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Topic, Game "Path 4 Mouse (old)"

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Hexicube 14 years ago
  I was not as good back
using 1 mc can reduce lag sometimes, and allows holding of variables upon changing the tile...I can't access variables in the tile when creating them
geckojsc 14 years ago
  What? You're contradicting yourself.
10 months ago you wrote this:
Seperate the walltile, make identifiers for all of them, e.g. wallTile1 wallTile2 etc. [y], whatever)
instead of attachMovie("wallTile", whatever) gotoAndStop()

And then:
It helps because every tile that would be placed has all the tiles inside it, which are all running.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  lol allow me :)
i'll have the files ready for you :D
(also just got trial of CS5 lol)
[edit] argh! I can't access the properties of movieclips when creating them :_
[re-edit] also, i'd recommend using 1 movieclip as a tile and just using gotoAndStop, less code, less lag...
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Woop! Just crashed Flash! Screw that for now, I'll try again when I get back from holiday. (I'm leaving very soon)
Hexicube 14 years ago
  it would help a lot and toggle-able so it's not a nusiance when not needed :)
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Nice one.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  idea: for big tiles make it remove what's in the area of it (check box)
for example filling the area with wall and placing a spinner in will remove the 7x7 area of wall the spinner is in
Hexicube 14 years ago
  roflmao ^^
geckojsc 14 years ago
The problem was that hitTest() work-around. I included it in the editor as well, and it was proably messing up because I used it twice.
That would explain why there was no slow-down or other problems, just that things stopped responding to input.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  hmm...idk i'll keep looking when I can be bothered ;)
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Nope, the problem still exists...
Hexicube 14 years ago
  you never know...AS2 in AS3 = WTF BOOM
geckojsc 14 years ago
  I don't think that's it, but I'll give it a shot.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  I think I might have it...
you've been using 'var BLManager' which could cause it to become's worth a try removing the 'var' bit as I don't use it...
[edit] lol just saw you post on another forum are you actually on holiday? :P
geckojsc 14 years ago
  I've tried to find a solution, but I have no idea what is causing the probelm.

I've uploaded my project to Mediafire. I'm going on holiday for a few days now, so if anybody would like to have a peek and see if they can find the bug while I'm away, that would be very much appreciated. Cheers! ;)
jp 14 years ago
  @gecko, becareful with as2. The flash virtual machine will merge all static variables of embedded swf. Also, if you are using classes in your project, and those classes being used by both the editor and the game, you need to compile and upload both swf each time you modify those classes.

This doesn't happen with as3.
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Don't get too excited! I'll be deleting all the scores once the game engine becomes stable!
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Wee, it's fun to have a such low score compared to others :)
geckojsc 14 years ago
  So even though I'm allowed to have two variables with the same name in the editor and engine, are you trying to say I am not allowed to have two funcions with the same name? The bug must be a conflict between the editor and engine, because like I said, the bug only happens if you play a level and edit a level in one session.
I'll investigate it when I'm next on my laptop, as I'm posting from my iPod right now.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  roflmao that would be a fail
Captain_404 14 years ago
  It's possible that you're accidentally overwriting or deleting your level loading functions.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  id see what happens but net refuses so cant help :_
will tomorrow works before 4pm
geckojsc 14 years ago
  It's really strange... There is no crashing, no perforance issues, animation runs fine, and the debug console says nothing strange...
It's as if all the code just stops performing. How bizarre.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  best guess BLAPI bug...what does the debug console say in BLAPI?
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Can anybody think of a common reason for why the game and editor both stop working if you play a level and edit a level in the same session? (by 'session' I mean spending time on the page without refreshing or reloading the Flash movie)

Carbon Copy : Hexicube Captain_404 jp
Hexicube 14 years ago
  to be safe I think you should output the level BEFORE removing newlines
geckojsc 14 years ago
  I think it was between 300 and 400 characters... I originally did it as an easy way to grab the level data from buggy levels, then I removed the newlines from the levelToArray function without thinking it would make any difference.
jp 14 years ago
  That sounds possible. Do you know approximatively how much characters you were trying to output on one line of the console ?
geckojsc 14 years ago
  Well, it's BL's fault again, but it is perfectly reasonable - I can understand how there might be a limit on how much you can output to the debug console on one line at once.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  lol so it's BLs fault AGAIN? XD

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