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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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azz 11 years ago
  I throw the spoon into the bedroom of Jeff the Killer. Good luck getting it now.
SuperMario 11 years ago
  We actually can. He turned the spoon into a destroyed spoon. So this is why I take it.
gamelover101 11 years ago
  good job, now neither of us can have it
Spoony 11 years ago
  I get herobrine to kill you instead. Herobrine can't be bribed anything, he kills you and "takes the spoon"
Wait, why did he bent and destroy the spoon?!
*Herobine goes on a massive killing spree destroying any spoons*
gamelover101 11 years ago
  I bribe your "gaurds" with lots of money and they turn on you instead. My spoon! >:D
Spoony 11 years ago
  I get the spoon somehow and it's now gaurded by lots of people.
The Great Mighty Poo 5X
KoopaKungFu 3X
Cluex 7X
All of the Grunty Challenges
Hag-1 4X
try to kill them all oh and i included a beef gate in there
pig 11 years ago
  Spoon stoler robot- STOLE THE SPOON FROM ALAN


ThisIsMyUsername 11 years ago
  There is no spoon.
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  I don't play paintball so i still get the spoon.
SuperMario 11 years ago
But I actually sent those soldiers to stop alan and I take the spoon.
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  I don't need to write how i took the spoon cuz im awesome already
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  you watch koopakungfu?
Spoony 11 years ago
  What cereal? Tyler-o's?
Or maybe you burnt your food in the cup of tea when i was fighting a a living toadstool using a famous turtle youtuber-
SuperMario 11 years ago
  I take the spoon because I have to eat some pudding because I started to hate cereal.
Spoony 11 years ago
  I find the Rejection portal. I throw a bent spoon in it, then shrink Rainbow road and then put it in the portal as well.
Now all of you are burning in a even bigger second cup of tea that is now rainbow colored- A wild toad appeared! Go, koopakungfu!
SuperMario 11 years ago
  Too bad you couldn't brake the car because I broke it :D
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  I jacked mario's kart to ride on rainbow road to get it.
azz 11 years ago
  I pour the cup of tea down the sink and take the spoon out. I throw it onto rainbow road. Good luck staying on the track long enough to get it ;D
Spoony 11 years ago
  I somehow lift Laythe and throw it at a brick and it teleports me to a huge cup of tea in the middle of nowhere- Hey look! It's a spoon!
SuperMario 11 years ago
  I destroy your clurset to spoon it, emmm... steal the spoon.
azz 11 years ago
  I efed ur mom n stol de spon. I keeped it in mah clurset.
gamelover101 11 years ago
  I like Spoony in an alternate dimension in the first post by destroying the teleporter.

I steal the spoon from
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  I still have an extra life in this game so i take the spoon again and then i sue SuperMario for trying to steal it.
Spoony 11 years ago
Reason: You said a bad word, teleport back to very first post, get cupboard, then start the game again!
SuperMario 11 years ago
Reason: You turned the spoon into a stolen spoon. What a mindf***
alanliu12121 11 years ago
You stole the spoon! You are guilty! Verdict: GUILTY!!!!!!!!!

*nabs spoon*
gamelover101 11 years ago
  I steal the spoon from alanliu12121 and SuperMario while they are distracted by the court battle against each other for the spoon. :D
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  I sue SuperMario for the spoon.
SuperMario 11 years ago
  I ban gamelover101 to give me the spoon.

gamelover101 11 years ago
  I pay alanliu12121 to give me the spoon.


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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