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Topic, Game "Path 4 Mouse (old)"

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Shiro 15 years ago
  I thing it will be a long time before Geckojsc will release this, there are only 10 official levels.
PaulWalrus 15 years ago
  niether can I. that's why I want to be a late tester.
Jac1 15 years ago
  I can't wait until this game comes out!
PaulWalrus 15 years ago
  may i be a late tester? or do you need any more?
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Great!!! That's JP's first point fixed, as well as the bug I found on "The Big Spinner".
Testers, please search for bugs!!!
Remember this post I made:
Quoting geckojsc from Game "Path 4 Mouse (old)"
Wow, I just found this amazing mouse game, where you have to cheat to win!

I think P4M is free from most of these cheats, but look out for cheats with your lives! Please...

Here is the guide, so you can try them out on P4M yourself.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Yes... I'm going to try and fix that...

I want all my testers to try and find as many cheats/bugs as possible, so I can fix them! I already noticed one today...
jp 15 years ago
  About the new update, it look sliek the ucrsor is mor reponsive. There is a small glitch, when you move the mouse very quickly and stop suddenly, the followers stay freezed behind the leading dot.

Besides this, as you asked me yesterday, I actually think that there is a need to change the mouse cursor. Maybe not to hide it totally, but at leat, make it translucid in order we can see the small dot when we don't move it.
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  Ok! Thats cool. If you ever want to, i can e-mail the guy the script (I'm clean, no malicious intent here) and revise it, as well has having him give suggestions. :) If your OK with it. If not, you can just tell me the problem, and he can give advice of what type of text to use.
So what do you do in this level? Like, the main point? (objectives, obstacles, etc.) Is it similar to CDvZP? Do you control the cursor with the mousepad/mouse? Or the Keys?

im using a mac. will this hinder me?
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Great! I'm working on making the game cheatproof, but I'll upload the latest version soon, then I'll add a few more testers (including you)...
Right now there are only 11 different tile types, and the editor is just a simple text box filled with numbers (which you must imagine as tiles).
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  more or less. I'm getting help from a guy who developed Diablo 2, and he knows C++ and ActionScript (2 right?). Anyway, I'm familiar, and I'm better at fixing problems than making the script. LOL. Plus I can get some help from him with the script since he knows WAYY more than I do. I can't make games like JG2 or RT, but I know how to make basic jump games. And i mean BASIC.
So id looove to help, if your ok w/ my basic skills and the other guy's help. (don't worry, ive met him in person, he's not a stranger.)
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Sorry to disappoint most of you, but I think I've got quite a lot of testers already... I'm only going to add those who I think will be useful, mostly those who have a very good reputation on the site and those who know how to use Flash.
spiderpeps 15 years ago
  Can i be a tester? I can be very helpful. (Speaking of which what do i do as a tester)? O_O
Edit: I'll read the facts.
Edit: The facts didnt help me at all. :|
Edit: Ok Geckojsc. I'm not being picked then. :(
gameinsky 15 years ago
  can i also be tester ?, i was pretty helpfull on captain dan
niimporta 15 years ago
  Can i be Tester , please geckojsc? ^^
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Sure! I'm updating it soon, so in the next update, I'll add a few more testers (and perhaps remove those who aren't being very helpful).

Storm, can you use Flash?
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  Could I help with this game? I'm already trying to make my own (which is hard) and i would like to check this one out.
Plus, script help from you guys wouldn't be bad, if you wanted to.
Basically asking, can I be a tester? I'd loove to help.
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  Can you choose diff. types of cursors too? Im using mac, so make one that is opposite colors.
This is Flash and actionscript 2 right?
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Wait, instead of making the objective to get the mouse to the finish, it could be to get the snake to the finish. In that case I could hide the mouse completely and just have the snake...

Just a thought, as I don't know if that would look very nice.
For now I'm going to keep trying what I was doing before...
Lloyd 15 years ago
  When is this game for public?
Captain_404 15 years ago
  Heh, yeah, I even cleaned up a bit to make it less frightening first...

I suggest you get just a basic working knowledge of it though, as you will need to know how to alter the collision detection to best fit your game.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I looked at that first code and thought 'Oh my God!'. Then I came back later and saw the other code in your edited message and thought 'Phew!'.

Thanks Captain, that should help.
Captain_404 15 years ago
  I'm not actually talking about drawing a literal line between the two points, rather, checking for collisions every certain number of spaces along a line (or you might say, the distance between) two points.

This is basically what I used for line of sight calculations in CDvZP, they work on the same principles.


Because your tiles aren't strait up squares as the tiles for CDvZP were, you'll need to alter my collision checking code a bit. Hopefully though, this will at least get you started in the right direction.

Also, I should mention, don't just check for the space between one of those dots and the mouse, check between the mouse's last position and the mouse's current position.

Basically, you code could look a little bit like this:


Hopes this helps!
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Sorry Captain, I've tried using the drawing API to make the line between the follow (which now goes to the last place of the mouse every frame) and the mouse, but I really haven't got very far...

Could you please give me that code you were talking about, or even just a few pointers?
Do you think it would be best to use the drawing API, or is there a better way?
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I think it might be your screen... I had the same problem with the monitor I have attached to my laptop (as an extra screen) I might add a brightness level for you, because the problem is that your screen doesn't display the contrast between the black and dark grey very well.
doomlord 15 years ago
  None of the backgrounds work for me.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Wow, I just found this amazing mouse game, where you have to cheat to win!

I think P4M is free from most of these cheats, but look out for cheats with your lives! Please...

Here is the guide, so you can try them out on P4M yourself.
doomlord 15 years ago
  I've got a suggestion. you have a switch object and There's two types of blocks. Whenever you hit the switch, one is visible, the other isn't, and obviously, with collision changing. They flip each time.

Plus also make stars to help the score. And maybe multiple star objects.
Hexicube 15 years ago
  It remembers the backround! Gr8 job.
jp 15 years ago
  I found the background with the clouds a little bit messy.
Don't know if this has already been noticed, but the blinking between "0" and "1" of the counter when the followers are in the green should be corrected to a stable "0".

For the button problems, try to reproduce it locally and to use traces to understand what happens. If you dontt manage, send me your code.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  You can go here to get a basic idea of the game style. You won't be able to play any levels, but you can try out the backgrounds a bit.

Now JP, we need to solve this stop button glitch.

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geckojsc 16 years ago
  -= PATH 4 MOUSE =-

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