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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  I get the real spoon, then i eat it, wait... that was Jac1, not the spoon. oh well...
Jac1 15 years ago
  Too bad, you attracted the ACME Explosive spoon.(you know, the one that Wile E. Coyote uses to eat his cornflakes)
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  WHO HAS THE SPOON?!?!?!?!?!? oh well, i use my spoon magnet to attract it... ah-ha! there it is! spooney! I'll sell you the spoon for 5 dollars. JUST KIDDING!
PureTheLion 15 years ago
oh. wait. i'm already in.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  Its the Bloodemons, me and Jac1's gang.
(the list of all our membors is below.)

you can join is you want, curently there is a 8X better chance of wining 200th post if you join! But you have to be aproved by Jac1, first.
arrowswiss 15 years ago
  demonicyoshi? WHAT THE F ARE YOU SAYING?
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  When in dought, its the bloodemons
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  Really, I don't know :(
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  ok, WHO HAS THE SPOON?! Zodiac, Jac1, Superdog, ME?!?!?!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  Mario luigi, im imune to combustion. When i became level 2, my skin became fire proof (must of been the camoflague genes, they made my skin moist)
SuperDog 15 years ago
  doo doo doo doo doo

OMG Jac1 pwned me
Jac1 15 years ago
  You stole the spoon so you are put into prison by the 11th dimension police!
PureTheLion 15 years ago
  I love AQ

arrowswiss 15 years ago
  zodiac? why did you steal the spoooooon (sobs)
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  demonicyoshi, you spontaneously combusted cuz' you touched my control panel.
PS, zodiac, don't you mean 1500?
Zodiac 15 years ago
  I have the spoon i stealed it! I have a laser cannon and steal it from your bag! And then you will steal it but you cant because i kill you!... SILENCE! I KILL U!

PS, 500th Comment
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  *relizes jac1's mind is being controled*

*uses a device to find the source of the mindcontrol signal*

*goes to that spot, brings some other gang membors*

*steals control panel*

*epic fight breaks out*
Jac1 15 years ago
  Problem is, before my mind was controlled, I gave the spoon to Ellement75, so he has it!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  fine ill update the list.

me= presedent.............................rules- Canada
Jac 1= vice presedent.................rules- Antartica
Ellement75= treasurer...............rules- The spoon +
PureTheLion= inventor...............rules- Auburn, New York
Sillius= assasin...........................rules- Tadsjikistan
Im= Assistant .............................rules-Monaco
Marc2008=______........................rules- UK
SuperDog=Computer Master.....rules Madagascar

Baby-yoshi= owned by Jac1
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  I went into D.11 and came back out right before jac1 bought it on ebay, he owns Baby-yoshi, not me! and my panel of buttons has a new buttton! "Normal Size" *presses button* yay i'm normal!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  but do you know were your blackhole brought you?

it brought you right to Jac1! And your only one inch tall (side efects of blackhole travel may include: shrinking, vomiting, confusion, or pink eyes.
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  demonicyoshi, Jac1 doesn't own me. read my post before my last post. I wasn't in dimension 11 when Jac1 bought it on Ebay, but Baby-yoshi was.
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  omg! this must go on te list!

me= presedent.............................rules- Canada
Jac 1= vice presedent.................rules- Antartica
Ellement75= treasurer...............rules- The spoon +
PureTheLion= inventor...............rules- Auburn, New York
Sillius= assasin...........................rules- Tadsjikistan
Im= Assistant .............................rules-Monaco
Marc2008=______........................rules- UK
SuperDog=Computer Master.....rules Madagascar

Baby-yoshi= owned by Jac1
Marioluigi2009= owned by Jac1

I copied this list from another post, and acording to this, some of our membors have not been acting with the gang. But ill ignore everything before this post if you start now.
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  I have a button that, when pressed, controls peoples minds! if anyone or anything except for me and my clothes touches this, it will spontaniously combust! I controlled jac1 so he gave me the spoon and i brainwashed him so he didn't know dimension 11 was his! Happy Leaf-Erickson Day!
Jac1 15 years ago
  I bought dimension 11 on E-Bay, so officially the spoon, Baby-yoshi and MarioLuigi2009 belong to me!
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  Baby-yoshi, it's not THAT easy! I blow up Im (he's not dead, just unconcious) then I make a black hole with my thing of buttons, and get out of dimension 11!
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Read the spoiler

Ahh... here it is. *Gives the spoon to Im*
Baby-yoshi 15 years ago
  I just some how got the spoon without doing a thing...Mine for now -_-
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  but thats my dimension 11 house. dimension 11 looks just like our demension (3).
Baby-yoshi 15 years ago
  i a skinky thing that can stick on the wall so, i used it to crawl everywhere and i got out...i will sent you a box Mario, "but there is a bomb inside the box' then i explod your house up and ran in to grab the spoon and ran down the the very center of the Earth...


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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