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Topic, Game "Path 4 Mouse (old)"

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Garygoh884 13 years ago
  Who made these awards? Oh, must be you, kizzadude...
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Go ahead, IDC......
devil_piez 13 years ago
  im not making any more official unless there great
gamelover101 13 years ago
  I'm a grammar nazi, not a wannabe. :p

Kizzadude, You aren't putting capitals and punctuation in your sentences! >:O
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  @kizzadude: that's fine by me!
Elizea 13 years ago
  @Gamelover101, I never said I meant you(:

As you instantly thought I was meaning you, you must find yourself somekind of wannabe admin/grammar nazi/syntax overuser. Idk, but if you wouldn't, you had been wondering who I mean with my message.
devil_piez 13 years ago
  have i got this popular again?
devil_piez 13 years ago
  daft_punk you can now play but not an admin
gamelover101 13 years ago
  I posted the message before you cahnged it. :p

Hey! Perfect banner ideas! :D

But heck, I never said I wanted to be admin. I said tester, but oh well, might as well leave it like this. :p
Hexicube 13 years ago
  "Heck, I may be admin in BLaster Towers..."
Neon Defence...I just havent gotten around to actually changing the name XP
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I still think that people should refrain for being mod-ish, I was kind of in fault to repeat Elizea's words...but please, reading the thing once is enough :)
Elizea 13 years ago
  Oh great, our own wannabe admin/grammar nazi/syntax overuser strikes again, hide!
rocky 13 years ago
  VERY well said. This should teach some people a lesson.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Heck, I may be admin in Neon Defence (name change courtesy of MARC2008 >:T), but there's really nothing special about it.

Editing messages? There isn't any to do to.

Evaluating? The game engine is incomplete. Even if it's done, I doubt it'll be too fun.

So IMO, being an admin isn't something to brag about. Nor is it something to abuse. (Perfect example: ericcamas)

Seriously, being an admin can't be easy.
Example: Path 4 Mouse has dozen and dozens of new levels when it was first released. There were hard ones, easy ones, and ones that were in between.

I mean, would you want to have to evaluate all of them? If you don't, people start complaining no matter what.

Elizea, GIS, and DP are right.

Now if that isn't enough, I'm going to show you one last example, from an earlier post:


Note to self: Don't make super-long speeches on forum.

And kizzadude, DO NOT edit this message.
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  It was fun for me in the hour I was one, but I can see hoow if you an admin for a popular game that people may hate / dislike you because you reject or make you edit you level.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Most people want to be admin because they were never before, or because they want to know how it feels like, Elizea just said how it feels like...
Also, being admin isn't always fun...
SuperDog 13 years ago
  I should know what that feels like...
Elizea 13 years ago
  I can tell you. First impression is nice, of course. It's something new and you think you are finally something other look up to. In the end the reality is completely different. People will quite hate you after rejecting their levels (no matter of your argumentation skills). All new levels (that you werent able to see before) are rejected (bad ones!). Also, if you are just few days away, the community sees you as a betrayer. They find that your job is to evaluate levels. Also, you won't get feedback on your new levels from admins anymore (I really wish I would get more actually helping feedback, instead of "quite cool 4/5" or "official 5/5").

I am not saying that you shouldn't accept to be admin if you get invited to be one. I just want people to realize that being an admin shouldn't be anyones goal.
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  SD: Who doesn't? *hint**hint*
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  @GL101: cuz it's fun
SuperDog 13 years ago
  I wonder what it's like, being an admin.
MatthijsM 13 years ago
  i think they get xp points
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Guys, Path 4 Mouse old isn't an official game, nor will it ever be. What's the point of evaluating here?
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  I still wish I was an admin level 1 again. I only got to evaluate 3 levels...It was fun while it lasted :(
devil_piez 13 years ago
  i dont know
gamelover101 13 years ago
  kizzadude, why are you still lvl 99?
Magic_X 13 years ago
  Only they know :P
gamelover101 13 years ago
  What are you two talking about?
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  Please? :)
devil_piez 13 years ago
  i dont think so

(edit) talk bout it on chat

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geckojsc 15 years ago
  -= PATH 4 MOUSE =-

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