Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you.... | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.Also, every non-member of the Blooddemons who eats the cake must pay Ellement 75 a millon dollars (the cost of the cake). While u reading dis math i stolle 5P00|\|!!!!!iiiii!!!!!iiiii I give it to.... teh vice president mmm hes asleep ... ... ... 34 minutes later... ... ... ... *gives spoon to teh leader* who has the spoon? EDIT: Ellement does... EDIT 2: thank you, Gameinsky. marioluigi if it froze its worse than mine(i dont wanna be mean) arcenair *hands over 100 dallors* 128 129 Btw, I reduced a few spoiler in jonasbrother's message and ther space in ML's message | GeneralFirst post of the topicEdit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey. winners: 1000th post Gecko!!! 2000 post Niimporta !!! 3000th post:BlooDemons. |
me= presedent................................................rules- Canada
Jac 1= vice presedent....................................rules- Antartica
Ellement75= treasurer..................................rules- The spoon +
PureTheLion= inventor..................................rules- Auburn, New York
Im= PureTheLion's Assistant .........................rules-Monaco
Sillius= assasin..............................................rules- Tadsjikistan
Marc2008=______.........................................rules- UK
SuperDog=Computer Master........................rules Madagascar
JonasBrothersFan= JonasBrothers Manager... rules Los Angles, California
Gameinsky= Planner.................................. rules Belgium
Baby-yoshi= owned by Jac1
IceCream Truck= Jac1's