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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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BonusLeveLover 11 years ago
  But he accidentally gives it to me thanks to my doppelganger magic!
psychomaster 11 years ago
  Thanks. :P
1jase 11 years ago
  I steal the spoon but I forgot that I am more of a fork person so I give it back
psychomaster 11 years ago
  I eat it then poop out a spoon. Mai spoon.
Jim674 11 years ago
  Sigh, do I really have to do this again?

Look at your spoon, back to me, I have it, it's now my spoon. -_-

And to satisfy psychomaster: look again. The fake spoon is now a trident. Or possibly an emu. Or maybe a cheeseburger.
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  in the year of the lord 1093 sir gawain of orkey back from the lands of the disbelievers visited the mansion of my ancestor the honourable chevalier rupertus oldmanus. he told him his adventures and said he hadn't find the holy grail but he could buy the spoon used by judas iscariot to sup soup at the last supper. as a sign of his deference for my forefather sir gawain entrusted him the spoon. since that day the spoon has been in possession of the family oldman. it's still on the cutlery drawer in my kitchen. or maybe it's just on the dishwasher. anyway the REAL spoon is mine. it always was. and it always will be. all the fight for the fake spoon you do here are bare nonsense.
psychomaster 11 years ago
  Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

Quote from Jster, creator of thread.
Now my spewn.
Jim674 11 years ago
  Look at your spoon. Back to me. I have it. It's now my spoon.

Look again. The spoon is now a trident.

alanliu12121 11 years ago

psychomaster 11 years ago
  I just take it, the simplest way possible. I take it from your hands. THEN, I give you a fake spoon with a Reverse Bomb. *moob moob mooB* Bai, ted! *Runs with spoon*
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  my spoon!ps psycho go eat yourself and you too jim 674!
Jim674 11 years ago
  I use the power of simplicity to steal the spoon in the easiest way imaginable.

If that doesn't work, I'll just get all the giant robots from Evangelion and destroy your hometown.
psychomaster 11 years ago
  I come back from the dead and still have the spoon.
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  I take it and annihilate you with yourself and then I eat cheese
psychomaster 11 years ago
  I just take it, but then murder you with a piece of dust.
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  I wouldn't do that if I were you. I take it and murder you.
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  your head,my spoon!*annihilates oldmanrob*my spoon
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  DOING! is a german onomatopoetic sound you hear if you beat somebody on his head with a spoon. guess who's head, guess who's spoon!
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  NO NO NO you lost the spoon and now noone knows werer it is ha!wait...that means i dont have the spoon either!
SimonM 11 years ago
  Nope, it's Chuck Testa and I get the spoon. :p
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  i steal the spoon and gift it to chuck norris. try to steal the spoon now. hahahahaha

it's: GAME OVER!
gamelover101 11 years ago
  I use the power of trololo against you and take teh spoon
psychomaster 11 years ago
  Trolololo.. *Takes spoon from all away of that stuff* POWER OF TROLOLO!
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  super smash bros brawl!*i fly in on the warpstar and psycho teleports*3,2,1 GO!i used my final smash!YOU MUST DIE!*ULTIMATE FIREWORKS youtube meme and shoop da whoop plus bazooka blast*"i win!"*takes spoon from psychos ashes"i'll be taking my trophy then"
psychomaster 11 years ago
  And I take it back.
alanliu12121 11 years ago
psychomaster 11 years ago
  I got it out of mystery.
totallyepicdude321 11 years ago
  bleh my spoon,1000101011100011001010100101010100001010O101010101010100010101010010010101001010101010100101001010010101010110101010203C9K049KX
gamelover101 11 years ago
  Nothing senseful in the topic. Correction, I takes the spoon.
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  Nothing makes sense in this topic. And yes, I took the spoon.


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

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2000 post Niimporta !!!
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