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Topic, Game "Jump Gear 2"

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THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Fantastic game! I love the gameplay, the controls, the graphics and the music aswell. :D
- Sometimes if land hard the game freezes. Anyone else expiriencing this?
- The game definently needs some easier levels.
- What is the name of the song? ;)
jp 16 years ago
  The game is updated.
- Tricks have been added
- The "Knock out" effect has been improved (it doesn't appear anymore when knocking the head from the bottom).

New testers : Captain_404, THeNiNJa , and Sword-Guy.

I'm waiting some feedback about the tricks, are they clear enough to understand, are they really necessary, does they add some fun ?

Also about the controls.

And all other subjects you might wanted to talk about.

@birjolaxew, what you ask is not possible. The finish line must be on the right of the hero.
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Try to ask jp to change it. :)
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Yes, but im making a go backwards level so it is annoying!
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  That's just how the game swf is made?
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  I mean, that if you create a level, and then move the goal to the left of the place where the car starts, will the level, as soon as it starts be completed! Why?
jessiah96 16 years ago
  jp can i plz play jump gear 2
Friend 16 years ago
  i think birjolaxew wants to know why the level doesn't end until you pass the goal/exit, instead of ending as soon as you touch it (if that's any easier to understand, and it might not be what he meant)
jp 16 years ago
  @bitjolaxew, for the pg up pg down, this is what I intended to do.
For the other problem I don't understand, try to describe more precisely the problem please.
@Friend, thx, I willadd you in the next waves.
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Why is it, when you are on right side of finish that you have completed and not when you touch it? Also on my computer is zoom out/in "Pg up"/"Pg down".
Friend 16 years ago
  if i'm needed i would test this game.
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Great music! Where do you get all this perfect music to all your games? First time i hear it (A sound problem on my computer has been fixed)
jessiah96 16 years ago
  jp can i be a tester plz
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  This is one of the games, that i, when start playing don´t like and then after some days do i start to like it more and more! Super game!
Sruixan 16 years ago
  Well, when you need a tester for the next set of updates, I'll be more than happy to help!
jp 16 years ago
@bitjolexew, I've sent an email to you to go on this discussion.
birjolaxew 16 years ago

It started second time i played the game, and in a map, like "Start in a hole" can i complete it, whitout the camera, so i can get scores.
I have uploaded the picture at this site:
serduck 16 years ago
  I tried two maps but i did not have any problems when the clock reaches 20 seconds.
And the spinning is very good now for me.I can land properly at any case. I tried lots of jumps from different ramps.
@birjolaxew :Upload your screenshot to a picture host site or try any file host site.Hope it helps.
jp 16 years ago
  Can you use a free service like to upload it?

As I can see you achieved some scores, I guess it's not systematic ? Can you remember a suite of thigns you are doing before this happens ?
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  It happens whit all maps, so in "Start in a hole" do it happens in the beginning of the map. I can´t make it follow my car again by pressing spacebar or reload. I can´t do anything to make it follow my again.

I have made a screenshot of the problem, but how do i gonna show you?
jp 16 years ago
  This sounds like a bug but I don't have enough details to correct it. The replay problem is maybe related to this. Could you make a screen capture of you can see when the camera stops moving ?
1) Is it systematic ?
2) What do you mean by "reach 20" because the level starts already at 20 seconds, so you mean at the
begining of the level ?
3) when the bug happens, do you have to reload the game or can resume the camera moves by pressing the spacebar ?
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  I mean, that when it reach 20 the camera stops moving, but i can still move.
jp 16 years ago
  birjolaxew, I don't understand what you mean about the map stop. You talk about the first level ? This level is showing 20 seconds left at the begining. When you say that the map stops, you mean that the game is paused and you can resume it with the spacebar ?
Also there is a problem with the replay of your best score. This is anoyig, do you remember something speical about this ? When you beat my score, did you play again after and was the replay of your own race OK ? I've removed the replay now.
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Much better spin... But i got a new problem... When the clock says there are 20 seconds left do the map stop!
jp 16 years ago
  [UPDATE] I've increased the reactivity opf the spin. When you press the left/righ key, the car will reach its max rotation speed more quickly. The rotation speed itself has not been changed because it's less easy to do than it seems. I hope it's better, let me know if it is still too hard to control the landings.

@Sword-guy, OK (not right now, read my second post on this stream)
Sword-Guy 16 years ago
  can i be a tester?
jp 16 years ago
  Thx for the feedback!

Both of you don't like the rotation speed so I will make some changes.

Both of you suggest that I should introduce tricks, and perfect landings, so I think I should do something about it (despite this is not an easy evol :)).

@serduck : All the kind of curves you have suggested already exists. You create them by editing a curve. Maybe the editor needs to be more clear on this point.

@birjolaxew :
- For now I will keep the KO feature when the head hits the ground. The level you played is very difficult. I'll wait for more feedback before changing this.
- About the switchs and paths, maybe I will add them on BL but not on the offline version of the game as this is too much complex without a support. Also the reason why I didn't add them is that the ghot rider is much more complex to manage if the curves can move.
- About the info items, I agree, I think i will add them.

@Captain_404 : Sure, as I told above, maybe I will allow more things here on BL than in the standalone version, which I prefer to be quite simple and easy to uderstand.
serduck 16 years ago
  I don't think anything more is needed for a background.It seems cute.I agree that it spins too fast and neither could i pass the part where the screenshot is taken. Switching direction could be fine for me in this case.
Also more track options could be nice for ex. a red track which makes you go faster or a blue one which splashes out some water and makes you slower etc etc..I think these will add more fun both playing and designing.Also i liked the water.
I don't think power-ups are too much necessary..But flips with a proper landing or so would give some points.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  To answer your questions jp, yes, yes, yes. My philosophy is that the user will always appreciate being given more tools and more powerful tools rather than less.

The only time I would justify giving less rather than more is if you're making an art game and adding something would interfere with the emotional impact of the game. However, I don't think that is the case here.
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Ideas, and thoughts.

Great game, but i think the car spins a little to fast, so it is hard to land correct. Also i found out, that if you hold the accelerate, before you start, wont you accelerate before you release it and press it again. It will also be fun whit a kind of score flor tricks so you will get a higher score of you make many tricks (Flips and things like that). I dont really like the "Dont steer" thing, when your head hits floor. In your "UpsideDown" i can´t get past the place where the thumbnail is taken, because my head hits the wall. Also the ability to turn around would be great.

1: I dont miss the water (Here you got slow ground), but about the powerups, i dont really cares. Im not gonna use it.
2: I think the background is fine.
3: patch and switches could be nice. It was my first thought when i came into the editor "Wheres the switches and patches?" The thing i miss most, is the text box.

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