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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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Ahroo 15 years ago
  Actually, I split the REAL spoon in two. xD

pop12 has the other half.
SuperDog 15 years ago
  I caught Jac1 with the movement wand because i made him stop. And I took the spoon and I let him go but before that I put a fake spoon in his hand but he through its the real one :P :P :P :P :P
pop12 15 years ago
  yaay know wheres the choclate suace
Jac1 15 years ago
  You accidently ran in my store and I take the spoon from you!
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Bwahahahaha! Spyro is with me! But.... hes eatin mah Icy creem! xD

Anyways, I split the spoon into two spoons and give you one. xD
pop12 15 years ago
  can we share

ps:ahroo i didnt realise that your pic is spyro
Ahroo 15 years ago
  I got the spoon again and shoved it down Im's windpipe! >:D

and then retrieved it later and ran! xD
pop12 15 years ago
  *one puke later*i got spoon
Ahroo 15 years ago
  I stoled it back and ate it! >:D
pop12 15 years ago
  me me me me me got got got got got got da da da da da spoon spoon spoon spoon
Ahroo 15 years ago
  yes you do, Jac1. a store with everything in it except for spoons. xD

I stoled da spoon. >:D
Jac1 15 years ago
  I have a store? o_O
Im 15 years ago
  Uhh... That thing you have in your hand is a "sssnnnaaaaaakkeeee"...
pop12 15 years ago
  spoon????i got it
Ahroo 15 years ago
  and I went to Jac1's store and bought some thermite to melt the lock. I took the spoon and ran. xD
Garygoh884 15 years ago
  I took the spoon and hide in a lockbox.
gamelover101 15 years ago
PureTheLion 15 years ago
Im 15 years ago
  Cool! There's a purple plastic thing in front of me!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  now that i know whats going on, i unfreeze time.
Im 15 years ago
  The spoon can't be changed into a destroyed spoon. -_-
Ahroo 15 years ago
  DY, the spoon was destroyed(again) so I took one of my spoons and I'm eating ice cream with it. look below. :P
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  not if i freeze time, save superdog and the spoon.

Now while time is still frozen i will try to figure outwhats going on here.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Well, If you try to move the sun, you'll die because the sudden shift in gravity would either fry the earth or send it spinning into the sun, either way you die. >:D
So, being a spirit, I go to Jac1's store and get a 1-up (Jac1's store has EVERYTHING except spoons... D:) And then I go to my house and grab one of my spoons. the spoon is mine and I'm eating minty-chocolate chip ice cream with it! >:D
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Yeah, I can. With my fire wand......

Level up! I got a movement wand.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Well, I pilot my spaceship to crash into the sun, and the spoon is destroyed in the process! now only Chuck Norris can get it out! And I mean ONLY Chuck Norris, you aren't able to control the sun because you would kill yourself and everyone else.>:D
SuperDog 15 years ago
  LOL I can control fire *shouts 'ANYWHERE!' so loudly that every planet on the solar system would hear it if they had ears*
Ahroo 15 years ago
  And so I extinguish the flames and you can't put them back because you can't control flames that aren't on Earth! And thus, I get away with the spoon. Go steal another from gamelover101's cupboard. xD
SuperDog 15 years ago
  So I put flames in the spaceship in the tiniest gaps you have(e.g. under the door, under the windows)
Ahroo 15 years ago
  But I got some new hands at Jac1's store and got the spoon back from you before I got into the spaceship. THEN I went to Mars. xD


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

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