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Topic, Game "Path 4 Mouse (old)"

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geckojsc 14 years ago
  Nope, it's not the compression. The bug still occurs on the old levels that aren't compressed, and my way of distinguishing old and new levels is very reliable.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I think it's your compression GIS...
[edit] in specific the decompression
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Okay, using JP's tool I found out that the compressed data is actually bigger than the uncompressed data when you convert it to base64 because it uses so many exotic character,s while base64 only uses upper and lowercase letters and numbers, and a few symbols. I'll be removing the LZW compression algorithm but still allowing LZW decompression for the time being to allow backwards compatibility.

Today I aim to sort out that crashing bug.
jp 14 years ago
  You can try to find the last trace before the editor freezes ?
geckojsc 14 years ago
  I only have this crashing bug when I'm loading levels on BL. I haven't had any crashes testing it offline. This means that I can't access the BL debug console or my own text feild because the game will have crashed and I will have no way of gathering whatever information I outputted.
jp 14 years ago
  This is certainly an infinite loop when you unserialize the level data. Add traces on a temporary textfield or on the debug console to solve this.
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Okay, I've got the bug.... Now I just need to find out what's causing it and how I can fix it. It only happens when you edit a level.

One thing I know for sure is that it never happened before, but it does happen now, which means there is something that I have changed or added which is causing the bug to happen. I'll investigate it more tomorrow.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Th editor doesn't crash, because now it doesn't shows up, it mostely crashed because I tried to edit my undone level.
But for some strange reason, I can create new levels.
Well, mostely I try to edit my level "coming from hideouts" the box comes, I can only see the lowest line then everything blocks, all my browsers tabs etc.
Wheni delete one browser, all browsers go away too, and i can't enter the chat anymore till I reboot my computer.
geckojsc 14 years ago
  In the editor I just changed every single function and variable name with 'tile' in it to 'brick', and every single function or variable name with 'map' in it to 'grid'. Nothing changed at all when I uploaded the new editor.
That sort of annoys me, but at least now I know that the bugs have nothing to do with name conflicts.

As for crashing bugs, I have not had any problems at all. Can somebody please give me more information about what is causing the game to crash?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I would still like to see both fla files...just to check a few things and see if I can recommend fixes
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Yep, that's the main problem: the editor doesn't work if you have played or tested any levels! I think the problem might be that I have the same variable names in my editor and in my game engine, for example 'tile1', and 'map'.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  urm i'm actually asking for the fla file for examination :_
[edit] the anti-cheat system isn't working either...
[re-edit] and the game engine is really badly bugged...the timer doesn't stop when completing a level, right-clicking stops tile collisions working on most tiles
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I like how you say 'message to all testers' and submarine95 is admin :P
im gonna find bugs
[edit] that was fast, after I test a level when I return to editor mouse control fails - can't click buttons or place tiles
if you want further help I could use the editor fla file
gameinsky 14 years ago
  A carbon copy is a message for all testers, admins etc...
Can be used by admins and gameauthors, and so far still by forum mods.
Instead of typing the same message each time for each tester and mod; you can make a carbon cop that sends as pm to each tester and admin you check.(it's a checkboxsystem)
gamelover101 14 years ago
  @gecko, what is a carbon copy and how do you do it?
Captain_404 14 years ago
  I can almost guarantee that kind of glitch is being caused by a for/while loop. Make sure you don't have any infinite loops in there!
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Message to all testers:
The level editor for Path4Mouse is buggy, and may crash your browser. Please do not use it for the time being unless you want to help me find the bugs.

Carbon Copy : Submarine95 THeNiNJa iamstormtrooper doomlord gundu allycat369 pkb123 starpower 1jase Sillius Hexicube Captain_404 gameinsky
gameinsky 14 years ago
  The editor is still broken and crashes my computer
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Don't worry about it. I'm perfectly happy with what I've got.
'If it ain't broken, don't fix it...'
Hexicube 14 years ago
  yeah it uses ASCII coding lol
I could make a simpler compressor...somehow :3
Hexicube 14 years ago
  could I perhaps see the compression algorithm? I suspect it uses ASCII character codes...
[edit] I think i've heard of LZW compression before...
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Same for google chrome >_>
Submarine95 14 years ago
  the crashing level editor makes me craaaaazy i dont like the window anymore its evil :O!
gamelover101 14 years ago
  can you at least explain what this game will be about?
geckojsc 14 years ago
  I don't know. I hate setting deadlines because it takes the fun out of programming.
yoshi23 14 years ago
  is the game gonna be out in june or july?
geckojsc 14 years ago
  @JP: Well, I did think about that, but I decided it would be worth it because:

a) If you compressed the data anyway, as long as you used a different algorithm the result would be even smaller!

b) When I wanted to test a level offline, the data was mahoosive! The previous data took up around 400 characters, while the compressed data fits into a tweet!

c) You encrypted the data for all of your games, so it should be fine for me to compress mine!

d) It was easy to tell the old data from the new data, because the old data was a lot larger. This meant I would not have any problems with backwards-compatibility.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  by the look of it I don't think it's the editor, if it was only the window with the editor in would crash unless you only have single core which case everything might freeze for a bit but then be OK
jp 14 years ago
  @gecko, you can implement the compression algorythl if you wish, but this is not useful because the level data you submit to the API is already compressed when save on the servers. This is will increase saving and loading time for a very small improvement.

About the bug, if it crashes each time, that's very good news, easier to correct. Give the name of the level. It's certainly an infinite loop in the editor (something like for (i=0;i<10,i--) )

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