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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you.... | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.I have a gun idea! RT1337 Kills in two shots and cannot jam. BTW AK your golden gun is now property of GL co. xD Good luck getting it from our super safe... ![]() I don't have the spoon. @MarioIsFireball10 Jeffersonsboy doesn't have the spoon. Read why above. ![]() ![]() ![]() In case you were wondering... Here's my depositry! DELTALEAGUE AMMO DEPOSITRY Leader: AK Guns: Vehicles: I have the spoon! I put it in my Goliath! And drive it into a base with 300 other Goliaths! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() According to the rule, you cannot change the spoon into anything. In this case, the spoon would be changed into a destroyed spoon, or a nuked spoon. That prevents you from bombing anything, because you cannot change it into a spoon which universe it's in is being held hostage by some random cube with 10000 nukes. Understand? | GeneralFirst post of the topicEdit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey. winners: 1000th post Gecko!!! 2000 post Niimporta !!! 3000th post:BlooDemons. |
Kills what in 2 shots? A human?
As for the safe, don't you mean MY vault? Only I have access to it. Still that was a dumb thing to do. Now my safe risks getting attacked, and there's a lot of valuable gold in there...
List up:
Gamelover's Co
Base Info:
The main operating base of Gamelover's Co. Home of the SuperShield, Warnbots, and the Super-Computer lab ran by SuperDog. Also includes gamelover101's home, the unlimited supply of yogurt, and the Post Energy Generator. It is located on the scenic steal the spoon topic.
Leader's Assistant:
Computer Technician:
Head Assassin:
Leader's 2nd Assistant:
Hotel Manager:
2nd Inventor:
Weapons (Stats updated almost never):
LazorMatic 1.1
Desc: A lazer. Not just any lazer, the most epic lazer ever! Well, second to the shoop da woop. Instead, this one is a green portable lazer gun. The LazorMatic has a variable damage rate, from 50 charge to 10000 charge.
Charge: 15000 Charge total
Charge rate: 500 Charge per minute
New features (V1.1):
1. Destroys mirrors instead of bounce off them
2. Can not hurt or kill the following users:
3. Weapon cannot be destroyed
Epic Cannon x1:
Desc: A super-fast cannon, equipped with radar that can reach distances of 200 km away from base. Also has the ability to clone, to form a whole army of cannons. The only downside is that it needs cannonballs.
Cannonballs: 60 explosive; 6 antimatter; 150 regular; 216 total
Cannonball Generator:
Rate (Per hour): 20 explosive; 2 antimatter, 50 regular
Cannonball Storage: 3600 cannonballs; 3600 max
H2.5965777246 Sword (Created by
Desc: A powerful sword. It is 2.5965777246 metres long. For every level, 1 strength is added, every 2 levels 1 accurancy is added and every 3 levels 2 luck is added.
Level: 4
Enemies killed: 11
Strength: 5
Accuracy: 3
Luck: 3
VortexTeleports Teleporting System
Desc: The one and only VTT System! This portable teleporter is able to teleport anything to anywhere in the universe. However, going through time will not be implemented to prevent paradoxes. Teleporter is embeded into
Charge: 5000 total
Charge rate: 200 per minute
Spoon Bomb 0.7734 (Created by
Desc: A tiny microchip bomb that can only be implanted on the spoon. Everyone who works at Gamelover's Co. will be given a device with a button, and if you press the button, the bomb explodes and destroys everything in a 1 mile radius away from it. Because the spoon is indestructible, everyone dies (or gets hurt) while the spoon is safe.
Deathgen Toxin
Desc: Created in this topic, this element is highly flammable and can kill anyone who breathes it as a gas. It's pretty much harmless in solid and liquid forms, though. Gamelover101 is, however, immune to this gas because his body produces Gamium. When Gamium and Deathgen react, it forms Gamium Deathide, which is also harmless. Deathgen does not react with any other element. Trace amounts of Deathgen can kill up to 10 people!
Atomic Number: 42
Colour: Grey when Solid/Liquid, Acid Green when Gas
Freezing Point: -52 degrees Celsius
Melting Point: -40 degrees Celsius
Boiling Point: -23 degrees Celsius
Spoon Magnet 3.1415926535 (Created by
Desc: Believe it or not, the spoon has a special chemical composition, and the spoon magnet seeks for the exact radiation heat the chemicals emit using infrared waves. Then the spoon is attracted to the magnet, even if it's over trillions of miles away.
Freezeomatic 1.0
Desc: The perfect companion to the LazorMatic, this epic yet portable Freeze gun can freeze anyone or anything for up to 72 hours! Like the LazorMatic, the Freezomatic also runs on charge, so the length of freeze is variable. This nice little freeze gun can be used as a preservative too! Pretty 'cool', eh?
Charge to Freeze Time Formula: 1 Charge = 5 second freeze
Charge: 51840 Charge total
Charge rate: 960 Charge per minute
The Domo Project (by
Desc: Error: A Domo ate this description.
Domos made so far: 0
# of stuff the Domos ate so far: 0
Pulver-o-matic (Created by
Desc: An automated lazer that can pulverize anything in it's way, more specifically, Gamelover's Co enemies. The pulver-o-matic has to be mounted on a surface, though.
Desc: ROFLCHOPTER PWNS ALL. At least, that's what azz said... How it works? Who knows!
RT1337 Gun (Created by
Desc: A gun that can kill a human in 2 shots. It has an intense fire rate, and seems to never jam. It also doesn't have a bullet limit, so don't worry about wasting your bullets.
GAMEYGUY Security Systems (Powered by SuperShield Technology)
Status: On
Places Secured: Vault; Weapons Gallery; Gamelover's Home; Private Supercomputer; Gamelover's Co Lab; Gamelover's Co Hotel BonusLevel base
Desc: The SuperShield, a shield originally used in steal the star. Now, it has evolved into the 3D world, but the secrets of the SuperShield are only known by gamelover101. And don't even think of stealing it, because the Supershield is embeded in
Status: On
Users Secured:
Cash: $23,930,067.05
Other items: Held by hostage, AK's Golden Gun
OK, everyone in Gamelover's Co gets a Workspace. It's specifically made for YOU, so YOU can do anything you want with it. YOU can also write a list or a description for it. If you're workspace is not shown, YOU haven't built it yet. If YOU want to build one or write something for it, please tell me.
Supercomputer Lab (SuperDog's Workspace):
See Supercomputers Section.
Rocky's Extreme Epic Win Pwnage Lab:
The lab in which rocky makes his inventions. It is a building inside the building, and you need a password to get in (only rocky knows the password, and the walls are made of indestructible and unmeltable metal). It is chock full of tools, chemicals, samples of diseases, samples of animals, samples of machinery, and all that other science-y stuff. In one corner (about 1/4 of the building) is the rest area, with a plasma TV, games, movies, awesome food, comfortable furniture and beds, and 50 really fast computers.
The Secret Hotel base (azz's Workspace):
Accessible through the washing machine and a secret compartment in the front desk, a cool room with:
*Zombie print wallpaper
*Awesome double bed with ultimately comfy mattress and pillows
*X-boxes and PS3's with all the zombie games you could imagine!
*Virtual reality helmet with the game "Zombies revenge 3"
*Super cool view of the government place where they keep all of the cool stuff(aliens,zombies etc.)
*And a "Gamelovers Co. rocks" poster on the wall!
The Room (MarioIsFireball10's Workspace):
The Room is only accessible under my bed.)
The Room is a nice little lair that is accessed through a pipe under my bed that leads to somewhere 50 feet under Hotel Bonuslevel. It has some weapon prototypes in there that I'm making, but you'll need to enter the correct password to get in. (Entering incorrect password results in being fried by a huge arm cannon I got for $8.) There are also books.
There are also 3DS's in there plus every game for the 3DS.
Computers: 265
Working: 192
Broken: 31
Special computers: 4
The Talker 7000: Can talk and discuss things. Quite clever. Its Computer IQ: 354 (Computer IQ is different to Human IQ. It is calculated differently. 354 Computer IQ is 194 Human IQ)
The Object Maker: Creates objects. It has a printer and a Puller. The printer prints objects, and the Puller pulls them to a 3D shape.
The Ruler: Rules USA using SD2000PL (see Programming Languages Section)
Programming languages:
SD2000PL: It is not similar to a proramming language at all. It consists of saying actions like Create *thing* or Help in [] brackets. Used only by Gamelover's Co members.
MSDOS BBCode Edition: A language/operating system that is based on and works like MSDOS Script. Uses the band class instead of code class. Created and ran in a virtual machine in gamelover101's private SuperComputer.
The supercomputers list is partially courtesy of SuperDog.
Post Energy Generator:
Created by gamelover101. It is embedded outside the reality of this topic. It exists inside some mysterius entity known as "The Forums". Every post on this topic automatically generates 25 MW of power to the Bloodemons power reserve and 25 MW to Gamelover's Co.
Status: On
Top Enemies (Incomplete)
1. DeltaLeague (AK)
Secondary Bases/Observatories
Mercury Solar Power Generator (MSPG)
Desc: Located on the blazing planet Mercury, this huge Solar Power Generator is sure to make gigawatts of power! Of course, it is guaranteed to be 100% heatproof.
This project has been delayed due to inactivity for months. Sorry!
Construction: Stage 1: The Structure
Current Budgets: Estimated Startup Budget: $5,000,000.00; Other Budgets TBA
Hotel BonusLevel
Run mainly by Hotel Manager
Which reminds me, azz, would you like to secure your hotel in case AK attacks?