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Topic, steal the spoon from the person below you....

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Dynamo 5 years ago
  Well that's just rude, give it back right now, its mine! >:(
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Unfortunately - I took the spoon right out of your hands. What about that?
Dynamo 5 years ago
  I knelt down and picked up the spoon, my fingertips feeling its elegant curves. I felt its strength and wisdom surge through my veins, I had become one with the spoon.

Never again would the spoon fall into the wrong hands.
Dynamo 5 years ago
  Unbeknownst to chris, I paid doctors at the hospital he was born in to implant a tracking chip in his head as a result of finding out that his ancestors had previous ties to the spoon, it was only a matter of time before the spoon fell into his hands. So I follow chris to the factory dressed in black head to toe with a balaclava and night vision goggles to complete the look, I wait til nightfall and manage to hack my way into the security system to disable the security cameras, I use a laser cutter to bust my way through the metal doors and I ninja roll onto the factory floor, everything is pitch black. Perfect time for an ambush. Night vision goggles activated I search the area getting closer and closer to chris' location. I hear a sound coming from the distribution centre, I head towards what seems to be a pile of empty cardboard boxes and begin to reach inside the one closest to me. Suddenly, a hand grabs my arm, gripping it tight it begins to pull me inside... next thing I know I'm in the middle of the Australian outback stood roughly 20m away from chris, he's staring me down, hand rested firmly on what appears to be a shiny silver spoon sat snugly in some kind of spoon sheath. This would be it, the ultimate showdown. Luckily for me I never leave the house without my trusty rusty spoon, the amount of scrapes that bad boy has saved me from is unimaginable. But this was the ultimate prize, my life had been leading up to this moment. There was a look of pure hatred in his eyes, and without a second thought he begins to naruto run towards me, shiny spoon unsheathed. But I'm not scared. I anticipate his special spoon attack and counter it with precision timing. Before he has time to react, I begin to ferociously tickle chris until he is reduced to his knees stuck between an infinite loop of laughter and tears. An unorthodox style I know, but I learned it from none other than the original owner of that almighty spoon. The shiny spoon fell from chris' defeated grasp.
chris3000 5 years ago
  Haha, I stole the spoon and hid inside an unknown factory in Europe.
pig 6 years ago
  I hate soup but I steal it to eat yogurt :P
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  No, I'm pretty sure he was yours. He told me he was going to get the spoon for me. I trusted him - and it landed me the spoon :D
GreenSylveon10 6 years ago
  Did you hire a spy from the opponent team? >:(
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  Except 'your' spy double-crossed you and gave it to me :)
GreenSylveon10 6 years ago
  Great job! By the way, did you know that I hired a spy from TF2? Probably you didn't, because while you're reading this comment, he must have stolen the spoon from your hand and brought back to me while I'm making a trollface.

And no, my spy doesn't accept any type of bribe. >:D
kalina200 6 years ago
  I have the spoon
chris3000 6 years ago
  I threw the spoon in a boxing arena, anyone who wants it will have to fight my superbodyguard Chuck. He is very strong and will beat anyone that tries to steal it.
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  I was there!
kalina200 7 years ago
  It's 5pm

Fight me
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  I'm there, IDK what you're on about.
kalina200 7 years ago
  Im here...

Edit - It seems my challenger isn't here...
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  You. Me. The Copperbox Arena. 5PM tomorrow.
kalina200 7 years ago
  fight me.
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  I'm the abyss? To get it from me: you will have to conquer me :)
GreenSylveon10 7 years ago
  Thank you, I just moved to the abyss!
kalina200 7 years ago
  I hate the abyss, so I throw the spoon into the abyss, goodbye spoon. :'(
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  Why does everyone try the fake spoon trick. 'You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.' Since I teleported the same spoon, and referenced it as 'the spoon' - you caused a paradox :P

I'll take the real spoon anyway.
GreenSylveon10 7 years ago
  It was a fake spoon with dynamite inside! KABOOM!
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  I'll just use my ultra-teleporter to bring it back to me.
GreenSylveon10 7 years ago
  Oh, I casually found the spoon! >:D I'll use my super-launcher to send it very far away!
chris3000 7 years ago
  I took the spoon and hid it inside an ice cream factory. I will not say where it's located, haha. It's 1 out of 50 ice cream factories. Good luck for anyone wanting to find the spoon now.
Coolguy52 7 years ago
  I'll have that back thanks :|
pig 7 years ago
  x=1/4 I took it.. or idk why I did this
Coolguy52 7 years ago
kalina200 7 years ago
  I don't care about the spoon anymore, keep it.


First post of the topic

Jster95 15 years ago
  just a little game to play when your bored that doesn't involve turtles, zombies, cars, or any of the other stuff. Simply steal the spoon from the person below you. Since no one is below me (pulls spoon out of cupboard) I'll start it off. Now where did I put that butterscotch pudding.

Edit: You cannot change the spoon into anything The spoon is the spoon not a fork, a spork, or a monkey.

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