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Topic, Game "Rolling Turtle"

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kbpikachu 15 years ago
  i logged in on my wiis internet channel
geckojsc 15 years ago
  What do you mean! You are logged on! You must have been logged on to be able to post that comment!
kbpikachu 15 years ago
  how do i log on!!! it wont let me on my computer! ps im on my wii
pkb123 15 years ago
  @Gecko, I think that has to do with the problem with people rating levels because i have made a few levels not just one but i am higher on it than people such as you, minmay, oh_bebe etc...who have much better levels than me.
lololol 15 years ago
  I Think there is a problem with the 'deploy' option, beacause i was making a level with dots rotating in a circel. At first it worked, then i added another dot, and when i tested it, it ''Exploded'' (The dots flyed all around the screen)
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Read the posts below!
awesomeness 15 years ago
  how do i make a path move like a wave
geckojsc 15 years ago
  That's interesting, I checked the level in edit mode, but you weren't doing anything wrong. I wonder how that happened...

What? How has Jonnyboy got a higher creator score than me, when he's only made one level!

If you look, there are loads of people who are near the top of the 'Designers' list, just because they made one good level and didn't make any more after that.
lololol 15 years ago
  I Found a Glitch/Bug when i was making a wave with the delay type and one path. here is the Glitch/Bug - Wave Glitch (Rolling Turtle)
Sorry, but it hard too explain how i did..
Asforien 15 years ago
  Deploy vs Wait (Rolling Turtle)

The difference is in their starting positions. This difference really counts when the paths are activated by switches. In the editor, both sets of bubbles are lined up in a straight line, but the 'deploy' set starts off staggered.
awesomeness 15 years ago
  what does the wait/deploy on a path do??
Asforien 16 years ago
  You make another vehicle at the checkpoint which follows the part of path after the checkpoint.
awesomeness 16 years ago
  how do you make a vehicle where, if you hit a checkpoint and die, the vehicle is at the checkpoint???????
doomlord 16 years ago
  I am making 45 degree slopes going down to the left, and they keep up ending different, and don't line up with the points when they should, so the level looks really messy.

They change each time no matter if I do the same thing or don't,
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Maybe JP could ad this in the next game, but I don't think Rolling Turtle is going to have many more updates. A fill tool would be hard to code.
Rotating paths would be very hard to code, and would really slow the game down a lot.
A pop up to confirm loading a level would be quite a good idea!
oh_bebe 16 years ago
  I very much agree with pkb123! also if you could have a "path?" that would make objects rotate during gameplay too, that would be awesome.

One more thing.. a fill tool, so you can fill in background of shapes (with any type.. normal, speed, dead, background etc) so you don't have to draw so many lines to fill something in.

Also, someone mentioned before, a pop-up to confirm uploading a level. I think this would be very helpful.
pkb123 16 years ago
  A tool that allows you to resize and rotate objects would be good too
gameinsky 16 years ago
  @ 1jase
actualy you can .
select move tool
suround the group of object you wan to copy , then move it while pressing 'CONTROL'
1jase 16 years ago
  I have an idea what if you can be able to copy and paste things.
jp 16 years ago
  A bug, I will look at this.
Your last level was uplaoded 5/6 days ago. You have already 4 rejected levels so try to be very accurate on the level you want to upload ^_^.

[edit] the bug is corrected, thx palk45 for the feedback.
palk45 16 years ago
  what the heck? it first said that i can upload my level in 1 hour then after it says 25 hours!!!!!!
Gamemaster 16 years ago
  I'm going to guess that when the turtle dies all paths keep on going and objects keep on falling because for someone to stop them right there would be too much for the servers. but i'm only guessing
sword_fish 16 years ago
  i submitted a new level! by the way, I have a question: when you make paths that move with a switch, when your turtle dies, how do you get the paths to keep moving again after the turtle dies once?
jp 16 years ago
  @mudvayne, you have to use inboud / outbound properties of the paths.
mudvayne732 16 years ago
  How do you make a path like the one in your robot and pebble catching where you roll into it and it moves but if you stop it stops????
jp 16 years ago
  @jonnyboy, I've posted on your level Impending Doom (Rolling Turtle). Let's go on the discussion there.
Jesus_luvr 16 years ago
  jonnyboy, this doesn't particularly apply to RT. I would look @ your level, but I don't know what one it is... Unless u made only one...?
jonnyboy 16 years ago
  Can someone please look at my level and tell me why it got rejected? I want to see what I did wrong so I can make better levels!
gundu 16 years ago
  Here i found a glich --> Big PowerUp Glich (Rolling Turtle)

but you need to wait before you can play it
mewmewpower 16 years ago
  i love this game is hard but still i love it ;)

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Play Game "Rolling Turtle"

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wouter 16 years ago
  amazing idea, allthough many tried it, you are the first to take linerider really to a new interactive level, great!
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