Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you.... | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.The point of the spoiler is so its easy to navigate the forums without 1 post taking up a reaaly long area. There's no point to make a spoiler for the list anyomre! Main team DemonicYoshi = President........................................................rules- Canada Jac1 = Vice President............................................rules- Antartica MARC2008 = Scientist....................... rules- The UK + Part of Mars Gamelover101 = Defender.......................................rules All the Planets except earth Ahroo = Spoon provider............................................rules the spoon factory. Gameinsky = Planner............................................ rules Belgium Ellement75 = Treasurer.........................................rules- The spoon + SuperDog = Computer specialist...............................rules USA Sillius = Assasin.....................................................rules- Tadsjikistan PureTheLion = Inventor.........................................rules- Auburn, New York + France MarioIsFireball10 = Warrior......................................rules Japan Im = Assistant ............................................................rules-Monaco Kirrock75 = Killer .....................................................Rules Norway JonasBrothersFan = Jonas Brothers Manager... rules Los Angles, California The top 2 activ names on the list will become the president and vice presedent if the current president and vice president become inactive. This order of names forms the "tier system" Divisions (may include some aditional members-) Vforseteam Leader = PureTheLion Members = Jac1 UK plutonium rocket facility Leader = MARC2008 Members = Gamelover101 Missiles = 14 plutonuim nukes(yes, I got more) Star bombs = 4 Death nukes (the really powerful ones that can blow up anything moon-sized) = 1 Working on: Death nukes Completion dates: Sep 20, Sep 30, Oct 5, Oct 16 Gamelover's Co Leader = Gamelover101 Leader's assistant = MarioisFireball10 Computer Technician = SuperDog Special buildings Bloodemon's Mansion Available to all members, our main base Moon base Available to all members, our secondary base, holds top-secret materials and research Bloodemon's restaurant Available to everyone, the only restaurant in existance that has spoons to eat with. APSCUL satelight system (Anti-photon Super Concentrated UV lazor) Super weapon, launch command available to president only. Spoon factory Available to Ahroo and anyone he invites, serves as a facory for production of spoons or other devices The Vault Location only known by the treasurer. All excess money is stored here until needed. Money can't be removed without authority of the presedent or vice-presedent. GameLover's Co HQ The main operating base of GameLover's Co. Deals with the defence and security of the BlooDemons. Home of the SuperShield, Warnbots, and the Super-Computer lab ran by SuperDog. Also includes gamelover101's home, the unlimited supply of yogurt, and the Post Energy Generator. Secret Mars research facility Run by MARC2008, builds and launches powerful weapons of mass destruction. Currently working on The Ion Cannon (Tiberian Sun reference) Scheduled Completion date: Dec 25(perfect present: BIG RED BUTTON XD) Any super weapons created can be used without permission up to tier 3, and with permisiion up to tier 5. The ion cannon takes 3 hours to recharge. Money Vault = $78,940,845,470,091 Bank = 9,000,000 (All members can freely take from the bank) Power Nuclear Reactor = Off Geothermal Plant = On Post Energy Generator (Patent pending. Every post on this topic automatically generates 15 MW of power to the Bloodemons power. Created by gamelover101.) = Pending Do you want to join my division? Your 'Triads' would be very helpful! XP It's fun having a level 3 HazMat suit on. :p | GeneralFirst post of the topicEdit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey. winners: 1000th post Gecko!!! 2000 post Niimporta !!! 3000th post:BlooDemons. |