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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you.... | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.I told you this in my posts below. BTW: Marc- You relize the spoon never left the Treaurer? So you never lost posesion of it... @GL101: listContents[System] ![]() And good-luck uncoding your computer, cuz the virus already coded it into my language. Error- Viurus is deleated and will not restore your computer in 3 days. ![]() How do you know gamelover's virus protection? Did you code it? ![]() also stop acting on behalf of GL101 by sayimg im not a computer, I said I sent my digital self anyway and I never tried to plug in a USB listContents[System] ![]() ERROR Contents Are tempereraly uploaded to image shack Acess granted! Contents Are now painted orange. he just didnt account for spyware :P btw where has he gone? listContents[System] listContents[System] ERROR MARC2008 Is not a computer. That USB drive will not fit there you should have checked out who manufactored your antivirus program before you used it. ERROR Password is Nonexistant login["gamelover101",System.Users.gamelover101.password] ![]() [edit] he beat me to it! login["gamelover101",System.gamelover101.password] ![]() Computer- Cannot read files. Virus- Recode file "VIRUS Part A" To GL 101's computer language Computer- Reads "VIRUS Part A" Computer- recodes itself To the language specified by "Virus Part A" Action- Open Virus Part B and C Action- deleate password files Action- Spoon the Spoon. Read Virus Part B and C- "Your computer is now inected with two viruses, Have Fun! BTW, as you read this, your computer is uploading your hard-drive onto image shack! Ohh No, thats not a pretty picture." BTW- This virus infection will go away in 3 days and your computer will be back to normal. Action- deleate program files forbidding me from doing this. besides, I guessed that already! | GeneralFirst post of the topicEdit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey. winners: 1000th post Gecko!!! 2000 post Niimporta !!! 3000th post:BlooDemons. |
(you cant deny a debug console access or your PC will bug :P)