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Topic, Game "Jump Gear 2"

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birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Ok. I really hope your health problems is going to be solved soon to. Hope its not critical.
jp 16 years ago
  Hi there, I'm less available right now. I have some health problems that I hope will be sovled very soon. As you maybe noticed I didn't evaluate many levels and I can't finish the community level right now.
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  It seems like you create some extra spin power if you jump in the air while flipping. Or is it just an illusion?
gameinsky 16 years ago
  hey when i see that ghost ride bug i saw that the ghost exactle does like the player did on last level O_o
i also got an idea:what if ONLY background lines can move ?
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Let JP finish.
Sillius 16 years ago
  Someone who is going to work on the public map or shall we let JP finish it ?
gameinsky 16 years ago
  because it shows how to win and simetimes te level nee to be challengic (maze)
MollyLover19 16 years ago
  Why does the ghost rider do something with the game?
oggologgo 16 years ago
  He means create
gameinsky 16 years ago
  what do you mean with 'greate' ?
Killer2000 16 years ago
  can someone help me how to greate another way in level greate in jump gear 2?
Nikobam 16 years ago
  Its fun if you hold down right button so it starts to make un finished backflips and do that for a while it will start to do it automaticlly
minmay 16 years ago
  If you don't actually make it to the finish line, it's how close you get to the finish line. If you do make it to the finish line, it's how fast you get to the finish line.
geckojsc 16 years ago
  With me, if you pause, then resume, the ghost rider doesn't behave properly. It falls down into the black bit then escapes early.

(edit) I actually don't know if this is a bug or not, as it could just be a messed up replay of my ghost rider.

How do you calculate the best try? Is it just when you got the closest to the finish line, or does time have something to do with it too?
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  I think i found a bug. When you play a level, and make a ghost ride of your best try (I tried this on Can't be too Careful (Jump Gear 2)) and play it again, press pause and wait, then resume the game, the ghost rider will go on like if the game wasn't paused! I used to use this to find out when the break line will break by pressing pause in a few seconds and then when the ghost rider falls down, i have to get to the middle before it breaks.
gameinsky 16 years ago
  i got problems: after some races , the time of the ghost disapear , or the nameor only the ghost!
after a while it fixes , but what is that ?

eheh,(edit) i played a race , then i go to level editor , and i see the ghost rider (while testing)with the name of the ghost rider and the time of the last level played before enterring editor

then it fixed , is my pc lag or a bug ?
Sillius 16 years ago
  I have an idea for something new you could add to the editor: a powerup which makes you SHRINK instead of the traditional grow powerup.
gameinsky 16 years ago
  my best combo is a combo 21 without specia level!
lololol 16 years ago
  You right gameinsky, but it falls down again.
lucariomaster3 16 years ago
  that glitch does not work.
geckojsc 16 years ago
  That's just an illusion. You fall at exactly the same speed you would normally, it just looks different.
gameinsky 16 years ago
  i know a glitch:if you press multyple times really fastthe 'jump' button then you can continue's jumping in air!
BenTen 16 years ago
  Maybe a type of lvl where tricks dont give pionts, so its a race against time?
Sillius 16 years ago
  It could be nice if JP made the (>'-')> "LAST" <('-'<)
part of the map :D
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Anybody going to make more on the All-users-level? I think I will make something if nobody else is going to try.
jp 16 years ago
  I remove the levels that are very very messy. I'll try to coment on your next level.
chifflo 16 years ago
  I uploaded a level but now its gone! what happened?
BenTen 16 years ago
  ok i will create a lvl
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Well, the ghost rider is the see-through car that does a replay of the best score in every level.

My level is a bit of a maze and so people will just be able to follow the ghost rider and beat it.
MollyLover19 16 years ago
  I still don't get the thing with the ghost rider. What does it mean by ruin the game?

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THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Discovery! A new game!
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