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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  They were sepreated!!!!

So they CAN'T FIGHT!
Ahroo 14 years ago
  But, Dialga and Palkia just get angry at each other and start fighting, and cause...

-minimal damage to the timeline
-a LOT of damage to all of us

My Shoop Wooper and your guitar were thrown out... UNHARMED?! O_o
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  My guitar was sitting in the corner,idoit!I use it to summon Diaga and Palkia to bend time and space,thus destroying your machine and revesing time!
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Ha! "Only opened by a password."!

I pity you horribly. >:D

I was able to make yet ANOTHER Shoop Wooper Round and therefore have shot your super-computer(and the spoon) into smithereens! >:D
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  I levitate the spoon to me and lock it in a super-computer that can only be opened by a password.

gamelover101 14 years ago
Ahroo 14 years ago
  What you don't know won't hurt you. :P

Which means what you DO know could. xD

Seriously, you could get beaten up if you knew where the spoon was. xD
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Well, GIMME IT!
Ahroo 14 years ago
  That's why you should be thankful that I'm on your team, gamelover. :P

I just PRETEND that I don't know, but I know where it is.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  all times? how are we supposed to hide it then? >:(
Ahroo 14 years ago

I know where the right one is at all times. and right now it is in... oh, I almost told you. xD
SuperMario 14 years ago
  The spoon is GONE!
Ahroo 14 years ago
  I steals spoon back. :|

@AK, Which means that you can't kill me with it. :P
SuperMario 14 years ago
  You can't steal the spoon without reason
AK 14 years ago
  I steal spoon again.......

Getting bored.......

Actually, there is a real golden gun, it's just not as powerful.
SuperMario 14 years ago
  What are you talking about, PTL?
PureTheLion 14 years ago
  I hope no one looks...
Ahroo 14 years ago
  I bargained with Chuck Norris to give me teh spoon back. :P

I just owe him TWO of my first-born children now. xD
SuperMario 14 years ago
  I can help you killing himself :/

Im 14 years ago
  chuck norris roundhousekick uaall he hass spon
Ahroo 14 years ago
  You may have pwn'd me, but I pwn'd YOU three times as bad to get the spoon back! >:D
SuperMario 14 years ago
  I am going to test my rocket tank pwning Ahroo and get the spoon

And I did!
Ahroo 14 years ago
  That reminds me...

Demonicyoshi's team already won this game! >:D

3000th post was the winners. :P

There is no point in playing any more... :P

oh, and I have the spoon. :P
SuperDog 14 years ago
  I got comment 3200 so I get the spoon
Ahroo 14 years ago
  ... Which is a paradox. xD
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Man, Chuck Norris sure creates a lot of paradoxes.
Good thing he's not affected by them...
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Death isn't brave enough to kill him, because death can also be killed by Chuck Norris, and clearly Chuck Norris is the stronger of the two. ._.
SuperDog 14 years ago
  Erm.... Chuck Norris can be killed by death.
Ahroo 14 years ago
  That's a game console. The real Chuck Norris is invincible to everything, even Chuck Norris. -_-

This team has already been made. FOR A WHILE. ._.

if you're going to whine, you should whine to Demonicyoshi because he made the team.

EDIT: BTW, The Golden Gun doesn't Really exist. if you shot me with a "Golden" Gun, it's probably made of brass. ._.
AK 14 years ago
  Shot you with the Golden Gun. Got the spoon back. The Golden Gun CAN kill Chuck Norris. If you play Goldeneye, you can make him with a cheat console. I tried to make him invincible of everything, but the Golden Gun kept killing him.

So yes, you are dead.

No teams!


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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