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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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Ellemennt75 15 years ago
  I made it implode....
Friend 15 years ago
  Really? how did you get it out of my explosion-proof safe?
Ellemennt75 15 years ago
  Spwoons Ish mine..
Friend 15 years ago
  I eat your ice dream. Since you have no use for the spoon you put it in a safe, which I blow up. Then i put the spoon in an explosion-proof safe (I win).
tom122333 15 years ago
  i get Dan to kill u and get me the spoon to eat my ice cream
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  If you stole somebody’s spoon, it wasn’t mine!
Jster95 15 years ago
  pwned. my spoon.
enough said.
MarioLuigi2009 15 years ago
  *nottub sesserp* .nottub a ,yeh .kcuts m'I .parc
!!!hhhhhhhhhhhhhhA Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! hey, i'm back! also, I had 1,000,000 spoons. I still have 999,999! I put them in a safe with 999 million numbers! Thank goodness 4 buttons and spoons!
PS, demonicyoshi, these spoons aren't stinky pinky :)
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  now that i've been revived, i hack into another paralle universe were i can work on my own new invention!

ohh and Jster95 that spoon you are holding so proudly is a bomb. You have one day until it explodes.
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago

Friend 15 years ago
  *presses a nearby revive demonicyoshi button*

Jster95 15 years ago
  i created this forum i will not lose it to the likes of you.
[Epic battle between me and Demonicyoshi] hey look a destroy Demonicyoshi button! I win forum control back. my spoon!
Friend 15 years ago
  That's okay.

*takes all the pink stink spoons and throws them off a cliff into a river* What? They stank!
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  yes but as long as i'm in control of this forum the spoon is pink and smells like garbage.

no refunds!
Jster95 15 years ago
  uhhh I takey your spooney. Ni hao.
SuperDog 15 years ago
  It's a smile in english
Friend 15 years ago
  ":D" is not a word in espanol!
SuperDog 15 years ago
  iHola! :D
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  haha, but my spork can hack into time and space, and i used it to send myself into

and now i control everything on this topic!

<edit/default settings/language=spanish>
SuperDog 15 years ago
  *going to bathroom(Subject=poor)* *escaping* *Shouting: wtf*
Jac1 15 years ago
  In Spoon galaxy, the unlucky number of the game is...


And your present is...

A bomb!

ilikerollingturtle 15 years ago
  I got an award for comment no. 865
And my present is
Jac1 15 years ago
  Only admins can limit me...
Friend 15 years ago
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Well, in my language zero is ten
Shiro 15 years ago
  You can't because you were limited to 0 comments.
SuperDog 15 years ago
murtaza64 15 years ago
  wut? o yawning can limit you

SuperDog is limited to 0 comments, 0 levels, 0 spoons a week
[edit]CloneAbovePost=on for sprite[]
SuperDog 15 years ago
  *Yawn* What happened here? Oh, Too much P's can limit you. MUAHAHA

Jac1 is limited to take 0 spoons a week
I put an antigravity magnet on the spoon so it flew away then I floated in space and took it then made a SuperDog's and ilikerollingturtle's planet and everyone else is pushed by the force of the gravity so they can't get on. Of cource I threw the magnet into space and the space is now floating around itself
Jac1 15 years ago
  I'm still here!
PS, I take the spoon from MarioLuigi2009.
PPS, I throw him into the black hole.
PPPS, each banana has a clone.
PPPPPS, the bananas are mutants.
PPPPPPS, I forgot the PPPPS.
PPPPPPPS, Have fun, all of you!


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

winners: 1000th post Gecko!!!
2000 post Niimporta !!!
3000th post:BlooDemons.
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