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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
  replace "MarioLuigi" with "gamelover101" inside message

blah blah blah...
*throws MarioLuigi's Computer away*

start stealobj.exe -spoon
Hexicube 14 years ago
  bypassaliens.bat? i'm not alien so still got spoon...
gamelover101 14 years ago
  blah blah blah...
*throws MarioLuigi's Computer away*

start stealobj.exe -spoon
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
  start parentheses.exe

(point towards(spoon))
+-(repeat until((got spoon)=(yes)))
gamelover101 14 years ago
  start bypassaliens.bat

start stealspoon.exe
Hexicube 14 years ago
1: The spoon would then be fake as you made a new one
2: you don't need to set alpha to 100 it is by default
3: you never defined the class 'TheNinja' or 'Spoon' so niether exist

I nuke the moon and use a infinitely power force field powered internally (with a magnet) to keep the spoon safe, it's voice activated so don't try anything...also it has a lot of weapons and a GIGANTIC supercomputer so don't even thing about making an army it will die a while before it's ready!
Gemerald 14 years ago
  then the world blows up and the spoon goes flying into space and lands on the moon. now the aliens have hidden it in their underground lair guarded by 999999999999999999999999 guards... :(
gamelover101 14 years ago
  start stealspoon.exe
end end.exe WTF
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  he aims his guns.
Fires 3 bullets.
They all hit.
3 people die.
he walks away.
he hits the detenation button
continues walking
the police arive.
they find no evidence.
just an emty crator.
in the center lies a spoon.
just 1 spoon.
and no-one to steal it.
until the forth bullet is fired.
Then its war.
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
  end stealspoon.exe
gamelover101 14 years ago
  start stealspoon.exe
THeNiNJa 14 years ago
  #import AS2

object my = new THeNiNJa();
object spoon = new Spoon();
spoon._x = my._x, spoon._y = my._y, spoon._alpha = 100;
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  if itsinvisible and glowing, it looks like light shining around nothing.
, like a randum ball of light.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  I shut off the light and take it!

Wait, how can something invisible glow?
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  i paint the spoon with permenent invisable paint, that glows in the dark.
gamelover101 14 years ago
I took it
SuperDog 14 years ago
  You didn't say how, so you did not steal the spoon, but you still ate his powers so I take the spoon from the floor.
Ahroo 14 years ago
  I EAT your magical soymilk powers and steal the spoon! >:D
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
  i viewed the source:
don't open it if you have a slow computer...

i steal spoon with my magical soymilk powers
Ahroo 14 years ago
  i steel it bak! >:D
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Nawz, I stole MarioLuigi's life (and the spoon)
Ahroo 14 years ago
  I didn't kill you, MarioLuigi2009 did with his meat-ade! xD

so you really killed MarioLuigi2009, not me. xD

anyways, ur dead. D-E-D. xD
gamelover101 14 years ago
  How dare you kill me!
I will kill you and take your life. Ha ha.
Ahroo 14 years ago
  and YOU happened to make MEAT-ade that was not stirred properly and gamelover101 died shortly afterward because of salmonella. xD

And I steal the spoon from YOU! >:D
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago
  IT WAS NOT DELICIOUS!!! IT WAS NOT STIRRED PROPERLY!! because the lemonade wasn't stirred, your message is invisibly destroyed, so i have the spoon!
gamelover101 14 years ago
  I stole the spoon and drank your delicious lemonade
MarioLuigi2009 14 years ago

the lemon trees can't make lemonade
without a spoon to stir it with.

so i'll just take the spoon...
...and bring it to those poor lemon trees... need...

...of a spoon...

gamelover101 14 years ago
  Ahem. Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

Because of that, I don't have to use code!

I stealz spoon!
Ahroo 14 years ago
  del gamelover101CommandReceiver.swf-nooverrideabortordelete

start textedit2.exe


ps wtf r we duing? tis is 4 steal teh star, not steel teh spoon! D8
gamelover101 14 years ago
  start override.exe

del gameloverCommandReciever.swf overriden.

start textedit2.exe

Plus I'm gamelover101, not gamelover. The SWF was faulty already.

[spoiIer] You didn't even steal the spoon. Distraction FTW! [/spoiIer]

Oh dear textedit2 doesn't support spoilers


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

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