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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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gamelover101 15 years ago
  Don't worry, I have 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 lives just like my parents

P.S. I killed the dog and got the spoon.
P.S.S. And dogs don't breathe water
Ahroo 15 years ago
  but I throw an unconscious space dog at gamelover101 and take the spoon back and then kill gamelover101 and you with it! >:D
Im 15 years ago
  But we have captured your parents. Send us the spoon if you don't want them to eat.... Uranium.
gamelover101 15 years ago
  Oh noes!
I steal spoon and run!
And I flooded the town so Nunchuks won't come
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Well, I fend them off with the spoon, the second deadliest weapon in the universe(the deadliest is Chuck Norris' nunchuks)! >:D
Im 15 years ago
  No, the space dogs will kill you, Ahroo Dwagun Spy la Ro III, son of Al Faeriez Elmer la Ro and Margareth Rose la Ro.

Ahroo 15 years ago
  But how are you going to kill me with a baseball bat in space? Spacesuits don't even have proper joints, you'd rip your suit trying! >:D
Im 15 years ago
  Warning! Warning! The dangerous prisoner Ahroo Dwagun Spy la Ro III has flown away! Get him.... Now!

demonicyoshi, I want to get promoted to police dude!
Weapon: Bat (not the flying bat thingy... the one they use for baseball!)! >:D
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Well, I use the spoon to destroy the ground connectors (dumbly put inside) and I jump to whack my cell so I fly into space! >:D
Im 15 years ago
  Ahroo Dwagun Spy la Ro III had done something really bad, huh? Stealing a spoon! He should have been sentenced to 9 million centuries!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  ohh no, prison isnt good enough, we threw you on pluto!
so you can only survive in your jail cell, ot youll run out of air and your lungs will implode.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  ... Maybe. :P

*thrown in jail*

But then you foolishly give me the REAL Spoon so I could eat my humus and I used the spoon to dig out of prison and escape! >:D
Im 15 years ago
  Quiet in the big room of boringness! So, Ahroo Dwagun Spy la Ro III, did you, or did you not steal the spoon?
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  the real spoon isnt plastic. Im sorry, but you have planted a bomb.
So i charge you with being a terrorist and arest you.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  In the hecticness, I take the spoon from DY after knocking him out with a rather large snowball and hide the spoon in the snow, knowing that it's impossible to see in the white snow since plastic spoons are WHITE! >:D
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  Snowball fight!
Im 15 years ago
  demonicyoshi, this... *slurp*... Is the life, man!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  I fire me lazor, melting the polar ice caps, flooding the earth and alowing my submarine to travel into the lake of love. Then i take the spoon, surface and fire me FREEZE RAY. turning the planet into a pile of ice, exept for the Blooddemon mansion.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  how'd you even get to Mars, anyways, DY? O_o

Anyways, I take the spoon bakc and throw it in the lake of love. xD
Im 15 years ago
  niimporta didn't have the spoon on the 2000th post. -_-
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  and i froze time, stole it out of your hand, brought you to antartica, left you there, and then unfroze time.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  So now the spoon is in a green martian cow's stomach? O_O

Well... uh, I guess the game's over. The cow won. xD

NOT! I came back as a spirit and manhandled the spoon out of the cow's stomach!
Im 15 years ago
  TV (Hawt weather lady): Hey, this is the Weather for Mars. It will be raining green cows, known as "Grows" and lot's of huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge rocks.


thats is
Jac1 15 years ago
  TV: Unfortunatly, the radiation got him. More details on this later. And now, the weather...
Ahroo 15 years ago
  TV: He was also reported to have used a plastic spoon to claim Mars for Earth as he forgot to pack the flag.
Im 15 years ago
  TV: It has been reported that a young little noob has been sent to Mars. He lost all the fuel on the way there and he can't return. His name is Ahroo.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  and then I used fishing pole to fish it out of the lake of love. after hours of boringness, I eventually got the spoon! So I ran off th NASA and took a flight to Mars.
gamelover101 15 years ago
  And then I decided to steal it.
I will drain the water

Oh no the power of LOVE is too much!!!
Im 15 years ago
  A shark threw away the spoon made of plastic -_- and it landed in lake Love. I tried to look for it and fell in Love. Someone went to the police and said: "OMG, Im fell in love!!". "Aaaaawwwww!" said the police man.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  then I found and then stole it and didn't know what to do with it, so I threw the spoon in lake Michigan, and since metal rusts in water, the spoon is almost impossible to see in the murk... D:


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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