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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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SuperDog 12 years ago
  tro lo lo lo lo lo lo spoon get!
gamelover101 12 years ago
  Aw no! I forgot to set access credentials for por! and all this time I tried to secure it...
SimonM 12 years ago
  You gave it to me! That's nice. It's my spoon now.
manufan 12 years ago

Loading Commands...

Type a Command... /give spoon

Spoon Given!

Type a Command... /terminate

Terminating POR...

Mah Spoon!
SuperMario 12 years ago
  What por? :|
gamelover101 12 years ago
  I use por to take the spoon to put it in a room that only POR can access. You cannot take por.
chris3000 12 years ago
  My spoon SM, I hide it in my house
SuperMario 12 years ago
  ...unde my bed? *grabs the spoon* *goes to the shop*
nachos 12 years ago
  Ummm... Offtopic much..

I grab the spoon and hide it...
SuperMario 12 years ago
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  I took my gun and shoot some random lamp. Then some paper fell out. I read the text on it and i knew what to do. I went to Australia for some iron, I went to germany for some wires. I went to peru for some coffee. Now my coffe machine is completed. Lets get the spoon.

I asked maxamed for the spoon and he gave me the spoon. ^_^
Maxamed 12 years ago
  But out of nowhere Maxamed jumps out taking the spoon...
manufan 12 years ago
  Unfortunately, my GPS (Global Positioning System) can track the heat emitted by you. I quickly find the cave and strip you of your clothes, jewellery and anything else worth money. I leave you tied to the wall with a cyanide pill in your reach, if you want to die the easy way. I sell all of your possesions to the bank who, in return, tell me the combination of the vault. I find piles of cash and hit something hard, the spoon.

I run away to Timbuktu in Mali and hide in a secret hideout which no-one can suspect...
nachos 12 years ago
  I sneak into your house and drug you so that you fall asleep... I silently go through the door and close it behind me.. I take the spoon and stick in my pocket.. I run blocks and blocks looking for a place to hide it.. I finally come to the city bank.. I ask them to put the spoon in my bank safe and let no one to see it unless its me and I recite the certain password to the safe.. With that I run away and hide in a cave deep in the earth where no one can find me..
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  Following gundu, gundu goes to the Spoon Shop, he buys another spoon, I stop the time, steal the real spoon and put the fake spoon on the place of the real spoon, gundu thinks someopne took fake spoon, he relaxed, me too, COZ I HAVE DA SPOON!
gundu 12 years ago
  *Steals the spoon from SuperMario*

Are you talking about THAT spoon!? *Shows the spoon*

Mwahahah! *runs away*
SuperMario 12 years ago
  After digging 98 holes, I find the spoon in the 99th hole.
nachos 12 years ago
  I drink my eternal life potion and come back invincible and stab jeffersonboy in the back.. I steal the spoon and hide the evidence of the murder.. I then wash the blood off my hands and take the spoon... I grab the spoon and run when I hear a siren wailing.. I run through neighbors avoiding the police.. I final find a safe place to hide... In a garbage can behind and old abandoned house.. After the siren stops I come out of the garbage can and start digging a hole with the spoon... I put the spoon in the hole ,cover it up and run away..
jeffersonsboy 12 years ago
  *takes out another spoon* *takes real spoon* whoops here is your spoon back *gives fake 1* *kills nachos* whoops
nachos 12 years ago
  And just when you thought this topic was dead.... I come and restart the madness by finding the spoon in Bonuslevelovers house... I take the spoon and run to the nearest spoon store and hide it amongst the millions of spoons... I tell the manager that if anyone comes in looking for the spoon to shoot them in the head with the lazer gun I gave him.. With that I run away and hide an ice cave in the Antarctic..

Not trying to be n00bish by bringing this topic back up... But I hated to see it die :P
BonusLeveLover 12 years ago
  I eat nacho cheese with this spoon saying, "The Spoon" on the floor...
gamelover101 13 years ago
  You can't take por. I use por to prevent from getting por. Por is mine, in other words.

Ask meh politely to get it. >_>
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  I stole the spoon...
oldmanrob 13 years ago
  Being a member of the secret police here in Aguadefuego has his advantages. You have all knives and forks you want. Alas I'm not a member of the secret police. Au contraire I'm a member of the resistence army and the only thing i have, beside tons of Por, is THE SPOON. Better you don,t ask why it's me to have it. You don't want to know it.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  You can't do that. Por prevents it.

Por is a substance capable of bending reality, to some extent. I found it while hiking once! :D
AK 13 years ago
  Por was taken out by DeltaLeague.

HhrockhH has the spoon! He hides it in Sleepywood.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  He can't. Por prevents it.
AK 13 years ago
  AranXman2000 cut you in half you with his sword and gave me the spoon! :D
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Por por por got me the spoon.
psychomaster 13 years ago
  explosives got me the spoon!


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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