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Topic, Game "Rolling Turtle"

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Dynamo 7 months ago
  I haven’t checked the JG2 score count in a long time tbh so I just assumed you had like 95% of the high scores now considering you took the total to over 9.2 million! There can’t be that many more improvements to be made now surely? xD I guess I meant ‘maxed out’ very loosely since timed games/levels are so rarely maxed to the fullest extent. So what do you think you could eventually get the total score to someday? :P

If you let me know what levels you have left I’d be more than happy to give you some tips, unless you’re on a mission to beat them all yourself of course. :)
Coolguy52 7 months ago
  That is some impressive domination. You say I've 'essentially maxed out' JG2 but honestly I'm not actually super close to that. I think I might have a slightly larger share of highscores (about 80% last I checked), but that will likely change over the coming days anyway :)

I personally want to improve a lot of my scores here myself, I would start with the last 12 officials to beat but I'm not very motivated to beat them with the amount of points I have left to improve. 25k and even potentially 26k are on the table for me even with only 211/223 levels :P
Dynamo 7 months ago
  I have some Rolling Turtle stats if anyone is interested. I figured since CG has essentially maxed out JG2, I'd like to try and do the same here. :D

Global Total -

~ 27,680 (with a possible potential for around 27,720 - 27,730)

Total High-scores -

~ I currently hold 169 out of 223 (75.78%), this includes both tied and untied scores.

Total Potential Improvement -

~ From what I have gathered, there is still room for improvement on maybe 28 - 30 of these levels, some by 1 or 2 points, others by maybe 10+ with how unpredictable and inconsistent some levels can be.
john96 7 months ago
  Why do they call those black things hedgehogs? It doesn't actually look like the animal version of it. I wish I knew how to work the paths and other complex items here. I know too many lines, designs and items will cause a level to lag and then the gane would crash.

@Dynamo: So, how far will you go in terms of score, I just did Levels 1-8 to get an idea of the game. I'm currently on Level 9.
Dynamo 7 months ago
  I think that 3rd room is pretty cool how it is, the challenge of getting all the stars in the least jumps possible seems tricky enough as it is. I did think maybe some hedgehogs spinning right in the middle or something could work if you wanted to experiment with an extra challenge, but like I said, it feels challenging enough already. :)
Coolguy52 7 months ago
  103??? I'm intrigued where you saved that extra point! I have some ideas of where but interesting... Thank you for the feedback! I agree that it is a little bland in the first area currently and some maybe some dead lines or hedgehogs can spice it up, I didn't really wanna affect the highest scoring strategies - although leaving the first room with a 102 with a very basic strategy definitely isn't ideal because the best I could get there is a 104, and I feel like you didn't save the jump there without some crazy edge jump...

I'll have to think what else I can add to spice up the first room. I think it will have 6-8 rooms, I don't know if that will be too short or not. Checkpoint probably between every 2 rooms.

EDIT: Added some stuff to the first room, can still get a 104 to the ending of the first area so if the optimisation was in the 2nd room Dynamo's 103 should still be doable. I may however add an extra section in the first room for a few extra points.

EDIT 2: Added a third room, it isn't difficult to 'beat' but it should be very difficult to max - I think testing the room alone I acquired 45 extra points but there's 56 stars and probably about 6 required jumps so plenty of room for improvement. Should I add any challenge to 'survive' the room or is it OK as a safe score boosting area?

EDIT 3: 4/6 planned rooms done.
Dynamo 7 months ago
  It's got a similar feel to some of your JG levels, there's some nice potential there. Making all 9 stars a requirement is a good idea, especially if you're going for a challenge room concept. Maybe a small obstacle in between the gaps might add a little extra to it as well? Bonus challenges are always welcome in my book hehe. I personally like it, and if the level isn't going to be too long, then a bonus/secret challenge for each room could be cool too! I also finished with 103. ;)

I'll put some links up soon when my projects have a little more substance, I would love the feedback. :)
Coolguy52 7 months ago
  One advantage of doing things this way is that others can play the level before it's fully finished. I have made the first two 'rooms' to my new level to give people a taste of the level. I was wondering what people thought about whether I should force the player to collect all 9 stars in the first room? Also what do you guys think about the bonus challenge in the second room? Is it too gimmicky?

Here's the level if anyone wants to give it a try, I managed to get a 102 to the end but I wonder if any better can be done, I used fairly simple strategies except for the start: Colourful Chaos (Rolling Turtle)
Dynamo 7 months ago
  Thanks for the advice CG and Gis, can't believe it was as simple as right to left lol. I've got a couple of projects in the works now and hopefully they'll turn out pretty fun for you guys! One of them takes inspiration from my favourite RT level Stars in the Forest, so I hope I can live up to Gundu's exceptional standards and do it justice. It's been 14 years since my last level so I'm hoping there will be an improvement in quality! xD

@chris, I would say admins are essentially obsolete at this point. CG became an admin at a point where JG2 still had quite a bit of activity from some veteran and newer players alike. But since then, BLockoban is the only game to see a consistent(ish) stream of activity both in players and designers, and admin duties are already covered by nelson. I feel there's no real need for a new RT admin, and I'll likely just do what keithy did and link my levels in the comments. I'm not so bothered about having them accepted, it's more for the self satisfaction and to have something I can be proud of preserved for my favourite BL game. However, I would be glad to do the job myself should the opportunity present itself. Even without design experience, I feel as though I know what to look for in a level and could be constructive and fair with evaluations, as well as having the ability to complete some more difficult levels. Although, if only CG and I propose making levels in the future, there's not really much point having a new admin. :)
gameinsky 7 months ago
  If ruffle actually worked correctly I'd just eveluate levels myself, unfortunately it doesn't seem to work at all atm.
Coolguy52 7 months ago
  I appreciate your kind words Chris. At this point, I have almost nothing to show in this game. My levels are years old and I definitely struggle with creating good levels here - I think at the time because of my lack of understanding that this and Jump Gear 2 have vastly different scoring systems, their levels can be much different. I know it's obviously different scoring systems, but my levels here were often short and lacked a lot of the depth that had become commonplace by the time I joined the site. If other people are wishing for a new admin then I wouldn't be opposed to becoming one but I don't think I'd be a great candidate for this game personally.

Having said all of that, I want to at least try to rectify my lack of interesting levels here someday, so hopefully expect something new from me here. :)
chris3000 7 months ago
  I'm terrible at making snakes and other complex paths, I wonder if Coolguy could be an admin here, he has done really good at JG2 with his responsibilites, and I think he should take over here as well.

What do you guys think?
Coolguy52 7 months ago
  Hey Dynamo, I'm not the best at making levels here, but the JG2 editor is very similar so I think I can offer some tips.

Circles: I usually make these in multiple parts so you don't get the invisible dot on JG2. Here it seems like you have to as I can't make the curve go a full 360.

Lines: Try drawing the lines right to left, that should fix any slight curve.

Snakes: GIS made a good video of this that I found so I'll describe his process, and link it at the bottom. Make 64 dots and attach a path to them. Let the path draw a square with a side length of two grid spaces (32 pixels). Then use the 'deploy' delay type and the splitting tool (top left of blue section in path menu) on this path. The path length is 128 pixels, and so it will split the dots evenly over this, with a spacing of 2 pixels. After that, draw out the path you want your snake to follow and it should work if you don't alter the delay type or split the dots again. Alternatively, you can use the manual splitting function (top right of blue section in path menu) but that can be very tedious. If you want a different kind of snake with gaps then alter the number of dots or the initial path the dots are split over.

Gameinsky video
gameinsky 7 months ago
  In RT you always draw from right to left, otherwise the lines end up not being straight. For a circle it's not that much different, make the circles in 3-4 goes, always drawing from right to left. If it doesn't work, try the other direction.

Snakes are relatively easy; just make a lot of dots and then make a path which has the length you want the snake to have. Click the button that spaces out the dots evenly and voila, you've got a snake. You can now edit the path to decide where the snake goes. Just make sure not to click the splitter button again or your snake is ruined.
Dynamo 7 months ago
  Hey guys, I'm interested in making a couple of levels for RT, but it's been a while since I last made something here. Does anyone have any tips on how to make: circles (RT hates these), perfectly straight lines (because RT seems to put a slight curve on everything which is incredibly annoying), and snakes. I could never make snakes in the past but I would like to learn! Thanks to anyone who sees/replies to this. :D
chris3000 8 months ago
  Ok, I will PM you in a few days. Thanks!
Coolguy52 8 months ago
  I probably ought to do this myself. Which officials do you have left? I’ll see if I can offer any tips on these levels.
chris3000 8 months ago
  I would really like to beat those last pesky officials that I have remaining sometime before 2024 ends, I wonder who could help me with it?
chris3000 11 months ago
  Pig posted, but his message got deleted. Was he offtopic here?
pig 11 months ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 1 year ago
  It seems like the past year or two, very old members have been returning to BL. So glad about it, the site is gaining some of it's old community members from 10+ years ago.
gameinsky 1 year ago
  Hey! Nice of you to hop by again!
The site still runs, though with very little activity. We still like to keep in touch.
Creedsanatomy 1 year ago
  Yeah bro! I remember you, GameInSky, and I wanna say Aleria, the most. There’s a couple others I’d recognize if I saw their names but you guys are legends. I believe I found this game in my English class. But I played it the most when I was home on my families PC. My how times have changed.
chris3000 1 year ago
  Hi man, do you remember me? I think we met in 2009-2010. So I'm just curious, how did you find out about BL? Did you just do a random search?
Creedsanatomy 1 year ago
  Whats up guys! I think about this game every now and then and hop back on for a nostalgia boost. I was 13 when I first played this game in my English class. Became addicted and tried my hand at making some levels. I hope everyone is as good as ever, hard to believe how long this platform has been up and running. Cheers everyone
chris3000 2 years ago
  Wow, long time no see afunnyacorn. So what have you been up to lately this past decade? It's great to see some old members popping back by here, :)
gameinsky 2 years ago
  That's always cool to hear! Are you enjoying your time as a game dev?
afunnyacorn 2 years ago
  I know it's been such an incredibly long time. But scrolling back through posts I made 13 years ago is impressive. This website and RT was the start for a 6th grade me in game/level design and game dev, something I now do for a living.

Hope you're all well.
chris3000 2 years ago
  Hey, welcome back lololol! It's been a long time since I've seen a post from you. How have you been doing the past few years?
gameinsky 2 years ago
  Oh, hello! Is there an impromptu BL reunion week?

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Play Game "Rolling Turtle"

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wouter 16 years ago
  amazing idea, allthough many tried it, you are the first to take linerider really to a new interactive level, great!
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