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Topic, The topic where you can only post the most random things you can think of that doesn't make sense...

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john96 1 year ago
  Yes, 2024 will bring lots of positive energy for all of us here at BL. Take care folks!
chris3000 1 year ago
  Happy new year, 2024!
chris3000 1 year ago
  So, what is everyone going to do for Thanksgiving this year (2023)?
chris3000 1 year ago
  Lol, whoop-de-doop!
suhangha-2 1 year ago
PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  100th post on this website!
chris3000 1 year ago
  Welcome to BL Alex. I'm glad that you signed up, you're from Brazil? What part of it.
AlexHeyy 1 year ago
  it's almost September. where has the summer gone. to another side of the earth. But that is nature and we can't control the weather.Time tends to fly by, and the changing seasons are a natural part of life. While we can't control the passage of time or the weather, we can certainly make the most of the moments we have and adapt to the changing seasons. Each season brings its own unique experiences and opportunities, so embracing the present and looking forward to what each new season brings can be a great way to enjoy the beauty of nature's cycle
Alex Heyy
Import laboratorio Aprazer
chris3000 1 year ago
  My favorite meal during the summer is french fries and chicken nuggets. My fav snack is potato chips with rye bread.
PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  So guys, what is your favorite snack of summer. Mine is pretzels, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and potato chips.
chris3000 1 year ago
  Wow, no one posted here in four months. I've been so overwhelmed and busy with my life I totally forgot.
chris3000 1 year ago
  We got 4 inches of rain yesterday. It has been a long time since we got that much. There was minor flooding in some areas of our town but luckily no one was seriously injured or hurt.
PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  Hey guys, I have been busy with work-related things. We have been doing fund-raising my cooking homemade meals and giving to people who are poor, and cannot work due to illness/health issues. No one should ever be hungry. I made some time to visit, how have you all been doing lately?
john96 1 year ago
  Friday is St. Patrick's day. A day to celebrate the luck of the irish. Dublin is Ireland's capital.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Well tomorrow will be the first day of March. Wow almost 1/4 of 2023 is already gone. Well you know when you're busy and having fun, time flies by!
john96 2 years ago
  Been extremely busy with work/life. Finally got some free time today. Our relatives (aunts/uncles) are coming over to help us with cleaning around the house. We have been slammed the past 2 months.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Durn it's already February? Where has the fall and winter gone. I dread summer because of the heat, bugs and storms. But that is nature and we can't control the weather.
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  How's everyone doing today? It's kind of chilly up here!
chris3000 2 years ago
  I wasn't really into that much music back in the late 90's so I don't really know. I listen to chinese flute music now which simulates the mind/soul.
john96 2 years ago
  So, what is your favorite old-time band from back in the 80's/90's? If some of you were even around back then.
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  What's up everyone, did you all have a splendid Christmas? We went to our cousin's house and spent time with him and his family. We ate a good, warm dinner. Chicken, roasted buttered potatoes, green beans, okra and cornbread.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Merry Christmas BL community! Hope everyone stays indoors and warm, it was a record low of 5 degrees where we live. That's arctic-like temperatures! Is everyone enjoying the holidays?
john96 2 years ago
  So, what is everyone's goals for 2023? Mine are to maybe create a game in the future with coding skills, however I don't know which program is best to use. What about the rest of you? Let's all start fresh on a new page.

Hope you and your families/relatives are having a safe holiday!
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  Well maybe it's a good idea if you play something else like rolling turtle. I usually take a break for a few days if I get frustrated with something, that's how I cope with stress in school/home. You really shouldn't use your energy to complain because that really doesn't solve anything. You've got over 30,000 exp. Shouldn't you be grateful/happy with that?
chris3000 2 years ago
  I'm really starting to get irritated in the puzzle games, maybe I should go back to playing jg2/rolling turtle. Maybe my mind will be clear/fresh there.
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  Actually the correct answer was 293. You got it right, that was a trick question because there were probably many possible numbers/solutions.
Coolguy52 2 years ago
  162 or 293 (or technically even 031 though I assume leading zeroes aren't counted) - not enough information given to determine which.
PuzzleFan 2 years ago
  Guess my number.

I am a three digit number. My second digit is three times greater than the third one. The first digit is one less than the third. What is the number?
chris3000 2 years ago
  Nope, I'm not dressing up anymore either, it's a waste of time only to go trick or treating and possibly not getting any candy/sweets.
john96 2 years ago
  So, is everyone gonna trick or treat this Halloween. I am too old to dress up as witches, ghosts, etc. But never too old to enjoy the candy and soda/snacks.


First post of the topic

Hexicube 15 years ago
  Well, I can't make the title ay bigger because it's at the limit right now...beans...lots and lots of I don't even like beans!
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