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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you.... | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.[edit] you tried to use it AFTER I deleted it [re-edit] run delete_gamelover101.bat [DELETING...] [0%] [16%] [93%] [100%] [DELETION COMPLETE] ![]() demonicyoshi there was a break in the game and it resumes from the last working point so I have the spoon i can use my hands to physically rip the spoon out of your grasp, physically smash your computer, and phsically run away. and gamelover, open your eyes, i killed your sheild with firepower. ![]() Thes poon is in it But since you have no exes, you can't steal the spoon Plus you can't touch the supershield, it'll burn you so I still have the spoon no more exes ![]() Gamelover is so distracted by this that he dosnt notice me stealing the spoon. ![]() I has spoon and gamelover, your sheild is made of matter, so no mater what anti matter will destroy it. photons are light particles, so anti-photons are like anti-matter in light form. So basically my lazor completely disinigrated your sheild on contact and produced the force of humdreds of nueclear bombs in the process. and my phone already was terminated, the APSCUL system terminated it. and i have the spoon. ![]() delete E:\demonicyoshi\electrical\phone.exe I HAVE FIRE POWER! *pulls out my phone... calls secret number* Conecting to APSCUL (Anti-photon Super Concentrated UV lazor) satelight system.... please hold.... conection established... please enter password command ************** targeting system enebled. Please enter cordinates... (targets Gamelover's sheild) System ready to launch. Please enter launch code. ******************** Launch in...3....2....1.... Launch sucessful. Target destroyed. This phone will now be terminated for security purposes. BBZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz... ![]() uninst Game Maker 7.0 PRO inst MakeGame 2009 SP1 edit stealspoon.gme start stealspoon.exe I install it and hack it o it becomes Unfair Game Maker 7.0 PRO and re-make the game and I make it stick to my hand I collect all the spoons with this mac PC that never uses exe files :D [edit] because pop12 cheated to get the spoon so he never got it ![]() start supershield.exe So technically my computer is safe And U has fake spoon. Wait, how'd U get the fake spoon without getting burnt? [edit] thus I have the spoon 215980 matches found delete all deleting... deletimg complete! ERROR! WIN_32.exe NOT FOUND! *all computers fail* ok seeing as there is no computers I make a magnet powered force field and keep the spoon with me! ![]() search replace.exe 2009 matches found Delete all Deleting... Delete complete! start stealspoon.exe " del replace.exe start stealspoon.exe " replace "replace.exe" with "gamelover101" replace "stealspoon.exe" with "givespoontomarioluigi2009.exe" (i have a backup file) " gamelover101 6 minutes ago Oops! When I said throw away I meant throw it to my house I was about to mess up your PC Anyways, I has spoon " replace "gamelover101" with "MarioLuigi2009" | GeneralFirst post of the topicEdit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey. winners: 1000th post Gecko!!! 2000 post Niimporta !!! 3000th post:BlooDemons. |
del MARC2008.usr
Steals spoon