManager.log(">...>: "+BLManager.paused,2);
//rest of mouseDown

is the code in my editor right now, I don't see anything being logged.

I've kept the broken version up this time, it might help you to see it, and I'm really tired of re-fixing this glitch after every time I test it.
jp 16 years ago
  Oops sorry, it was a problem in f8_api_only.rar, it's corrected now.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  @evilglass - no more testers right now, sorry

@jp - Still seems to be throwing errors...

From my output window:

**Error** C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\Desktop\API\f8\ Line 35: Syntax error.
override public function blWelcome() {

Which is just one of six errors of the same nature.
evilglass 16 years ago
  can I be a tester?Captian_404?
jp 16 years ago
  Ah OK thanks for the info. I will test the demo game and editor with the MX2004 classes when I get some free time, you don't need to use the latest version of the class then.

[edit] There was a problem with blPause and blResume in AS2 version of the classes. Now it's corrected and I've updated the site with the new AS2 packages.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  No matter what I do I can't seem to get this working...

The override functions seem to create errors in mx04. I'm not sure "override" is supported, removing it seems to stop the errors, but also makes the editor not work at all.

I've finally given up and decided to go with a function local to the editor swf that relies on some shoddy hitTesting. Not the most elegant solution, but it works.

EDIT: the changes in the as2 version of the api don't seem to work in mx04? With no modification, the aforementioned glitch occurs, in addition to this, the gameManager seems to just barely not work as well. It loads levels fine, but all the text and images at the white strip in the bottom are missing except for the menu button. Also, I'm not sure it registers a score when I beat a level.

The current version I've got on the site is a working version using the API before I downloaded the new version, but I can upload it with the newer version if you want to see the glitches for yourself.
jp 16 years ago
  @Captain, if you have extended the method blResume in the editor, the default method will not be called anymore and the variable paused will not be updated. Maybe this is the reason.
If you wish to keep the variable updated, you can add in your extended method this line :


If this is still doesn't work, you should add a log in the blResume method in the editor to be sure it's called. According to the log, the Manager tries to call blResume on the editor.

send(BLPlayerConnectionSnd1231841005568) blPause
send(BLEditorConnectionSnd1231841005568) blResume
callSwfCallbackDelayed function Function() {}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>: false
Captain_404 16 years ago
  Makes sense, I'll give this a shot. Thanks, jp!

EDIT: Either I'm doing something very wrong or this doesn't work the way you think it does. Maybe I need a more updated version of the BL classes or something?

Here is this code I'm using:

public function blPause() {
BLpause = true;
// Is called by the level manager, when your game is resumed (put in foreground)
public function blResume() {
BLpause = false;
//cap404 custom function
public function isBackdrop() {
return BLpause;

As you can see by testing the game, you're still able to place tiles even when the editor is not in the foreground.

in my onMouseDown function I check for BLManager.isBackdrop() == false

I also tried checking for BLManager.paused to no avail.

EDIT again: It appears I was using an out of date version. I'll be sure to let you know if the problem persists though.

EDITx3: despite being now up to date, the game is still deciding to not do a %$#@ing thing I tell it to.

EDITx4: I added a log in the editor to check the value of BLManager.paused each time the mouse is clicked. As you can see in the debug console, it it constantly coming up as false. I'm too tired to work out what that means right now...
jp 16 years ago
  @captain, after checking, yes your right cursoroverblgui is only called when the menu or a BL popup is displayed.
Actually when we swap from the editor to the game, we call blPause on the editor and blResume on the game. And for the reverse, we call blPause on the game and blResume on the editor.

The default implementation of blPause and blResume update a variable valled "paused" (true or false) so you can test BLManager.paused or imlpement your own blPause / blResume. This can be used for many kind of actions. For example, I use blPause on the game side to stop the music.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  I fixed the problems with moving teleporters, floaters, and sprinters in the editor.

jp, I looked over your gameManager and editorManager classes to see how exactly the cursorOverBLGUI works. For reference, here's the code.

public function cursorOverBLGUI() {
return cursoroverbl;

// Don't modify this function
public function setCursorOverBLGUI(b) {
cursoroverbl = b;

It looks like this is only checking for when the menu pops up.

Maybe this function could return two values. Assuming setCursorOverBLGUI() is called every time a button is pressed bringing up the menu or putting down the menu, maybe this could have another value indicating which indicates whether the editor or the game is visible.

So calling cursorOverBLGUI might return an array value of [0,1] or something. Checking to see if the editor is up would be as simple as

x = cursorOverBLGUI()
if (x[0] == 1) {
//menu is up
} else if (x[1] == 0) {
//editor is up
} else if (x[1] == 1) {
//game is up

An entirely separate function for telling if the editor or game is visible might be even better.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  @gameinsky - odd, you should be able to edit the zombie's paths universally, but it's obviously not working...

cap404beta is my account I give out to friends and family so they can test the game for me without actually needing an account on here

@bir - I haven't ever actually run into this glitch and it doesn't make much sense that it would even occur at said the game was working fine except for the player being see-through, right?

@zakko - yeah, I've run into this before but have been too lazy to fix it. I guess I'll have to get off my butt now and do something though, eh?

@jp - cursoroverblgui seems to only check to see if the cursor is actually over the GUI itself for me. So if the menu is down, I can still place things in the editor even if the game is up. I assume it would work in reverse too, although I haven't actually tested that theory.
jp 16 years ago
  @captain_404, about this latest problem, it must be because the test for the cursoroverblgui has to be implemented on the game side too.

@doomlord, this sound like a normal behaviour, the official levels are locked for now, taht means you have to complete a level to play the next one.
gameinsky 16 years ago
  i encounterred that problem to but it isn't to bad.
Zakko600 16 years ago
  I've played a level and then i go to the level creator and sometimes when i click for placing anything i could hear the gun shoot.

And if you have the delete option and start testing a level and then click on a wall it has been deleted when you stop testing.
doomlord 16 years ago
  When I tried playing a level I couldn't because i needed to beat more, it started me at a weird part in the levels, so I have unbeaten levels in the middle.

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Zakko600 16 years ago
  Can i be a tester in this game?
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