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Topic, Game "Rolling Turtle"

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THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  If you set a path with a split delay to activate by a path, the items the path is supposed to move will fly to all sides when the game starts. I know this is causing both me and birjolaxew troubles.
jp 16 years ago
  Zakko don't worry you can go up to 10MB for the Flash settings without any problem. 10MB is almost nothing compared to 40GB ( 40 000 MB )! If you remove all your local levels that you have already uploaded, you will not use too much memory on your harddisk.
Zakko600 16 years ago
  jp my computer is old and it just got 40,5 GB max. i am not sure it will be an good idea to increase the size limit.
jp 16 years ago
  Oops sorry a bug from the current update. It should be corrected now, clean your cache and reload the page.
demonicyoshi 16 years ago
  when i try to edit any levels, i press space and a screenpops up telling me"you are curently editing a level, are you sure you want to play a new level?"
jp 16 years ago
  Zakko, yuo can increase the size limit, read it in the FAQ.
You can delete a local level it will not be deleted online.
Zakko600 16 years ago
  There is used 94KB and how can i get the 94Kb to 0?
And if i delete a level in local will it also be deleted in the uploaded version or what?
jp 16 years ago
  Thx minmay about the storage size limit, this might be added in the FAQ as well.
[edit : added in the FAQ]
minmay 16 years ago
  An invisible line is created by a line overlapping itself. If a line overlaps itself twice instead of once, then it will appear as though it didn't overlap itself. This will create the bad looking corner. There are very few ways around this; my suggestion would be to just avoid using invisible lines.
Petroski 16 years ago
  when i do an invisible line one corner looks bad why is that?
minmay 16 years ago
  When you do a local save, it saves to your hard drive and not BonusLevel. Each level takes up several kilobytes of space. Flash puts a limit on the amount of space that each website is allowed to use; the default is 100 kilobytes. That message was asking for more space. Clicking "allow" will NOT endanger your computer, because you can trust BonusLevel can't you? :)

Anyway, to change the storage limit, right click anywhere in the game, click on "Settings..." and click on the icon that looks like a folder. You can then adjust how much storage space is allowed for the website. (I set mine to "unlimited.")
Zakko600 16 years ago
  A little box came when i click on local save and it says something about store my computer, then i click 'Deny' because i don't wan't other persons on my computer. Im not sure what it was.
Sillius 16 years ago
  I have tried that to... but I didn't really think about it :p
Zakko600 16 years ago
  Shall i make a new topic on that link you give me?
jp 16 years ago
  Zakko, I'm sorry it looks like a bug, do you have many levels saved on local ? I suggest we go on discussing this int the forum, yuo can create a topic here :
Zakko600 16 years ago
  I have a problem.

doomlord 16 years ago
  It have an idea, I might use them as a switch for one time only things. hmmmmm.....
allycat369 16 years ago
  oh ok um it was just an example i wont use stars as switches.thank you for the help
jp 16 years ago
  @gecko, I've made a small correction to make it work for chrome.

@allicat, yep don't use stars as SWITCH :) .
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Make a path. Then use the "Edit" tool and click on the path. Then click on the "START" tab until you see the "SWITCH" option and click on the red square button. Then click on the star and it will be a switch. But plz dont use stars as switchs as they will disappear after you died once and wont work anymore.
allycat369 16 years ago
  how do you make swiches?like if you want a star to be a swich how do you make it the swich?
geckojsc 16 years ago
  It looks fine now.
I dunno what happened...
afunnyacorn 16 years ago
  what does a red box mean??
[edit jp] Rejected level.
demonicyoshi 16 years ago
  i'm trying to test the level im making, but it goes to a blue screen and i cant see my level. Theres a box that says press space bar to continue, but pressing spacebar dosnt work.
[edit jp] There must be something special in the level that makes a bug in the game engine. try to remove some elements from the level until it works again. once you find the element that was makeing the error don't save the level, reload and remove only this element.
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Google Chrome...
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Hmm, strange. Which browser are you using? I never got that bug...
jp 16 years ago
  geckojsc can you show a screen capture of what you see now in the home page ? Which browser are you using ?

Yep the forum will be the next thing to do.
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Look under the "How to edit?" tab and look just above the pictures. Here you will see a link "How to make invisible curves.".
lololol 16 years ago
  how do i make invisible lines?

Games forum

Play Game "Rolling Turtle"

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wouter 16 years ago
  amazing idea, allthough many tried it, you are the first to take linerider really to a new interactive level, great!
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